Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8806

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.8806 - Project selection factors

Rule 6. In selecting projects for grant award, the department shall consider all of the following factors as they relate to a project:

(a) The anticipated water quality benefits of the project in relation to the costs.
(b) The ability of the applicant and the partners to carry out the project.
(c) A commitment on the part of the applicant to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the project, including a commitment to provide monitoring data or other information that documents improvement in water quality or the reduction of pollutant loads.
(d) The expectation for long-term water quality improvement.
(e) The expectation for long-term protection of high-quality waters.
(f) The consistency of the project with remedial action plans and other regional water quality or watershed management plans approved by the department.
(g) The list of impaired waters under section 303(d) of title III of the federal water pollution control act, 33 U.S.C. §1313.
(h) Commitments for financial and technical assistance from the partners in the project.
(i) Financial and other resource contributions, including in-kind services, by project partners in excess of the contributions required in section 8802(4) of 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.8802(4).
(j) The length of time the applicant has committed to maintain the physical improvements.
(k) Whether the project provides benefits to sources of drinking water.
(l) Letters of support for the proposed project from affected stakeholders and local units of government.
(m) Other information the department considers relevant.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8806

1999 MR 10, Eff. Oct. 28, 1999