Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.1115

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.1115 - Equipment; electric or mechanical fan; hydrogen sulfide detection and warning system; emergency escape self-contained breathing apparatus; rig floor ventilation

Rule 1115.

(1) A permittee of a well shall install a hydrogen sulfide detection and warning system that activates audible and visual alarms if hydrogen sulfide is detected. Visual alarms shall be activated if a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 10 ppm is detected. Audible alarms shall be activated if a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 20 ppm is detected.
(2) A permittee of a well shall locate hydrogen sulfide sensors as follows:
(a) For rotary rigs, at all of the following locations:
(i) The shale shaker or at the point of first release of gas from the returning stream of drilling fluid.
(ii) On the rig floor.
(iii) In the substructure.
(iv) At the mud hopper.
(b) For cable tool rigs, at the point of first release of gas from the well bore and on the rig floor.
(3) After the sensors are mounted, a permittee of a well shall calibrate the system according to the manufacturer's instructions. The permittee shall test the detection and warning system before drilling into the geological stratum suspected to contain hydrogen sulfide. The permittee shall record the calibrations and tests in the driller's log. The supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor may witness the testing and calibration.
(4) A permittee of a well shall ensure that an emergency escape self- contained breathing apparatus is readily available to every member of the drilling crew at that member's work station and to other personnel required to be on the rig floor during the drilling operation.
(5) A permittee of a well shall ensure that the rig floor and substructure is adequately ventilated to prevent the accumulation of gas. Forced-air ventilation shall be used when natural ventilation is inadequate. An electric or mechanical fan shall be available on the drill site for ventilation.
(6) A permittee of a well shall ensure that the rig floor and substructure of a class IV H2S well is adequately ventilated to prevent the accumulation of gas and shall utilize either a hydrogen sulfide detector that has an audible alarm or an electric or mechanical fan that operates constantly during the operation if natural ventilation is inadequate to keep the wellhead area free from gas.
(7) A permittee of a well shall ensure that well safety equipment is the same equipment that is required under R 324.1102(d) for class I H2S and class II H2S wells and R 324.1102(d)(viii), (ix), and (xi) for class III H2S wells. Safety equipment shall be located at the primary briefing areas for class I H2S and class II H2S wells and at the well site for class III H2S and class IV H2S wells, if safety equipment is required for class IV H2S wells, unless otherwise stated in this rule. The supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor may require the use of safety equipment, in addition to the equipment listed in R 324.1102(d), if necessary for the safety of the public or the workers.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.1115

1996 AACS