Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.103

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.103 - Definitions; N to Z

Rule 103.

As used in these rules:

(a) "Nuisance odor" means an emission of any gas, vapor, fume, or mist, or combination thereof, from a well or its associated surface facilities, in whatever quantities, that causes, either alone or in reaction with other air contaminants, injurious effects to human health or safety; unreasonable injurious effects to animal life, plant life of significant value, or property; or unreasonable interference with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property.
(b) "Oil and gas operations" means permitting activities required under R 324.201, drilling operations, well completion operations, operation of oil and gas wells, plugging operations, and site restoration.
(c) "Operation of oil and gas wells" means the process of producing oil or gas, or both, or the storage of natural hydrocarbons or liquefied petroleum gas, including all of the following:
(i) Production, pumping, and fiowing.
(ii) Processing.
(iii) Gathering.
(iv) Compressing.
(v) Treating.
(vi) Transporting.
(vii) Conditioning.
(viii) Brine removal and disposal.
(ix) Separating.
(x) Storing.
(xi) Injecting.
(xii) Testing.
(xiii) Reporting.
(xiv) Maintenance and use of surface facilities.
(xv) Secondary recovery.
(d) "Organization report" means a listing of all corporate officers, directors, incorporators, partners, or shareholders who have the authority to make, or are responsible for making, operational decisions, including the siting, drilling, operating, producing, reworking, and plugging of wells.
(e) "Permif means a permit to drill and operate an oil or gas well, or both, or an injection well, including associated surface facilities and flow lines.
(f) "Plugging operations" means the sealing of the fluids in the strata penetrated by an oil or gas well, or both, upon abandonment of the well or a portion of the well bore, so that the fluid from one stratum will not escape into another or to the surface.
(g) "Ppm" means parts per million by volume.
(h) "Producing interval" means any section of a wellbore that is open to, or intended to be open to, a formation or part of a formation that is intended to produce or is capable of producing oil or gas, or both, after well completion operations. The section of the wellbore may be open to the formation or part of the formation by any means, and may include but is not limited to, a section of a wellbore that is either uncased or has perforated casing.
(i) "Psi" means pounds per square inch,
(j) "Psig" means pounds per square inch gauge.
(k) "Secondary recovery" means the introduction or utilization of fluid or energy into or within a pool for the purpose of increasing the ultimate recovery of hydrocarbons from the pool.
(l) "Shut-in" means an action by a permittee to close down a producing well, a well capable of producing, or an injection well temporarily for any of the following reasons:
(i) Repair,
(ii) Cleaning out.
(iii) Building up reservoir pressure,
(iv) Planning for secondary recovery,
(v) Other injection projects,
(vi) While awaiting connection of a sales line,
(vii) Lack of a market,
(m) "Site restoration" means all of the following:
(i) The filling and leveling of all cellars, pits, and excavations,
(ii) The removal or elimination of all debris.
(iii) The elimination of all conditions that may create a fire or pollution hazard,
(iv) The minimization of erosion.
(v) The restoration of the well site as nearly as practicable to the original land contour or to a condition approved by the supervisor.
(n) "Structure used for public or private occupancy," means a residential dwelling or place of business, place of worship, school, hospital, government building, or other building where people are usually present at least 4 hours per day.
(o) "Supervisor" means the director of the department of environmental quality or his or her assistants as approved by the director of the department of environmental quality.
(p) "Surface casing" means the casing string or strings used primarily for protecting fresh water or mineralized water resources from potential contamination during the drilling and operation of an oil or gas well, or both.
(q) "Surface facility" means a facility used in the injection of fluids or in the production, processing, or treatment of oil or gas, or both, including any of the following:
(i) Pumping equipment.
(ii) Fluid disposal equipment.
(iii) Facility piping.
(iv) Load outs.
(v) Separators.
(vi) Storage tanks.
(vii) Treatment equipment.
(viii) Compressors,
(r) "Surface water" means a body of water, and the associated sediments, which has a top surface that is exposed to the atmosphere and is not solely for wastewater conveyance, treatment, or control. Surface water may be any of the following:
(i) A Great Lake or its connecting waters.
(ii) An inland lake or pond.
(iii) A river or stream, including intermittent streams.
(iv) An impoundment.
(v) An open drain.
(vi) A wetland.
(s) "Underground source of drinking water" means fresh water or mineral water within an aquifer or portion of an aquifer that satisfies either of the following criteria:
(i) The aquifer or portion thereof supplies a public water system.
(ii) The aquifer or portion thereof contains a sufficient quantity of ground water to supply a public water system and meets either of the following criteria:
(A) The aquifer or portion thereof currently supplies drinking water for human consumption.
(B) The aquifer or portion thereof contains ground water that has fewer than 10,000 milligrams per liter total dissolved solids.
(t) "Well completion" means the time when a well has been tested and found to be incapable of producing hydrocarbons in commercial quantities and has been plugged or has been found capable of producing commercial quantities of hydrocarbons or when the well has been equipped to perform the service for which it was intended.
(u) "Well completion operations" means work performed in an oil or gas well, or both, after the well has been drilled to its permitted depth and the production string of casing has been set, including perforating, artificial stimulation, and production testing.
(v) "Well location" means the surface location of a well.
(w) "Zoned residential" means a geographic area that was zoned by a local unit of government before January 8, 1993, as an area designated principally for permanent or recreational residences.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.103

1996 AACS; 2002 AACS; 2015 AACS; 2018 MR 11, Eff. 6/7/2018