Rule 1219.
(TUA effluent)(MF) > acute PEL
Where: "TUA effluent" is the maximum of the daily values determined pursuant to subdivision (a)(i) of this subrule.
"MF" is the multiplying factor determined using the acute toxicity test results for the most sensitive species as specified in subdivision (a)(i) of thissubrule. If none of the acute toxicity tests yield quantifiable results, then the MF shall be 1. Where there is at least 1 but fewer than 10 acute toxicity tests with quantifiable results, the multiplying factor taken from table 5 shall be based on a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.6. Where there are 10 or more acute toxicity tests with quantifiable results, the multiplying factor taken from table 5 shall be based on a CV calculated as the standard deviation of the acute toxicity test results divided by the arithmetic mean of those test results. For the purpose of selecting a MF from table 5, "n" shall equal the total number of quantifiable and nonquantifiable acute toxicity test results. For the purpose of developing a calculated CV, acute toxicity tests that do not yield quantifiable results shall equal 1.0 TUa. If the calculated CV is [LESS THAN EQUAL TO]0.05, then the MF shall be 1.
"Acute PEL" is the preliminary acute wet limitation derived for the facility under subrule (5)(c) of this rule.
(TUC effluent)(MF) >
chronic PEL
"TUC effluent" is the maximum of the monthly values determined pursuant to subdivision (a)(ii) of this subrule.
"MF" is the multiplying factor determined using the chronic toxicity test results for the most sensitive species as specified in subdivision (a)(ii) of this subrule. If none of the chronic toxicity tests yield quantifiable results, then the MF shall be 1. Where there is at least 1 but fewer than 10 chronic toxicity tests with quantifiable results, the multiplying factor taken from table 5 shall be based on a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.6. Where there are 10 or more chronic toxicity tests with quantifiable results, the multiplying factor taken from table 5 shall be based on a CV calculated as the standard deviation of the chronic toxicity test results divided by the arithmetic mean of those test results. For the purpose of selecting a MF from table 5, "n" shall equal the total number of quantifiable and nonquantifiable chronic toxicity test results. For the purpose of developing a calculated CV, chronic toxicity tests that do not yield quantifiable results shall equal 1.0 TUc. If the calculated CV is [LESS THAN EQUAL TO]0.05, then the MF shall be 1.
"Chronic PEL" is the preliminary chronic wet limitation derived for the facility under subrule (5)(a) or (b) of this rule.
W = the condition specified in subrule (1)(b) of this rule.
Qe = effluent design flow, which is the annual average design flow for municipalities and maximum authorized flow for other facilities, unless it can be demonstrated to the department that an alternate design flow is appropriate.
Qr = flow of the receiving water allocated for mixing under R 323.1082. If a discharger has an intake upstream of the point of discharge, then Qr shall reflect the reduction in design flow attributable to the intake.
WET limit = (W)(Q + 1) Where:
W = the condition specified in subrule (1)(b) of this rule.
Q = the number of parts receiving water allowed for mixing under R 323.1082(5).
Mich. Admin. Code R. 323.1219