Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6013

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.6013 - West Michigan Great Lakes state bottomland preserve; establishment

Rule 13.

(1) The following described area is established as the West Michigan Great Lakes state bottomland preserve:
(a) An area of Lake Michigan bottomlands including the water surface described as: beginning north of the Big Sable Lighthouse at a point on the shoreline N44Chr(176) 04.900 / W086Chr(176) 29.430 and following the natural ordinary high-water mark southerly to a point on the shoreline N42Chr(176) 50.017 / W086Chr(176) 12.683, thence due west 4 statute miles, thence northerly parallel to the natural ordinary high-water mark to a point 4 statute miles due west of said shoreline point N44Chr(176) 04.900 / W086Chr(176) 29.430, thence due east 4 statute miles to the point of beginning, containing 345 square miles, more or less.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6013

2012 AACS