Mich. Admin. Code R. 285.805.1

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 285.805.1 - Definitions

Rule 1.

(1) As used in these rules:
(a) "Act" means Act No. 327 of the Public Acts of 1980, as amended, being S431.61 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(b) "Association" means a corporation which is organized pursuant to a law of this state and which is governed by an elected board of directors. The term also means an association or board which functions pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 11 of the Public Acts of 1929, being S46.151 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and which conducts a fair.
(c) "Commission" means the commission of agriculture.
(d) "Department" means the Michigan department of agriculture
(e) "Director" means the director of the department.
(f) "Equipment" means implements or apparatus which is rented during the time of the fair and which is limited to the following:
(i) Communications systems.
(ii) Computer software and hardware.
(iii) Display equipment.
(iv) Electric timing devices.
(v) Horse/pony/mule/tractor pulling machines.
(vi) Photo finish equipment (light horse races).
(vii) Portable bleachers.
(viii) Portable toilets.
(ix) Starting gates.
(x) Tents.
(g) "Fair buildings" means the buildings which are used for fair purposes and which are owned by a fair association or a political subdivision.
(h) "Grounds" means the land which is used for fair purposes and which is owned by a fair association or a political subdivision.
(i) "Proposed annual plan" means a document which is prepared by the association and submitted to the department at the time of application for funds and which describes the activities in eligible categories that the association intends to complete in the coming year and the budget allocation to each category.
(j) "Racetrack" means a track which is used for horse races and which may include the fence around the track, the hubrail, and the infield.
(2) Terms defined in the act have the same meanings when used in these rules.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 285.805.1

1979 AC; 1984 AACS; 1992 AACS