Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.4045

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 330.4045 - Involuntary admissions

Rule 4045.

(1) For the purpose of establishing the point at which hospitalization begins, 1 of the following conditions shall be met:
(a) An individual arrives at or is at a hospital and an application for hospitalization is completed and given to a hospital staff member with a completed certificate.
(b) An individual arrives at or is at a hospital under a court order for immediate hospitalization, other than an order to undergo an examination, after a petition has been filed with the court.
(c) An individual is at a hospital after giving written notice of an intention to terminate formal voluntary hospitalization and the director of the hospital or his or her designee has filed with a court an application for admission by certification and the required certificates.
(2) For the purpose of establishing when an individual may complete a reasonable number of telephone calls and when a preliminary hearing shall be convened if the person is not released, the time an individual is received for hospitalization by certification, or court-ordered immediate hospitalization, is any time the individual arrives at the hospital. A formal voluntary patient who is being admitted as an involuntary patient by application of a hospital director is considered received for hospitalization at the time application and certificates are filed with a probate court.
(3) When an individual is presented to a hospital, the hospital shall do all of the following:
(a) Require that the application for hospitalization, if any, meet the requirements of section 424 of the act.
(b) Require that the certificate accompanying the application, if any, meet the requirements of section 400(K) of the act.
(c) Determine if the individual presented is clinically suitable for informal or formal voluntary hospitalization. If this determination is affirmative, immediately offer the individual the opportunity to apply for hospitalization as an informal or formal voluntary patient, and as many times thereafter as deemed appropriate by the hospital director until an order of hospitalization, alternative treatment, or discharge is received.

If the individual is hospitalized as a voluntary patient, the hospital director shall inform the court and recommend whether dismissal of pending proceedings would or would not be in the best interest of the individual or the public.

(d) Allow the individual to complete not less than 2 phone calls. If the individual does not have sufficient funds on his or her person, calls shall be made at hospital expense with the condition that they be limited to persons who are willing to receive the calls. The hospital director or his or her designee may determine the appropriateness of a call or calls that are at hospital expense and may limit their length to a reasonable duration, but a call shall not be limited to less than 5 minutes. If the hospital director or his or her designee restricts the call, appropriate written documentation of the reasons for the restriction shall be noted in the case record. Under circumstances in which the individual cannot make a call, or if it is necessary to restrict calls that are at hospital expense, the hospital shall place the calls for the individual if so requested.
(e) Provide to the individual, not more than 12 hours after hospitalization, a copy of the application for admission asserting that the individual is a person requiring treatment, a written statement that the individual will be examined by a psychiatrist within 24 hours of the hospitalization, and a written statement, in simple terms, explaining the right of the individual to request a preliminary hearing, to be present at the preliminary hearing, and to be represented by legal counsel, if the individual is certified as a person requiring treatment; a written statement, in simple terms, explaining the right of the individual to a full court hearing, to be present at the hearing, to be represented by legal counsel, to a jury trial, and to an independent evaluation; and a copy of each certificate executed in connection with the individual's hospitalization if available. Each certificate shall be delivered to the individual within 24 hours of either a certificate's completion or receipt of a certificate by the hospital from a source outside the hospital.
(f) If the individual is unable to read or understand the written materials, every effort shall be made to explain them to him or her in a language he or she understands, and a note of the explanation and by whom made shall be entered in the case record.
(g) The admission officer, as soon as administratively possible after receiving an individual by certification who has been certified as a person requiring treatment, shall do all of the following:
(i) Notify the probate court by phone.
(ii) Obtain, when available, the tentative date of the preliminary or full court hearing and the name and address of counsel appointed by the court.
(iii) Notify the patient of this information.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.4045

1979 AC; 1986 AACS