Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.1110

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.1110 - Contingency plans for drilling and production

Rule 1110.

(1) A contingency plan for drilling shall be prepared by the applicant to provide an organized plan of action for alerting and protecting personnel at an H2S well site and the public. The contingency plan for drilling shall consist of 2 parts.
(2) Part 1 of the plan shall contain the general procedures that shall be followed in the event of an emergency involving the possible release of hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere and shall include both of the following sections:
(a) A section that lists, by title, personnel to be contacted and their duties and responsibilities. The list shall also include a delegation of duties and responsibilities and shall specify who is responsible for ordering ignition of the H2S well if necessary. The list shall be kept current by the applicant or permittee.
(b) A section that contains all of the following information:
(i) The emergency circumstances that cause the plan to be put into operation.
(ii) The initial procedures to be followed if the plan is activated.
(iii) The actions to be taken to ensure that all personnel known to be on the location are accounted for and that nonessential personnel shall be safely removed.
(iv) The actions to be taken to restrict access of nonessential personnel to the location.
(v) The procedure for notifying the general public, public authorities, as listed in the contingency plan, and safety agencies in the event of an emergency.
(vi) If evacuation of the public is necessary, the procedure for conducting the evacuation.
(vii) The procedures for igniting the H2S well.
(3) Part 2 of the plan shall be site-specific and shall contain all of the following information:
(a) An accurate map that shows the locations of all existing structures used for public or private occupancy, areas maintained for public recreation, roads, and railroads within a 1,300-foot radius of the drilling well in the case of a class I H2S well or within a 500-foot radius of the drilling well in the case of a class II H2S well.
(b) A list of names, telephone numbers, and addresses of all of the following:
(i) Seasonal and permanent residents.
(ii) Private businesses.
(iii) Schools.
(iv) Places of worship.
(v) Hospitals.
(vi) Governmental offices.
(vii) Parties responsible for the areas maintained for public camping or gathering identified on the map.
(c) A list of emergency telephone numbers, including the numbers of all of the following:
(i) Representatives of the permittee.
(ii) Representatives of the drilling contractor.
(iii) The emergency preparedness coordinator.
(iv) Local ambulance services.
(v) Local hospitals.
(vi) Local fire departments.
(vii) The department of environmental quality.
(viii) The pollution emergency alerting system.
(4) An applicant shall submit part 1 of the contingency plan for drilling an H2S well at the request of the supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor. The applicant shall submit part 2 of the contingency plan for drilling an H2S well with the application for a drilling permit. The applicant shall submit a copy of part 2 of the contingency plan to the local emergency preparedness coordinator at the time the application is submitted to the supervisor. The supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor may require that contingency plans for producing H2S wells be updated periodically.
(5) An applicant may request, from the supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor, an exception to the requirement to prepare the map and accompanying list of residences required in subrule (3) of this rule.
(6) A permittee shall prepare a contingency plan for production for any well, surface facility, or flow line subject to this rule. A contingency plan shall contain all of the following information:
(a) Permittee name, well name, location, and permit number of the well or facility.
(b) An accurate map or site plan showing the location of all equipment carrying or containing fluids with hydrogen sulfide.
(c) Names and contact information for local representatives of the permittee who have knowledge of the equipment and authority to take corrective actions at the well or facility in an emergency situation.
(d) Available information on hydrogen sulfide concentrations at the site.
(7) Every 3 years or as required by the supervisor, a permittee shall review contingency plans and certify to the supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor and the local emergency preparedness coordinator that the contingency plans are accurate. The permittee shall update the contingency plan under any of the following conditions and submit a copy of the updated contingency plan to the supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor and the local emergency preparedness coordinator:
(a) A change of the notification process or local representatives of the permittee.
(b) A substantial change in the site conditions or equipment noted on the plan.
(c) A change of the permittee.
(8) A permittee shall provide a contingency plan for production to the supervisor or authorized representative of the supervisor and the local emergency preparedness coordinator for all wells, surface facilities, and flow lines subject to this rule 6 months after the effective date of these amendatory rules for all existing production facilities and before the commencement of production for all production facilities completed after the effective date of these amendatory rules.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.1110

1996 AACS; 2001 AACS