Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Loading Operations
A. Bulk Gasoline Terminals.
(1) Standards. The owner or operator of a bulk gasoline terminal shall:
(a) Equip the loading system with a vapor control system designed to collect all vapors and control at least 90 percent of all vapors from the loading racks, and emissions from the loading rack may not exceed:
(i) 0.29 pound of VOC per 1,000 gallons (35 milligrams per liter) of gasoline or VOC loaded in Areas III and IV and Calvert, Cecil, Charles, and Frederick counties; or
(ii) 0.67 pounds of VOC per 1,000 gallons (80 milligrams per liter) of gasoline or VOC loaded in Area I and Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, St. Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester counties.
(b) Design and operate the vapor control system and the gasoline loading equipment so that during loading:
(i) The gasoline tank truck pressure does not exceed 18 inches of water, and vacuum does not exceed 6 inches of water; and
(ii) There are no gasoline leaks in the system when tested by the method referenced in §A(3)(a) of this regulation during loading or unloading operations.
(c) Equip the loading rack with a top submerged or bottom loading system.
(2) Compliance and Record Keeping.
(a) Testing.
(i) Vapor control systems shall be tested for compliance with §A(1)(a) of this regulation once every 5 years, during the period between May and September 15.
(ii) The owner or operator shall notify the Department not less than 15 days before the scheduled test date, and notification shall contain a copy of the test protocol.
(iii) A copy of the test results shall be submitted to the Department not more than 60 days after the test date.
(b) The owner or operator shall keep a record of all maintenance and repairs performed on the vapor recovery unit for 2 years, and make these records available upon request by the Department.
(3) Test Procedures.
(a) Testing for leak-tight conditions, as required in §A(1)(b)(ii) of this regulation, shall be conducted as prescribed in Method 1008 of the Department's Technical Memorandum 91-01, "Test Methods and Equipment Specifications for Stationary Sources" January 1991, as amended through Supplement 3 (October 1, 1997), which is incorporated by reference in COMAR
(b) The test procedures to determine mass emission rate compliance as required in §A(1)(a) of this regulation, shall be as prescribed in Method 1009 of the Department's Technical Memorandum 91-01, "Test Methods and Equipment Specifications for Stationary Sources" January 1991, as amended through Supplement 3 (October 1, 1997), which is incorporated by reference in COMAR
B. Bulk Gasoline Plants.
(1) Applicability. Section B(2) of this regulation applies to a person owning or operating a bulk gasoline plant with a daily throughput of 4,000 gallons (15,140 liters) or greater.
(2) Equipment Standards.
(a) The owner or operator of a bulk gasoline plant shall:
(i) Equip the loading rack with a vapor balance system which shall be properly installed, maintained, and used;
(ii) Equip the loading rack with a top submerged or bottom loading system; and
(iii) Comply with the leak-tight requirements as specified in §A(1)(b) of this regulation.
(b) Stage I Vapor Recovery. A person who owns or operates a bulk plant may not cause or permit gasoline to be unloaded from a tank truck or trailer into a stationary storage tank unless the loading system is equipped with a vapor balance line that shall be properly installed, maintained, and used.
C. Small Storage Tanks.
(1) Applicability. This section applies to a person who owns or operates:
(a) A gasoline storage tank that has a tank capacity greater than 2,000 gallons but less than 40,000 gallons; or
(b) A gasoline tank truck used to transfer gasoline into a storage tank that is listed in §C(1)(a) of this regulation.
(2) Stage I Vapor Recovery. An owner or operator of a gasoline tank truck or an owner or operator of a stationary storage tank subject to this regulation may not cause or permit gasoline to be loaded into a stationary tank unless the loading system is equipped with a vapor balance line that is properly installed, maintained, and used.
D. General Standards. A person may not cause or permit gasoline or VOC having a TVP of 1.5 psia (10.3 kilonewtons/square meter) or greater to be loaded into any tank truck, railroad tank car, or other contrivance unless the:
(1) Loading connections on the vapor lines are equipped with fittings that have no leaks and that automatically and immediately close upon disconnection to prevent release of gasoline or VOC from these fittings; and
(2) Equipment is maintained and operated in a manner to prevent avoidable liquid leaks during loading or unloading operations.
E. Alternative Compliance Procedures. In lieu of satisfying the requirements of §D(1) of this regulation, a person may instead utilize:
(a) An overhead loading rack installation which transfers VOC other than gasoline having a TVP of 1.5 psia (10.3 kilonewtons/square meter) from railroad tank car to tank trucks, or vice versa, using drip pans and other spill control equipment to limit the release of any product during post loading disconnections and any one of the following control practices or combination thereof:
(i) Walking the hose clear of fluids;
(ii) Running a pump to clear the line of fluids; or
(iii) Application of inert gas to clear the line of fluids; or
(b) An alternative equivalent vapor containment method approved by the Department and the EPA as a revision to the Maryland State Implementation Plan.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulation .04A amended effective August 10, 1987 (14:14 Md. R. 1572)
Regulations.04 adopted effective May 8, 1991 (18:6 Md. R. 688)
Regulation .04A amended effective February 17, 1992 (19:3 Md. R. 306); February 15, 1993 (20:3 Md. R. 260); April 26, 1993 (20:8 Md. R. 726); July 19, 1993 (20:14 Md. R. 1170);41:14 Md. R. 800, eff. 7/21/2014
Regulation .04C amended effective April 26, 1993 (20:8 Md. R. 726); August 11, 1997 (24:16 Md. R. 1161)
Regulation .04E adopted effective 41:14 Md. R. 800, eff.7/21/2014