Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8909

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.8909 - Application and process for grants

Rule 9.

(1) The department shall issue a request for proposals each fiscal year in which clean water fund funding is available for grants.
(2) Requests for proposals shall include all of the following information:
(a) Instructions and forms needed by the applicant.
(b) The types of proposals being solicited.
(c) The application due date.
(3) An applicant shall submit an application to the department in the format prescribed by the department and on forms provided by the department.
(4) Applications for grants shall include all of the following information:
(a) Information about the applicant, including all of the following information:
(i) The applicant's name, address, telephone number, and other pertinent information.
(ii) The qualifications of the applicant's key project staff.
(iii)A statement from a certified public accountant as to when an audit was last conducted, the scope and date of the audit, and a general statement as to the results of the audit.
(b) A description of the project, including all of the following information:
(i) The nature of the surface water quality concern to be addressed, the abandoned well management project to be conducted, or the monitoring activity to be undertaken.
(ii) The project goals and objectives.
(iii) For projects implementing a portion of an approved watershed management plan, all of the following information:
(A) A statement identifying the associated approved watershed management plan.
(B) A statement verifying that the plan is current.
(C) A description of how the project is consistent with the tasks in R 324.8913(2)(g).
(c) Identification of the partners participating in the project and their roles.
(d) A work plan that includes all of the following information:
(i) Tasks to be completed.
(ii) The entity or individual responsible for completing each task.
(iii) A timetable of significant milestones and deliverables.
(e) Identification of any information and education activities.
(f) Budget information, including all of the following information:
(i) Anticipated expenditures.
(ii) Local match and the sources of match.
(iii) The amount of the grant being applied for.
(g) A statement that the proposed project is in compliance with state laws and rules or will result in compliance with state laws and rules.
(h) A statement verifying that all monitoring activities to be undertaken will be carried out in accordance with R 324.8914.
(i) A description of the steps to be taken to assure the long-term sustainability of the project, where appropriate, including both of the following:
(i) Steps to institutionalize the best management practices implemented in the project.
(ii) Commitments by appropriate entities or individuals to maintain the best management practices and the period of time over which the commitments are applicable.
(j) An 8&frac12 inch by 11 inch project location map.
(k) In addition, applicants for abandoned well management grants under R 324.8907(1)(h), shall provide all of the following:
(i) A list of members of an abandoned well management team.
(ii) Verification that a representative of the county or district health department was requested by the applicant to participate in the abandoned well management team.
(iii) A description of the methods to be used to identify the owners of abandoned or temporarily abandoned wells.
(iv) A description of the methods to be used to locate abandoned wells, including identification of the persons responsible for conducting the abandoned well search activity.
(v) A description of the methods to be used to administer the abandoned well plugging activity.
(l) Applicants for abandoned well management grants under R 324.8907(1)(h) are exempt from subdivisions (h) to (i) and (m) to (q) of this subrule.
(m) For applications that propose to implement projects under R 324.8907(1)(c) to (e), an evaluation component that describes how success in achieving the goals and objectives will be determined.
(n) For applications that propose to implement structural best management practices under R 324.8907(1)(c) to (e), on sites where site plans have been developed, an applicant shall submit all of the following unless the applicant demonstrates, in writing, that the following do not apply:
(i) Engineered plans.
(ii) The basis of design.
(iii)A statement indicating the specifications that were used.
(iv) A statement verifying that all applicable permits will be obtained before implementation.
(v) A maintenance plan.
(o) For applications that propose to implement structural best management practices under R 324.8907(1)(c) to (e), on sites where site plans have not been developed, an applicant shall submit both of the following:
(i) An 8&frac12 inch by 11 inch conceptual site plan showing the location of natural features and the proposed best management practices.
(ii) A statement indicating that final plans consistent with subdivision (n) of this subrule will be submitted to the department and approved by the department before construction. The department shall incorporate the commitment into the project contract.
(p) Plans and specifications submitted shall bear 1 or more seals of a registered professional engineer or registered landscape architect or equivalent as appropriate for the proposed project and approved by the department.
(q) The department reserves the right to review, require modification of, and approve all site plans submitted for grant funding.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8909

2000 AACS