Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.925

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.925 - Mitigation

Rule 5.

(1) As authorized by section 30312(2) of the act, the department may impose conditions on a permit for a use or development if the conditions are designed to remove an impairment to the wetland benefits, to mitigate the impact of a discharge of fill material, or to otherwise improve the water quality.
(2) The department shall consider mitigation only after all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The wetland impacts are otherwise permittable under sections 30302 and 30311 of the act.
(b) No feasible and prudent alternative to avoid wetland impacts exists.
(c) An applicant has used all practical means to minimize impacts to wetlands. This may include the permanent protection of wetlands on the site not directly impacted by the proposed activity.
(3) The department shall require mitigation as a condition of a wetland permit issued under part 303 of the act, except as follows:
(a) The department may waive the mitigation condition if either of the following provisions applies:
(i) The permitted wetland impact is less than 1/3 of an acre and no reasonable opportunity for mitigation exists.
(ii) The basic purpose of the permitted activity is to create or restore wetlands or to increase wetland habitat.
(b) If an activity is authorized and permitted under the authority of a general permit issued under section 30312(1) of the act, then the department shall not require mitigation. Public transportation agencies may provide mitigation for projects authorized under a general permit at sites approved by the department under a memorandum of understanding between the department and public transportation agencies.
(4) The department shall require mitigation to compensate for unavoidable wetland impacts permitted under part 303 of the act utilizing one or more of the following methods:
(a) The restoration of previously existing wetlands.
(b) The creation of new wetlands.
(c) The acquisition of approved credits from a wetland mitigation bank established under R 281.951 et seq.
(d) In certain circumstances, the preservation of existing wetlands. The preservation of existing wetlands may be considered as mitigation only if the department determines that all of the following conditions are met:
(i) The wetlands to be preserved perform exceptional physical or biological functions that are essential to the preservation of the natural resources of the state or the preserved wetlands are an ecological type that is rare or endangered.
(ii) The wetlands to be preserved are under a demonstrable threat of loss or substantial degradation due to human activities that are not under the control of the applicant and that are not otherwise restricted by state law.
(iii) The preservation of the wetlands as mitigation will ensure the permanent protection of the wetlands that would otherwise be lost or substantially degraded.
(5) The restoration of previously existing wetlands is preferred over the creation of new wetlands where none previously existed. Enhancement of existing wetlands is not considered mitigation. For purposes of this rule, wetland restoration means the reestablishment of wetland characteristics and functions at a site where they have ceased to exist through the replacement of wetland hydrology, vegetation, or soils.
(6) An applicant shall submit a mitigation plan when requested by the department. The department may incorporate all or part of the proposed mitigation plan as permit conditions. The mitigation plan shall include all of the following elements:
(a) A statement of mitigation goals and objectives, including the wetland types to be restored, created, or preserved.
(b) Information regarding the mitigation site location and ownership.
(c) A site development plan.
(d) A description of baseline conditions at the proposed mitigation site, including a vicinity map showing all existing rivers, lakes, and streams, and a delineation of existing surface waters and wetlands within the proposed mitigation area.
(e) Performance standards to evaluate the mitigation.
(f) A monitoring plan.
(g) A schedule for completion of the mitigation.
(h) Provisions for the management and long-term protection of the site.The department shall, when requested by the applicant, meet with the applicant to review the applicant's mitigation plan.
(7) An applicant shall provide mitigation to assure that, upon completion, there will be no net loss of wetlands. The mitigation shall meet the following criteria as determined by the department:
(a) Mitigation shall be provided on-site where it is practical to mitigate on site and where beneficial to the wetland resources.
(b) If subdivision (a) of this subrule does not apply, then an applicant shall provide mitigation in the immediate vicinity of the permitted activity if practical and beneficial to the wetland resources. "Immediate vicinity" means within the same watershed as the location of the proposed project. For purposes of this rule, a watershed refers to a drainage area in which the permitted activity occurs where it may be possible to restore certain wetland functions, including hydrologic, water quality, and aquatic habitat functions. Watershed boundaries are shown in Figure 1 in R 281.951.
(c) Mitigation shall be on-site or in the immediate vicinity of the permitted activity unless the department determines that subdivisions (a) and (b) of this subrule are infeasible and impractical.
(d) The department shall require that mitigation be of a similar ecological type as the impacted wetland where feasible and practical.
(e) If the replacement wetland is of a similar ecological type as the impacted wetland, then the department shall require that the ratio of acres of wetland mitigation provided for each acre of permitted wetland loss shall be as follows:
(i) Restoration or creation of 5.0 acres of mitigation for 1.0 acre of permitted impact on wetland types that are rare or imperiled on a statewide basis.
(ii) Restoration or creation of 2.0 acres of mitigation for 1.0 acre of permitted impact on forested wetland types, coastal wetlands not included under (i) of this subdivision, and wetlands that border upon inland lakes.
(iii) Restoration or creation of 1.5 acres of mitigation for 1.0 acre of permitted impact on all other wetland types.
(iv) 10 acres of mitigation for 1.0 acre of impact in situations where the mitigation is in the form of preservation of existing wetland as defined in subrule (4) of this rule.
(f) The department may adjust the ratios prescribed by this rule as follows:
(i) The ratio may be increased if the replacement wetland is of a different ecological type than the impacted wetland.
(ii) If the department determines that an adjustment would be beneficial to the wetland resources due to factors specific to the mitigation site or the site of the proposed activity, then the department may increase or decrease the number of acres of mitigation to be provided by no more than 20 percent. This shall not limit the amount which a ratio may be increased under subdivision (f)(i) of this subrule.
(g) The mitigation shall give consideration to replacement of the predominant wetland benefits lost within the impacted wetland.
(h) The department shall double the required ratios if a permit is issued for an application accepted under section 30306(5) of the act.
(i) The department shall determine mitigation ratios for wetland dependent activities on a site-specific basis.
(8) Except where mitigation is to occur on state or federally owned property or where the mitigation is to occur in the same municipality where the project is proposed, the department shall give notice to the municipality where the proposed mitigation site is located and shall provide an opportunity to comment in writing to the department on the proposed mitigation plan before a mitigation plan is approved by the department.
(9) An applicant shall complete mitigation activities before initiating other permitted activities, unless a concurrent schedule is agreed upon between the department and the applicant, and an adequate financial assurance mechanism is provided by the applicant.
(10) The department may require financial assurances to ensure that mitigation is accomplished as specified.
(11) An applicant shall protect the mitigation area by a permanent conservation easement or similar instrument that provides for the permanent protection of the natural resource functions and values of the mitigation site, unless the department determines that such controls are impractical to impose in conjunction with mitigation that was undertaken as part of state funded response activity under Act No. 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, as amended.
(12) An applicant, with the approval of the department, may provide all or a portion of the mitigation through the acquisition of approved credits from a wetland mitigation bank established under R 281.951 et seq. One credit shall be utilized for each acre of mitigation required under subrule (7) of this rule.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.925

1988 AACS