Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Control of VOC Emissions from Marine Vessel Loading
A. Applicability.
(1) In Allegany, Caroline, Dorchester, Garrett, Kent, Queen Anne's, St. Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, or Worchester counties, the requirements in §B of this regulation apply to the transfer of VOCs from a stationary storage tank into a marine vessel if the total emissions from all marine vessel loading at the premises during a calendar year are equal to or exceed 50 tons.
(2) In Baltimore City or Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, or Prince George's counties, the requirements in §B of this regulation apply to the transfer of VOCs from a stationary storage tank into a marine vessel if the total emissions from all marine vessel loading at the premises during a calendar year are equal to or exceed 25 tons.
(3) The reporting requirements in §C of this regulation apply to all transfers of any amount of VOCs, except fuel oils, from a stationary storage tank into a marine vessel.
B. General Requirements.
(1) The transfer of VOCs into a marine vessel subject to this regulation is prohibited unless:
(a) The marine vessel is equipped with a vapor return line; and
(b) The vapor is vented into an air pollution control device that is demonstrated to recover or destroy at least 90 percent of the captured vapor.
(2) The vapor control system shall be constructed, operated, and maintained so that VOC vapor leaks are minimized during the transfer of VOCs into a marine vessel.
(3) VOCs may not be transferred into a marine vessel unless the vessel has been leak tested or pressure tested within the past 2 years using the Coast Guard requirements at 33 CFR § 156.150.
C. Record Keeping Requirements.
(1) The owner or operator of a premises subject to this regulation shall record and maintain the following information:
(a) The date and time when each marine vessel commenced and completed the loading of VOCs;
(b) Identification of the product that was loaded into the marine vessel and the total volume loaded; and
(c) The date when each marine vessel used was leak tested or pressure tested.
(2) The records shall be maintained for a period of not less than 5 years and made available to the Department upon request and to members of the public subject to the provisions of the Maryland Public Information Act, State Government Article, §§ 10-611 -628, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulation .08 adopted effective October 8, 2007 (34:20 Md. R. 1741)