Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.8912 - Match requirements for grantsRule 12.
(1) A grantee shall contribute match funds according to the following: (a) A grantee who receives grant funds under any of the following activities shall contribute not less than 25% of the project's total cost as match:(i) R 324.8907(1)(a), implementing portions of the surface water monitoring strategy.(ii) R 324.8907(1)(d), implementing water quality protection or improvement recommendations in approved watershed management plans that place a strong emphasis on protecting high quality waters.(iii) R 324.8907(1)(e), implementing recommendations in LaMPs and RAPs that will directly protect or improve water quality, other than the recommendations that involve remediation of contaminated sediments.(iv) R 324.8907(1)(f), implementing programs to identify and require the correction of illicit connections to separate storm sewer systems.(v) R 324.8907(1)(g)(i), identifying failing septic systems, determining the extent of failing on-site systems, and determining the impact of failing on-site systems on designated uses.(vi) R 324.8907(1)(h), locating and plugging abandoned wells within wellhead protection areas.(b) A grantee who receives funding under R 324.8907(1)(c), implementing water quality protection or improvement activities in approved watershed management plans that are required under a NPDES wastewater discharge permit for stormwater discharges from separate stormwater drainage systems and that are not otherwise required by law, shall contribute not less than 50% of the project's total cost as match.(c) A grantee who receives funding under R 324.8907(g)(ii), implementing corrective measures in areas where failing on-site septic systems have been determined to be threatening or impairing designated uses, shall contribute 66% of the project's total cost as match.(2) The department may accept in-kind services to provide all or a portion of the required match.(3) For all grants except those awarded under R 324.8907(1)(g)and (h), the department may accept as the match requirement a commitment, under terms acceptable to the department, that provides for the maintenance of the project or practices funded by the grant. (a) The commitment shall be incorporated into the contract between the grantee and the department.(b) Any maintenance contracts between the grantee and a third party shall be subject to approval by the department.(c) The maintenance of the project or the practices shall be for a minimum of 20 years after the completion of the project.(d) If the grantee fails to comply with the maintenance terms of the contract throughout the 20-year period, then the department may seek reimbursement of funds equivalent to a proportional amount of the grant funding for which the defaulted maintenance activities were to be provided as match, plus interest in an amount not to exceed 0.75% per month from the date on which the department requests repayment. Funds recovered under this subrule shall be available only for commitment to future contracts awarded under these rules.(4) A grantee implementing an abandoned well management grant under R 324.8907(1)(h) shall provide documentation of a local match to the grant assistance through 1 or more of the following: (a) Identification of an item within a local budget dedicated to conducting abandoned well, temporarily abandoned well, or active well management activities in an amount not less than the local match. Activities acceptable as match may include any of the following: (i) Implementation of ordinances that reduce or eliminate the creation of unplugged abandoned wells by any of the following: (A) Promoting the plugging of abandoned wells when community public water service is provided.(B) Requiring the plugging of abandoned wells before demolition of buildings.(C) Requiring the plugging of abandoned wells before modifications of land use zoning classifications are granted.(D) Other similar strategies.(ii) Implementation of partnership agreements between townships, municipalities, villages, or local agencies for the purpose of abandoned well management.(iii) Mapping the locations of active wells within a wellhead protection area using global positioning system/geographic information system technology.(iv) Creation of geographic information system databases and the purchase of computer software to track the status of active wells inside wellhead protection areas.(v) Grant-eligible activities defined in R 324.8916.(b) A written agreement committing the applicant to an expenditure of funds in an amount not less than the local match.(c) Evidence of previous local expenditures on abandoned well, temporarily abandoned well, and active well management and plugging activities within a wellhead protection area under 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.12701 et seq., that were completed after October 1, 1998.(d) A combination of any of the items specified in subdivisions (a) to (c) of this subrule.Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8912