Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8904

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.8904 - Definitions; H to N

Rule 4. As used in these rules:

(a) "High quality waters" means any of the following:
(i) Wild and scenic rivers designated under the federal wild and scenic rivers act of 1991, Public Law 102-249, 16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.
(ii) River reaches designated under part 305 of Act No. 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, as amended, MCL 324.30501 et seq.
(iii) All inland lakes identified in the publication entitled, "Coldwater Lakes of Michigan," as published in August 1976 by the department of natural resources, under the authority of part 411 of 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.41101 et seq., and which are designated for, and protected as, coldwater fisheries.
(iv) All lakes which have public access, which are greater than or equal to 40 acres in size, which are identified in the publication entitled, "Designated Trout Lakes and Regulations," dated September 10, 1998, by the director of the department of natural resources under the authority of part 411 of 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.41101 et seq., and which are designated, and protected as, coldwater fisheries.
(v) All streams identified in the publication entitled, "Designated Trout Streams for the State of Michigan," director's order no. DFI-101.97, by the director of the department of natural resources under the authority of section 48701(m) of 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.48701(m), and which are designated for, and protected as, coldwater fisheries.
(vi) Great lakes and connecting waters.
(vii) Other waterbodies that the applicant can demonstrate to the department contain an abundance, diversity and widespread distribution of members from each of the order plecoptera (stoneflies), ephemeroptera (mayflies), and trichoptera (caddisflies), which are indicators of high quality waters.
(b) "In-kind services" means direct services which are related to the project and which are provided by the applicant or its partner, including any of the following:
(i) Salaries and wages of project staff and others working on the project.
(ii) Time donated to the project, including media time related to the project.
(iii) Cost of rental or purchase of equipment, materials, or supplies.
(iv) Costs of collecting and analyzing water samples to document improvement in water quality.
(v) Costs of installing best management practices or materials donated for the implementation of best management practices.
(vi) Other resources acceptable to the department.
(c) "LaMP" means a lakewide management plan developed under the Great Lakes water quality agreement between Canada and the United States, as amended in 1987.
(d) "Local unit of government" means any of the following entities:
(i) A county, city, village, or township or an agency of a county, city, village, or township.
(ii) The office of a county drain commissioner.
(iii) A soil conservation district established under part 93, entitled "Soil Conservation Districts," of 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.9301 et seq.
(iv) A watershed council.
(v) A local health department as defined in section 1105 of 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.1105.
(vi) An authority or any other public body created by or under state law.
(e) "Low tritium public water supply" means a community supply that has had its well water sampled for tritium and had sample results of not more than 1.0 tritium unit.
(f) "Maintenance contract" means a contract for the long-term maintenance of best management practices.
(g) "Match" means that portion of the total project cost that is to be provided by the applicant or its partners from public or private funding sources other than clean Michigan initiative funds and federal clean water act funds awarded as grants by the state.
(h) "Monitoring activity or activities" means any activity or activities carried out to implement the surface water monitoring strategy or provide data to demonstrate water quality improvements as part of the clean water fund grant activities in R 324.8907(1)(c) to (h), including any of the following:
(i) Measuring the chemical character of surface waters of the state, including sediments, fish and wildlife, and measuring stream flow.
(ii) Monitoring the health and condition of associated aquatic communities and physical habitats of surface waters of the state.
(iii) Analyzing and reporting any associated environmental data.
(i) "Nonprofit entity" means an entity that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code.
(10) "NPDES" means the national pollutant discharge elimination system.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8904

2000 AACS