Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.4918 - Landfill construction; flexible membrane liner construction recordsRule 918.
(1) A registered professional engineer or other qualified individual shall assure that the proper construction of all flexible membrane liners is documented in accordance with this rule. Construction records for flexible membrane liners shall include all of the following information: (a) Information on liner panels that are shipped to the site, as specified in subrule (2) of this rule.(b) Tests on raw materials that are used to manufacture the liner panels, as specified in subrule (3) of this rule.(c) Tests on factory-fabricated panels and seams, as specified in subrule (4) of this rule.(d) Documentation on the subgrade for the liner, as specified in subrule (5) of this rule.(e) Documentation on field installation, as specified in subrule (6) of this rule.(f) Tests on field seams, as specified in subrule (7) of this rule.(g) Diagrams that show the location of all destructive tests, deviations from specification, and repairs made.(2) All of the following information shall be recorded for all liner material that is shipped to the site: (a) The name of the manufacturer and fabricator.(b) The name and type of liner.(c) The thickness of liner.(e) The date of fabrication.(f) The physical dimensions.(h) The location and method of storage at the site.(3) All of the following information shall be documented on the raw materials that are used to manufacture the synthetic liner:(a) The origin and identification of the raw materials.(b) Copies of quality control certificates that are issued by the producer of the raw materials.(c) Reports of tests that are conducted to verify the quality of the raw materials, such as specific gravity, melt flow index, and percent carbon black.(4) All of the following quality control testing shall be conducted for any flexible membrane liner that is fabricated at the factory:(a) Visual inspection for uniformity, damage, and imperfections, including any of the following: (b) Nondestructive seam testing on all fabricated seams along their full lengths.(c) At least 1 destructive seam test per fabricated unit.(5) A registered professional engineer or other qualified individual shall document that the subgrade is properly prepared for the installation of the synthetic liner and is in compliance with all of the following provisions: (a) Is adequately compacted to the standards of these rules.(b) If constructed over clay, that the clay is free of roots, standing water, stones, or desiccation cracks which would adversely affect the performance of the liner.(c) If constructed over sand, that the sand does not contain gravel that is retained on a no. 4 sieve, by testing the subgrade every 1,000 cubic yards placed.(d) Is rolled to a smooth grade that is consistent with approved plans. Elevations of the subgrade shall be verified before installation to verify that elevations are within plus or minus 0.2 feet of approved plans.(6) All of the following shall be documented during the placement of the synthetic liner: (c) Visual inspection for uniformity, damage, and imperfections, including any of the following: (7) Both of the following tests shall be conducted and documented on all field seams: (a) Nondestructive testing on all field seams throughout their lengths according to the manufacturer's specifications or other nondestructive testing method approved by the department.(b) Destructive testing on at least 1 field-seamed sample per day per seaming crew or machine. The sampling frequency shall be at least 1 test every 500 feet of seam, not including repairs, or an alternative frequency approved by the director. The director shall approve an alternative frequency if that frequency of tests, combined with other factors, ensures compliance with seam specifications.Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.4918