Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6011

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.6011 - Southwest Michigan Great Lakes state bottomland preserve; establishment

Rule 11.

(1) The following described area is established as the Southwest Michigan Great Lakes state bottomland preserve:

A 370 square mile area of Lake Michigan, including state-owned public trust bottomlands, extending upward and including the water surface described as: Beginning at the point where the east-west quarter line of Section 9, township 5 north, range 16 west, Ottawa County, Michigan, intersects the ordinary high water mark of Lake Michigan(elevation 580.5 feet, international Great Lakes datum 1985), approximate latitude 42 degrees 50 minutes 01 seconds north longitude 86 degrees 12 minutes 41 seconds west; thence westerly on a heading north 88 degrees 52 minutes 35 seconds west 4.02 miles to the point at latitude 42 degrees 50 minutes north longitude 86 degrees 17 minutes 26 seconds west; thence southwesterly on a heading south 03 degrees 54 minutes 08 seconds west 12.51 miles to the point at latitude 42 degrees 39 minutes 08 seconds north longitude 86 degrees 18 minutes 06 seconds west; thence southwesterly on a heading south 16 degrees 44 minutes 13 seconds west 17.42 miles to the point at latitude 42 degrees 24 minutes 32 seconds north longitude 86 degrees 23 minutes 32 seconds west; thence southwesterly on a heading south 28 degrees 54 minutes 23 seconds west 23.01 miles to the point at latitude 42 degrees 06 minutes 47 seconds north longitude 86 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds west; thence southwesterly on a heading south 25 degrees 15 minutes 44 seconds west 14.87 miles to the point at latitude 41 degrees 54 minutes 57 seconds north longitude 86 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds west; thence southeasterly on a heading south 47 degrees 05 minutes 35 seconds 4.65 miles to a point where the south line of Section 9, township 7 south, range 20 west, Berrien County, intersects the ordinary high water mark of Lake Michigan (elevation 580.5 feet, international Great Lakes datum 1985), thence northerly, and northeasterly along the ordinary high water mark to the point of beginning.

(2) The Southwest Michigan Great Lakes state bottomland preserve is illustrated in Figure 1 as follows:

**** For Map see attached file labeled "Figures" ****

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6011

1999 AACS