Rule 9. The following described area is designated as a sand dune area under the designation of the Pentwater--Summit sand dune area: West 3/4 of fractional section 1; entire sections 2 and 11; west 1/2, southeast 1/4, west 1/2 of northeast 1/4 of section 12; north 1/4 of section 13; north 1/2 of northeast 1/4, southwest 1/4 of northeast 1/4, east 1/2 of northwest 1/4, government lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, northeast 1/4 of southwest 1/4, northwest 1/4 of southeast 1/4, section 14; entire sections 15 and 22; government lots 1, 3, and 4, west 1/2 of southwest 1/4, southeast 1/4 of southwest 1/4, section 23; northwest 1/4 of northwest 1/4 of section 26; entire section 27; government lot 1 section 33; northwest 1/4 of northeast 1/4, northwest 1/4, section 34, T16S, R18W, Oceana county.
West fractional 1/4 of section 30, T17N, R17W; northwest 1/4 of northeast 1/4, south 1/2 of northeast 1/4, government lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, southeast 1/4, section 23; south 1/2 of northeast 1/4, south 1/2, section 24; entire sections 25, 26, 35, and 36, T17N, R18W, Mason county.
Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.409