Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Information
A. The Commissioner may request accounts, records, documents, files, logs, photographs, or other information necessary to complete a complaint investigation.
B. Whenever a carrier receives a request from the Commissioner for information and documentation, the carrier shall provide the requested information and documentation:
(1) On the date specified by the Commissioner, unless an extension has been granted by the Commissioner in accordance with §§D and E of this regulation; and
(2) In the manner specified by the Commissioner.
C. If the carrier does not have the information or documentation requested by the Commissioner under §A of this regulation, the carrier shall provide the reason the carrier does not have the requested information or documentation.
D. Request for Extension of Time to Respond.
(1) A carrier may submit a written request by first-class mail, facsimile, or electronic mail for an extension of time to respond to a request for information or documentation from the Commissioner.
(2) The request for an extension shall:
(a) Specify the reason an extension is needed; and
(b) Be received by the Commissioner prior to the date the information or documentation was due.
E. Upon receipt of a timely written request for an extension under §D of this regulation, the Commissioner shall:
(1) Grant an extension and provide the requestor with a new date by which the requested information or documentation is to be provided; or
(2) Notify the carrier that the request to extend the time is denied.
F. Information related to a complaint investigation is subject to the Public Information Act, State Government Article, Title 10, Subtitle 6, Annotated Code of Maryland.
G. A carrier submitting information to the Commissioner during a complaint investigation may submit a written request that the information not be disclosed under the Public Information Act.
H. A request under §G of this regulation shall:
(1) Identify the particular information that the carrier requests not be disclosed; and
(2) Cite the statutory authority that permits denial of access to the information.
I. The Commissioner may review a request made under §G of this regulation upon receipt of a request for access pursuant to the Public Information Act.
J. The Commissioner may notify the carrier who made a request under §G of this regulation before granting access to information that was the subject of the request.

Md. Code Regs.