Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Containment Buildings - Operating RequirementsA. General. The owner or operator of a containment building shall use controls and practices to ensure containment of hazardous waste within the unit.B. Measures to Ensure Containment. To ensure containment of hazardous waste within a containment building, the owner or operator of the containment building shall, at a minimum: (1) Maintain the primary barrier to be free of significant cracks, gaps, corrosion, or other deterioration that could cause hazardous waste to be released from the primary barrier;(2) Maintain the level of the hazardous waste being managed in the containment building within the containment walls of the unit so that the height of any containment wall is not exceeded;(3) Take measures to prevent the tracking of hazardous waste out of the containment building by personnel or by equipment used in handling the waste;(4) In preventing hazardous waste from being tracked out of the containment building: (a) Designate an area for the decontamination of equipment; and(b) Collect and properly manage any rinsate generated in decontaminating equipment;(5) Take measures to control fugitive dust emissions so that no opening of the containment building, such as doors, windows, vents, cracks, etc., exhibits any visible emissions; Agency Note: See 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 22-"Visual Determination of Fugitive Emissions from Material Sources and Smoke Emissions from Flares" for a method for determining whether there are visible emissions from a source.
(6) Use sound air pollution control practices in operating and maintaining all particulate collection devices associated with control of fugitive dust emissions, such as fabric filters or electrostatic precipitators; Agency Note: See 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart 292 for guidance on what constitutes sound air pollution control practices.
(7) Maintain the state of no visible emissions required by §B(5) of this regulation effectively at all times during routine operating and maintenance conditions, including when vehicles and personnel are entering and exiting the unit; and(8) Assure that incompatible hazardous wastes or treatment reagents are not placed in the unit or its secondary containment system if the wastes or reagents could cause the unit or secondary containment system to leak, corrode, or otherwise fail.C. Certification. The owner or operator shall: (1) Obtain a certification by a qualified registered professional engineer that the containment building design meets the requirements of Regulation .18-1 of this chapter and §§A and B of this regulation;(2) Obtain the certification required by §C(1) of this regulation before operating the containment building for the management of hazardous waste; and(3) Keep the certification required by §C(1) of this regulation on site.D. Response to Releases of Hazardous Waste. (1) Throughout the active life of the containment building, if the owner or operator detects a condition that could lead to or has caused a release of hazardous waste, the owner or operator shall promptly repair the condition.(2) Upon detection of a condition that has led to a release of hazardous waste, such as detection of leakage from the primary barrier of a containment building, the owner or operator shall:(a) Enter a record of the discovery in the facility operating record;(b) Immediately remove from service the portion of the containment building affected by the condition;(c) Determine the steps that must be taken to repair the containment building;(d) Remove any leakage from the secondary collection system;(e) Establish a schedule for accomplishing cleanup of the release and repairs to the containment building;(f) Within 7 days after the discovery of the condition, notify the Secretary of the condition verbally or in writing; and(g) Within 14 working days after the discovery of the condition, provide to the Secretary, in writing, a: (i) Description of the steps taken to repair the containment building;(ii) Description of any additional steps needed to repair the containment building;(iii) Description of the steps required to perform any additional cleanup needed as a result of the release; and(iv) Schedule for accomplishing the work described in §D(2)(g)(i)-(iii) of this regulation.(3) The Secretary shall: (a) Review the information submitted in accordance with §D(2)(g) of this regulation;(b) Make a determination of whether the containment building shall be removed from service completely or partially until repairs and cleanup are completed; and(c) Provide the owner or operator with a written notification specifying the determination made in accordance with §D(3)(b) of this regulation and the underlying rationale for the determination.(4) Upon completing all repairs and cleanup performed in response to the release, the owner or operator shall:(a) Notify the Secretary in writing that the repairs and cleanup have been completed; and(b) Provide the Secretary with a verification signed by a qualified, registered professional engineer that the repairs and cleanup have been completed according to the written plan submitted in accordance with §D(2)(g) of this regulation.E. Inspections. At least once every 7 days, the owner or operator shall:(1) Perform an inspection of the containment building to detect signs of releases of hazardous waste;(2) Include, as part of the inspection to detect releases of hazardous waste, evaluation of data gathered from:(i) Monitoring equipment;(ii) Leak detection equipment; and(iii) Observation of the containment building and the area immediately surrounding the containment building; and(3) Record, in the facility's operating record, data gathered in accordance with §E(2) of this regulation.F. For a containment building that contains areas with secondary containment and areas without secondary containment, the owner or operator shall: (1) Operate each area in accordance with the requirements of this regulation;(2) Take measures to prevent the release of liquids or wet materials into areas without secondary containment; and(3) Maintain, in the facility's operating record, a written description of the operating procedures used to maintain the integrity of areas without secondary containment.Md. Code Regs.
Regulation .18-2 adopted effective May 1, 2008 (35:8 Md. R. 809)