Kilograms per liter of coating or adhesive applied (minus water) = A/(1 - (B/0.995) - (C/D)) when:
A is the weight in kilograms of VOC in each liter at standard conditions,
B is the weight in kilograms of water in each liter at standard conditions,
C is the weight in kilograms of exempt solvent in each liter at standard conditions, and
D is the density of the exempt solvent in kilograms per liter.
Pounds per gallon of coating or adhesive applied (minus water) = A/(1 - (B/8.321) - (C/D)) when:
A is the weight in pounds of VOC in each gallon at standard conditions,
B is the weight in pounds of water in each gallon at standard conditions,
C is the weight in pounds of exempt solvent in each gallon at standard conditions, and
D is the density of the exempt solvent in pounds per gallon.
Ppc = VOC composite partial pressure at 200 C, in mm Hg
Wi = Weight of the "I"th VOC compound, in grams, as determined by ASTM E 260-91
Ww = Weight of water, in grams as determined by ASTM D 3792-86
We = Weight of the "I"th exempt compound, in grams, as determined by ASTM E 260-91
Mwi = Molecular weight of the "I"th VOC compound, in grams per g-mole, as given in chemical reference literature
Mww = Molecular weight of water, 18 grams per g-mole
Mwe =Molecular weight of the "I"th exempt compound, in grams per g-mole, as given in chemical reference literature
Vpi = Vapor pressure of the "I"th VOC compound at 20 C, in mm Hg, as determined by §E(4)(b) of this regulation.
VOCS = VOC content in lb VOC/lb of coating solids or in kg VOC/kg of coating solids
Wv = 100% - Wn
Ww = Weight percent of water
Wex = Weight percent of exempt solvents
Wn = Weight percent of solids of the as applied coating
VOCM = Wv - Ww - Wex
VOCM = VOC content in lb VOC/lb of coating or in kg VOC/kg of coating
Wv = 100% - Wn
Ww = Weight percent of water
Wex = Weight percent of exempt solvents
Wn = Weight percent of solids of the as applied coating
Md. Code Regs.
Regulations .02 adopted effective August 16, 1983 (10:14 Md. R. 1262)
Regulation .02B amended effective August 19, 1984 (11:14 Md. R. 1250)
Regulations .02 effective August 10, 1987 (14:14 Md. R. 1572)
Regulation .02 amended effective May 8, 1991 (18:6 Md. R. 688); April 26, 1993 (20:8 Md. R. 726)
Regulation .02A amended effective May 8, 1995 (22:9 Md. R. 653)
Regulation .02B amended effective May 4, 1998 (25:9 Md. R. 680)
Regulation .02D amended effective August 19, 1991 (18:16 Md. R. 1813); February 17, 1992 (19:3 Md. R. 306); March 5, 2012 (39:4 Md. R. 339)
Regulation .02E amended effective March 5, 2012 (39:4 Md. R. 339)
Regulation .02G amended effective May 8, 1995 (22:9 Md. R. 653); ; March 5, 2012 (39:4 Md. R. 339)
Regulation .02I amended effective December 10, 2001 (28:24 Md. R. 2131)