Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.1703

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 330.1703 - Individual plan of service

Rule 1703. A placing agency is responsible for the development of the client's individual plan of service and shall comply with the provisions of section 712 of Act No. 258 of the Public Acts of 1974, as amended, being § 330.1712 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and R 330.7199, except that the waiver provisions of R 330.7199(11) shall not apply. An initial individual plan of service shall be provided upon placement and a comprehensive plan developed within 30 days. The individual plan of service shall consist of a treatment plan, a support plan, or both. The individual plan of service shall focus on the needs and preferences of the client and be developed by a planning team comprised of the following entities:

(a) The client.
(b) Individuals of the client's choosing, for example, friends or relatives.
(c) Professionals as needed or desired.

If the client is not satisfied with his or her individual plan of service or modifications made to the plan, the client may object and request a review of the objection by the client services manager in charge of implementing the plan. The review shall be initiated within 5 working days of receipt of the objection. Resolution shall occur in a timely manner. If the client is not satisfied with the resolution, the client may notify his or her client services manager of the client's wish to appeal the resolution to the placing agency. The placing agency shall initiate a review of the appeal within 5 working days and reach a resolution in a timely manner.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.1703

1996 AACS