Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Closure Requirements
A. Upon the termination of used oil operations, an owner, an operator, and a person in charge of an oil handling or oil storage facility that collects, stores, transports, transfers, processes, re-refines, recycles, burns as fuel, or otherwise manages used oil shall comply with the closure requirements of this regulation.
B. Facility Closure. An owner, an operator, and a person in charge an oil handling or oil storage facility described in §A of this regulation shall:
(1) Remove or decontaminate used oil residues in storage tank systems, containers and contaminated secondary containment system components and used oil-contaminated soils, structures and equipment;
(2) Unless determined to be nonhazardous waste under COMAR or COMAR, manage used oil residuals or used oil-contaminated material as hazardous waste; and
(3) If the owner, the operator, and the person in charge of the facility demonstrates not all contaminated soils can be practicably removed or decontaminated as required in §B(1) of this regulation, close the storage tank system and perform post-closure care at the facility in accordance with the requirements for a hazardous waste landfill in COMAR
C. Underground Storage Tanks. An owner, an operator, and a person in charge of an oil handling or oil storage facility storing used oil in a UST shall comply with the temporary or permanent closure requirements in COMAR 26.10.10.
D. Aboveground Storage Tanks. An owner, an operator, and a person in charge of an oil handling or oil storage facility storing used oil in an AST shall comply with the temporary or permanent closure requirements in COMAR 26.10.17 or 26.10.18.
E. Containers. An owner, an operator, and a person in charge of an oil handling or oil storage facility storing used oil in containers shall:
(1) Remove used oil residues from containers;
(2) Remove containers that stored used oil and any used oil residues from the site; and
(3) Unless determined to be nonhazardous waste under COMAR or COMAR, manage the materials as hazardous waste.
F. An owner, an operator, and a person in charge of an oil handling or oil storage facility conducting a removal or decontamination processes in accordance with this regulation that generates air emissions shall meet all applicable air quality requirements in COMAR 26.11.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulation .07 adopted effective 49:12 Md. R. 642, eff. 6/13/2022