Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.7009

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 330.7009 - Civil rights

Rule 7009.

(1) A provider shall establish measures to prevent and correct a possible violation of civil rights related to the service provision. A violation of civil rights shall be regarded as a violation of recipient rights and shall be subject to remedies established for recipient rights violations.
(2) A recipient shall be permitted, to the maximum extent feasible and in any legal manner, to conduct personal and business affairs and otherwise exercise all rights, benefits, and privileges not divested or limited.
(3) An adult recipient, and a minor when state law allows consent by a minor, shall be presumed legally competent. The presumption may be rebutted only by court appointment of a guardian or exercise by a court of guardianship powers and only to the extent of the scope and duration of that guardianship. A provider shall do all of the following:
(a) Presume the recipient is legally competent if he or she does not have a guardian. A provider shall also presume a recipient with a limited guardian is legally competent in all areas which are not specifically identified as being under the control or scope of the guardian.
(b) Not institute guardianship proceedings, unless there is sufficient reason to doubt the recipient's comprehension, as provided under these rules and the policies and procedures of the provider.
(c) When a recipient's comprehension is in doubt, justification for petitioning the probate court for guardianship consideration shall be entered in the recipient's clinical record.
(d) Not petition for, or otherwise cause the filing of, a petition for guardianship of greater scope than is essential.
(e) Petition or cause a petition to be filed with the court to terminate a recipient's guardian or narrow the scope of the guardian's powers when the recipient demonstrates he or she is capable of providing informed consent.
(4) A provider shall not interfere with the right of a recipient to enter into a marriage contract or obtain or oppose a divorce.
(5) The right of a recipient to participate in the electoral process, including primaries and special and recall elections shall not be abridged. An eligible recipient, including a recipient determined to be legally incompetent, shall have the right to exercise his or her franchise, except those the legislature may exclude from the electoral process by defining mental incompetence in any statute implementing article 2, section 2 of the state constitution of 1963. Facilities shall have procedures which assure all the following:
(a) All recipients 18 years of age or over are canvassed to ascertain their interest in registering to vote, obtaining absentee ballots, and casting ballots. The canvass shall be conducted to allow sufficient time for voter registration and acquisition of absentee ballot, or provided recipients with an opportunity to leave the premises to exercise voting privileges, or to register to vote, or a facility director may require supervisory personnel to accompany recipients and may require recipients to bear reasonable transportation costs.
(b) Arrangements with state and local election officials are made to provide voter registration and casting of ballots for interested recipients at the facility or may elect to encourage the use of absentee ballots.
(c) Facilities shall assist election officials in determining a recipient's place of residence for voting purposes.
(d) Facilities shall not prohibit a recipient from receiving campaign literature, shall permit campaigning by candidates, and may reasonably regulate the time, duration, and location of these activities. A facility director shall permit a recipient to place political advertisements in his or her personal quarters.
(6) A recipient shall be permitted access to religious services and worship on a nondiscriminatory basis. A recipient shall not be coerced into engaging in religious activity.
(7) A recipient's property or living area shall not be searched by a provider unless such a search is authorized in the recipient's plan of service or there is reasonable cause to believe that the recipient is in possession of contraband or property that is excluded from the recipient's possession by the written policies, procedures, or rules of the provider. The following conditions apply to all searches:
(a) A search of the recipient's living area or property shall occur in the presence of a witness. The recipient shall also be present unless he or she declines to be present.
(b) The circumstances surrounding the search shall be entered in the recipient's record, and shall include all the following:
(i) The reason for initiating the search.
(ii) The names of the individuals performing and witnessing the search.
(iii) The results of the search, including a description of the property seized.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.7009

1979 AC; 1983 AACS; 1984 AACS; 1998 AACS; 2007 AACS