Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.11604

Current through Vol. 24-15, August 15, 2024
Section R. 325.11604 - Contents of general plans for all applicable systems

Rule 1604.

The general plan for a waterworks system shall contain a description of the waterworks system, including all of the following:

(a) The general layout of the entire waterworks system, including treatment systems and distribution systems, and the location of valves, hydrants, storage tanks, watermains, pumps, wells, and pumping facilities.
(b) Rated capacity of the waterworks system, including capacity of the developed water source, treatment system, storage tanks, pumping facilities, and equipment to maintain system reliability.
(c) Community and nontransient noncommunity water supplies shall complete a distribution system materials inventory as follows:
(i) By January 1, 2020, a supply shall complete and submit to the department, a preliminary distribution system materials inventory in a form and manner specified by the department. The preliminary inventory shall consist of a thorough assessment of distribution system materials based on existing sources of information.
(ii) By January 1, 2025, a supply shall submit a complete distribution system materials inventory, including verification methodology, and provide the results of the inventory to the department in a form and manner specified by the department. The materials inventory under this subsection shall identify whether and where construction materials listed in 40 C.F.R. § 141.42(d) are present in the piping, storage structure, pumps, and controls used to deliver water to the public, including service lines.
(iii) The materials inventory shall include all materials in the service lines, including the portion on private property. The supply shall maintain a record of customers that fail to grant access to the interior of the building. If access is denied, the record shall include the date of the denial, to whom the denial was communicated, and the denial itself in writing. If the customer does not respond to requests for access, the record shall include the dates when and manner by which access was requested and by whom it was requested.
(iv) If the supply is unable to determine the content of sections of a service line, the supply shall, in writing, notify the owner and occupant of the premises of the potential for lead in the service line and provide information on lead in drinking water hazards and remediation.
(v) Within 30 days of determining a service line contains lead or is presumed to contain lead, the supply shall provide the owner and occupant of the premises with a written notification of the service line material content. The notification shall include language encouraging residential customers to have a home plumbing materials evaluation completed. Any time a new water account is opened at a premises that is known or presumed to be served by a lead service line, the water supply shall provide the owner and occupant of the premises with a written notification of the service line material content.
(vi) A community water supply with lead service lines or service lines of unknown content shall include service line information in their annual consumer confidence report, including the number of lead service lines, number of service lines of unknown material, and the total number of service lines in the supply. This information shall also be made available on the supplys public website, or upon request if the supply does not have a website.
(vii) A supply with lead service lines shall annually provide the department a summary of service line repairs or replacements in a form and manner specified by the department.
(viii) A supply shall conduct a comprehensive update of its materials inventory every 5 years and submit the updated inventory to the department in a form and manner specified by the department.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.11604

1979 AC; 2009 AACS; 2018 MR 11, Eff. 6/14/2018