Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.802

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.802 - Application for permit to drill, convert, and operate injection well

Rule 802.

In addition to requirements in R 324.201, the following additional information shall be submitted with an application for a permit to drill and operate an injection well or to convert a previously drilled well to an injection well:

(a) Notification information including the following:
(i) The name and address of the permittee of each oil, gas, and injection well and permitted location or locations within 1,320 feet of the proposed injection well location.
(ii) The name and address of the last surface owner or owners of record within 1,320 feet of a proposed Class II well location as reasonably determined by the records of the register of deeds office or equalization records.
(b) Required plat pursuant to R 324.201, that also shows the following:
(i) The location and total depth of the proposed injection well.
(ii) Each oil, gas, injection, and abandoned well and permitted location or locations within 1,320 feet of the proposed injection well location, including dry holes and wells that have been plugged and abandoned.
(iii) The surface owner or owners of record of the land on which the proposed injection well is to be located.
(iv) Each permittee of a well or permitted well location within 1,320 feet of the proposed injection well.
(v) Fresh water, irrigation, and public water supply wells within 1,320 feet of the proposed injection well.
(c) If a well is proposed to be converted to an injection well, all requirements of R 324.201(1) and R 324.201(2) apply, and the applicant must submit a copy of the completion report, together with the written geologic description log or record filed pursuant to R 324.418(a) and borehole and stratum evaluation logs filed pursuant to R 324.419(1). Pursuant to R 324.204 any well to be converted for liquid hydrocarbon storage is a proposed Class II well and subject to this subdivision.
(d) Plugging records of all abandoned wells and casing, sealing, and completion records of all other wells within 1,320 feet of the proposed injection well location. An applicant shall also submit a plan refiecting the steps or modifications believed necessary to prevent proposed injected fiuids from migrating into an underground source of drinking water through inadequately plugged, sealed, or completed wells.
(e) A schematic diagram of the proposed injection well that shows all of the following information:
(i) The total depth or plug-back depth of the proposed injection well,
(ii) The geological formation name or names, true vertical depth, thickness, and lithology of the injection interval, and the confining interval.
(iii) The geological formation name or names and the top and bottom depths of all underground sources of drinking water to be penetrated.
(iv) The depths of the top and bottom of the casing or casings and cement to be used in the proposed injection well.
(v) The size of the casing and tubing and the estimated depth of the packer if applicable.
(f) Information showing that injection of fluids into the proposed injection interval will not exceed the injection interval fracture pressure gradient and information showing that injection into the injection interval will not initiate new fractures or propagate existing fractures in the overlying confining interval.
(g) For Class II wells, proposed operating data, including all of the following:
(i) The maximum anticipated daily injection rate expressed as barrels per day or thousand cubic feet per day.
(ii) The types of fluids to be injected. Hydraulic fracturing utilizing diesel fuels in the hydraulic fracturing fluid is subject to Class II regulations. Notwithstanding the provisions of R 324.1406(2), the use of diesel fuels in a proposed hydraulic fracturing fluid is not protected from disclosure.
(iii) Maximum anticipated injection pressure, expressed as psig at the well head, and calculations used to derive that value.
(iv) A qualitative and quantitative analysis of a representative sample of fluids to be injected. A chemical analysis shall be prepared for each type of fluid to be injected showing specific conductance as an indication of the dissolved solids, specific gravity, and a determination of the concentration of calcium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate, sulfide, carbonate, total iron, barium, and bicarbonate. However, if the fluid to be injected is fresh water, then an analysis is not required.
(v) The geological name of the injection interval and the vertical distance separating the top of the injection interval from the base of the deepest underground source of drinking water.
(h) For a proposed injection well to dispose of oil or gas field waste, or both, into an interval that would likely constitute a producing oil or gas pool, a list of all offset operators and certification that the person making application for an injection well has notified all offset operators of the persons intention by certified mail. If within 21 days after the mailing date a substantive objection is filed with the supervisor by an offset operator, then the application shall not be granted without a hearing pursuant to part 12 of these rules. The supervisor may schedule a hearing to determine the need or desirability of granting permission for the proposed injection well.
(i) Identification and description of all faults, structural features, karst, mines, and lost circulation zones within the area of review that can influence fluid migration, well competency, or induced seismicity. The applicant shall include a plan for mitigating risks of identifiable features.
(j) A proposed plugging and abandonment plan and schematic.
(k) Information demonstrating that construction of the well will prevent the movement of fluid that causes endangerment to an underground source of drinking water.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.802

1996 AACS; 2018 MR 11, Eff. 6/7/2018