Mich. Admin. Code R. 14.202

Current through Vol. 24-10, June 15, 2024
Section R. 14.202 - Sale or reduced price advertisements; disclosures

Rule 2. An offer of a consumer item, except baked goods, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables as provided in section 5(4) of the act, for retail sale at a sale price, special price, or at a price reduced by an amount or proportion, by means of an advertisement disseminated in the trade area served by any of the advertisers' retail outlets covered by the advertisement, shall disclose clearly and conspicuously, in conjunction therewith, either of the following:

(a) The dates the consumer item is available for purchase.
(b) The numerical quantity available for each consumer item, and where there is a limitation on how many of the advertised consumer items may be purchased by any 1 person, a statement in numerical amount of how many a consumer may buy of each advertised consumer item.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 14.202

1979 AC