Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.1117 - Initial testingRule 1117.
(1) When initial testing of an H2S well is performed, in addition to applicable air pollution control commission general rules, a permittee of a well shall comply with all of the following requirements not later than the start of testing if permanent surface facilities have not been installed: (a) One or more wind direction indicators shall be installed and shall be visible from all normal work stations within the test site of class I H2S and class II H2S wells.(b) An incinerator or flare shall be installed for the purpose of burning all gas and stock tank vapor produced during the test. The incinerator or flare shall be equipped with a continuous pilot light or a pilot light outage detector that has an automatic reignition system. The incinerator or flare shall be located not less than 75 feet from the wellhead and test tanks and shall be positioned so that the prevailing winds carry the combustion products away from the site.(c) A flashback prevention system shall be installed between the incinerator or flare and the test tanks.(d) All of the following equipment shall be located at the test site:(i) Not less than 2 self-contained, pressure-demand breathing apparatus that have a 30-minute air supply for class I H2S and class II H2S wells.(ii) A first aid kit for class I H2S and class II H2S wells.(iii) A portable electronic hydrogen sulfide detector for class I H2S and class II H2S wells.(iv) An emergency escape self-contained breathing apparatus for each member of the test crew for class I H2S and class II H2S wells.(v) The supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor may require the use of safety equipment in addition to the equipment listed in R 324.1102(e) if necessary for the safety of the public or the workers.(e) Warning signs that have the word "Danger" or "Caution" followed by the words "Poison Gas" shall be posted at the entrances to all access roads.(f) The supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor shall be notified of the expected start-up date of the initial test.(2) During the test period, a permittee of a well shall determine the hydrogen sulfide content of the gas produced. Hydrogen sulfide content shall be determined on-site using colorimetric or length of stain tubes or other equipment designed to measure hydrogen sulfide concentrations utilizing a procedure approved by the supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor.(3) All gas measurements made during the initial flow test shall be made using a meter that allows all gas metered to be burned.(4) Operations or procedures that require the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus shall be performed only if not less than 2 people who are authorized by the permittee of the well are on-site.(5) The supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor may grant exceptions to this rule when compliance with the provisions of this rule is not necessary to provide for the protection or safety of the public or workers or when the H2S well or associated surface facilities are not likely to constitute sources of nuisance odors.Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.1117