Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Stream Segment Designations and Existing Uses
A. General.
(1) All geographic coordinates provided within this regulation are expressed in decimal degrees latitude and longitude using the North American Datum of 1983. In this Regulation, Maryland's -waters are organized by sub-basin. For most Class I, I-P, III, III-P, IV, or IV-P waters, the limits indicate the most downstream boundary point or line for the segment. In some cases, an upstream point and a downstream point are provided to describe those uses that may apply only to a limited segment of a water body. In tidal areas, the segments are defined by polygons defined by three or more points as numbered and expressed in narrative format in column four and defined by latitude and longitude point locations in columns two and tree. Any waterbody not specifically listed in the table is a Class I water.
(2) Tidal Segmentation Rationale. Water quality standards for the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries will be assessed on a "Bay Segment" scale. The segmentation is based on decisions made by the Chesapeake Bay Program in 1998 and 2003, and documented in Chesapeake Bay Program Analytical Segmentation Scheme Revisions, Decisions, and Rationales: 1983-2003 (EPA 903-R-04-008) as adjusted by the Chesapeake Bay Program after discussions with the affected State jurisdictions.
(3) Tidal Segment Boundaries. When using latitude and longitude to delineate Chesapeake Bay tidal segments, the limits are narrative descriptions that delineate the base points of reference. Chesapeake Bay tidal segments generally follow the shoreline contour at mean low water, and include all major bays, creeks, and branches present within the narrative limits of a given segment. The origin of latitudes and longitudes used for the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries is NAD83.
(4) Application of Chesapeake Bay Segmentation Scheme. The tidal boundaries set forth in this regulation are defined for water quality standards purposes within the Department only, and are not applicable to other agency regulations identified for other purposes.
(5) No Grow Zones. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) "No-Grow" Zones (NGZ) are present in some shallow water designated use segments. The SAV "No Grow Zones" are identified in Technical Support Document for Identification of Chesapeake Bay Designated Uses and Attainability-2004 Addendum (EPA 903-R-04-006), Figures V-1 to V-12, which is incorporated by reference. The no grow zones shall be excluded from the assessment of the shallow water designated use.
(6) Existing Uses. Several of the sub-basins in this regulation contain stream segments that support existing uses that require different water quality than the designated use. These existing uses have been determined in accordance with Regulation .04-1 of this chapter. The existing uses for these stream segments are described both in terms of the existing uses supported (e.g., naturalized reproducing brown trout population) and the water quality currently known to sustain them. For determining effluent limits, closure periods, and other regulatory protection measures, these existing uses and the water quality necessary to maintain them must be protected consistent with Regulation .04-1 of this chapter. These existing uses are maintained and can be accessed on the Department's website.
B. Sub-Basin 02-12-02: Lower Susquehanna River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P:
(a) Susquehanna River 39.608971 -76.143379 From head of tide at Spencer Island upstream to MD/PA line
39.608994 -76.121094
(b) All tributaries to the Susquehanna River except those designated below as Class III-P or Class IV-P This includes all tributaries to the Susquehanna River including those that drain to the tidal portion of the Susquehanna River
(2) Class II:
(a) Northern Chesapeake Bay (CB1TF2): Includes the Upper Bay mainstem from the confluence with CB1TF1 and Northeast River (NORTF) to the mouth of the Susquehanna River. 39.475132 -76.097580 (1) West side of Spesutie Narrows bridge
Designated Uses Present in Segment: 39.476006 -76.094421 (2) East side of Spesutie Narrows bridge
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive 39.475323 -76.072807 (3) Locust Pt. on Spesutie Island
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive 39.449471 -76.010475 (4) Turkey Pt., 0.1 miles WSW of lighthouse
Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present 39.529629 -75.979271 (5) Red Pt.
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive 39.540794 -76.002899 (6) East side of Carpenter Pt.
39.540694 -76.084635 (7) Concord Point
39.546806 -76.065148 (8) Perry Point
(b) Northern Chesapeake Bay (CB1TF1): Upper Bay mainstem to confluence with CB1TF2, Elk River (ELKOH), and CB2OH. 39.420143 -76.123344 (1) 1,000 feet SW of Cherry Tree Pt., APG
Designated Uses Present in Segment: 39.401688 -76.035194 (2) North of Chesapeake Haven, Grove Neck
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive 39.429420 -75.997681 (3) 1,300 feet SW of Wroth Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive 39.449200 -76.007698 (4) Turkey Pt.
Application Depth: 1 meters, NGZ present 39.449471 -76.010475 (5) Turkey Pt., 0.1 miles WSW of lighthouse
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive 39.475323 -76.072807 (6) Locust Pt. on Spesutie Island
39.476006 -76.094421 (7) East side of Spesutie Narrows bridge
39.475132 -76.097580 (8) West side of Spesutie Narrows bridge
(3) Class II-P: Northern Chesapeake Bay (CB1TF2): That portion of the Susquehanna River inclusive from the head of tide downstream to the mouth of the Susquehanna River is Class II-P. 39.608971 -76.143379 (1) Just south of Rock Run on western shore
39.609001 -76.135147 (2) West side Spencer Island
39.608959 -76.132683 (3) East side Spencer Island
39.608994 -76.121094 (4) Port Deposit
39.540694 -76.084635 (5) Concord Point
39.546806 -76.065148 (6) Perry Point
(4) Class III: None
(5) Class III-P:
(a) Deer Creek and all tributaries39.674848-76.452907Upstream of Eden Mill Dam
(b) Basin Run and all tributaries39.661881-76.147460
(c) Kellogg Branch and all tributaries39.632161-76.410853
(d) North Stirrup Run and all tributaries39.614847-76.401356
(e) South Stirrup Run and all tributaries39.614807-76.401332
(f) Deep Run and all tributaries39.691746-76.259980
(g) Gladden Branch and all tributaries39.638320-76.411963
(h) Rock Hollow Branch and all tributaries39.652505-76.437817
(i) Love Run and all tributaries39.690233-76.126986
(j) Stone Run and all tributaries39.701802-76.110017
(k) Wet Stone Branch and all tributaries39.647146-76.431712
(l) Unnamed tributary to Deer Creek and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.637940-76.424561Near Rock Ridge Road
(m) Little Deer Creek and all tributaries39.660788-76.439732
(n) Elbow Branch and all tributaries39.618468-76.169240
(o) Unnamed tributary to Broad Creek and all tributaries39.689695-76.237823Upstream of confluence with another unnamed tributary
(p) Happy Valley Branch and all tributaries39.602124-76.094247Upstream of Route 222 Bainbridge Road
(q) Unnamed tributary to the Susquehanna River and all tributaries39.579619-76.087854
(r) Rock Run and all tributaries (Cecil County)39.613544-76.126972Upstream of mouth
(s) Unnamed tributary to Deer Creek and all tributaries 39.643704 -76.41237 Runs parallel to Rocks Road
(t) Unnamed tributary to Falling Branch and all tributaries 39.683601 -76.439217 Flows through Rocks State Park near Falling Branch Road
(u) Unnamed tributary to Conowingo Reservoir and all tributaries 39.717647 -76.224782 Flows from Eckman Lane to Susquehanna River
(6) Class IV: None.
(7) Class IV-P:
(a) Deer Creek and all tributaries39.613418-76.148934From mouth to Eden Mill Dam
(b) Octoraro Creek39.656256-76.158615Mainstem only

C. Sub-Basin 02-13-01: Coastal Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II:
(a) All tidal waters within this sub-basin.
(b) The Shellfish Harvest designated use applies to all portions of this sub-basin except:
(i) Bishopville Prong and tributaries38.414613-75.178402Upstream of confluence with St. Martins River
(ii) Shingle Landing Prong and its tributaries38.408423-75.173525Upstream of confluence with St. Martins River at Piney Island
(iii) Herring Creek and its tributaries38.339036-75.129811Upstream of Rt. 50
(iv) Ocean City Harbor38.327723-75.099180Upstream of entrance to West Ocean City Harbor
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: None.

D. Sub-Basin 02-13-02: Pocomoke River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II:
(a) Upper Pocomoke River Tidal Fresh (POCTF):38.062958-75.617470(1) West of Unionville, Somerset Co. side
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.062840-75.616302(2) West of Unionville, Worcester Co. side
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.183201-75.391991(3) Snow Hill, 1,900 feet upstream of Rt. 12
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: .05 meters, NGZ Present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
(b) Middle Pocomoke River Oligohaline (POCOH):37.966858-75.674603(1) On mainland 4,000 feet NW of Fair Island
Designated Uses Present in Segment:37.951850-75.676225(2) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive37.949924-75.667353(3) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive37.945125-75.656153(4) MD/VA State Line south of Williams Pt.
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ Present37.946728-75.648248(5) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive37.966423-75.648553(6) MD/VA State Line-700' upstream of mouth
37.994347-75.624314(7) Intersection of Somerset Co. and Worcester Co., MD, and Accomack Co., VA
37.994449-75.623122(8) Worcester Co., MD-Accomack Co., VA boundary
38.062840-75.616302(9) West of Unionville, Worcester Co. side
38.062958-75.617470(10) West of Unionville, Somerset Co. side
(c) Lower Pocomoke River Mesohaline (POCMH):37.924927-75.848007(1) Eastward Pt., on eastern side of Broad Creek
Designated Uses Present in Segment:37.911789-75.837732(2) MD/VA State Line, 1.15 miles south of Cow Gap Island
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive37.912169-75.801148(3) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive37.941226-75.761753(4) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
Application Depth: 1.0 meters, NGZ Present37.954523-75.704753(5) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive37.955237-75.691653(6) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
Shellfish Harvest Use: See §D(2)(j) of this regulation37.951850-75.676225(7) MD/VA State Line-Pocomoke Sound
37.966858-75.674603(8) On mainland 4,000 feet NW of Fair Island
(d) Manokin River Mesohaline (MANMH1):38.131565-75.948860(1) Wenona on Deal Island, north of channel
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.125946-75.941216(2) Eastern point on north side of Little Deal Island
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.122917-75.937126(3) Eastern side of Little Deal Island
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.078552-75.877586(4) Hazard Island, 1,200 feet NE of tip of Hazard Pt.
Application Depth: 2.0 meters38.075663-75.871155(5) Gut between Hazard Cove and Mine Creek, N side
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.075314-75.870750(6) Gut between Hazard Cove and Mine Creek, S side
Shellfish Harvest: See §D(2)(j) of this regulation38.069160-75.855591(7) West part Hazard Island at Shirtpond Cove
38.069599-75.853897(8) East part Hazard Island at Shirtpond Cove
38.073784-75.848656(9) W side of gut heading N from Flatland Cove
38.074146-75.848228(10) E side of gut heading N from Flatland Cove
38.133823-75.827339(11) Cormal Pt.
38.142979-75.821144(12) Champ Pt.
38.160442-75.929558(13) Upper Thorofare at the mouth of Moores Gut
38.160080-75.932388(14) Upper Thorofare, Deal Island side
(e) Manokin River Mesohaline (MANMH2):38.142979-75.821144(1) Champ Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.133823-75.827339(2) Cormal Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.172668-75.732979(3) Manokin River confluence with Hall Branch
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §D(2)(j) of this regulation
(f) Big Annemessex River Mesohaline (BIGMH1):38.058910-75.868744(1) South shore of Pat Island
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.036049-75.868935(2) 700 feet East of Flatcap Pt., Janes Island
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.020973-75.856819(3) North side of gut SW of Acre Creek
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.020733-75.856712(4) South side of gut SW of Acre Creek
Application Depth: 2.0 meters38.016033-75.846458(5) West side of Daugherty Creek Canal
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.015781-75.845947(6) East side of Daugherty Creek Canal
Shellfish Harvest: See §D(2)(j) of this regulation38.078850-75.782249(7) Persimmon Pt.
38.074585-75.787170(8) Charles Pt.
38.074146-75.848228(9) East side of gut heading N from Flatland Cove
38.073784-75.848656(10) W side of gut heading N from Flatland Cove
38.069599-75.853897(11) East part Hazard Island at Shirtpond Cove
38.069160-75.855591(12) West part Hazard Island at Shirtpond Cove
38.065315-75.866608(13) Hazard Island, across gut from Pat Island
38.064907-75.866974(14) NE Pat Island, across gut from Hazard Island
(g) Big Annemessex River Mesohaline (BIGMH2):38.074585-75.787170(1) Charles Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.078850-75.782249(2) Persimmon Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.087246-75.733032(3) 1,000 feet below confluence with Annemesex Creek
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §D(2)(j) of this regulation
(h) Tangier Sound Mesohaline (TANMH1):37.941404-76.083908(1) MD/VA boundary, 2.25 miles west of Smith Gut Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:37.953599-76.052055(2) MD/VA boundary, 1,450' west of Hog Neck
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive37.953392-75.993331(3) MD/VA boundary, 400' east of Horse Hammock
Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ Present37.946050-75.943628(4) MD/VA boundary, between Smith and Cedar Is
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive37.906718-75.952630(5) MD/VA boundary, 2.75 miles west of Clump Island
Shellfish Harvest: See §D(2)(j) of this regulation37.911304-75.883558(6) MD/VA boundary, 300' north of Green Harbor I.
37.911789-75.837732(7) MD/VA boundary, 1.15miles south of Cow Gap Island
37.924927-75.848007(8) Eastward Pt., on eastern side of Broad Creek
38.015781-75.845947(9) East side of Daugherty Creek Canal
38.016033-75.846458(10) West side of Daugherty Creek Canal
38.020733-75.856712(11) South side of gut SW of Acre Creek
38.020973-75.856819(12) North side of gut SW of Acre Creek
38.036049-75.868935(13) 700 feet east of Flatcap Pt., Janes Island
38.058910-75.868744(14) South shore of Pat Island
38.064907-75.866974(15) NE Pat Island, across gut from Hazard Island
38.065315-75.866608(16) Hazard Island, across gut from Pat Island
38.075314-75.870750(17) Gut between Hazard Cove and Mine Cr., south side
38.075665-75.871155(18) Gut between Hazard Cove and Mine Cr., north side
38.078552-75.877586(19) Hazard Island, 1,200 feet NE of tip of Hazard Pt.
38.122917-75.937126(20) Eastern side of Little Deal Island
38.125946-75.941216(21) Eastern point on north side of Little Deal Island
38.131565-75.948860(22) Wenona on Deal Island, north of channel
38.136566-75.959633(23) Twiggs Pt.
38.232738-75.972618(24) Southern-most point of Clay Island
38.216042-76.032051(25) Bishops Head Pt.
38.215809-76.032349(26) Bishops Head Pt.
38.231964-76.134285(27) Lower Hooper I. between Nancys and Creek Pts.
38.231445-76.135773(28) Lower Hooper I. between Nancys and Creek Pts.
(i) Tangier Sound Mesohaline (TANMH2):38.232738-75.972618(1) Southern-most point of Clay Island
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.136566-75.959633(2) Twiggs Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.160080-75.932388(3) Upper Thorofare, Deal Island side
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ Present38.160442-75.929558(4) Upper Thorofare at the mouth of Moores Gut
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.202679-75.890579(5) 1,100 feet west of the tip of Long Pt.
Shellfish Harvest: See §D(2)(j) of this regulation38.227970-75.893486(6) Nanticoke Pt. (Stump Point Marsh)
38.243217-75.906105(7) West of Waterview, north of Jones Creek
38.244740-75.941284(8) Sandy Island, NE of Frog Pt.
(j) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Manokin River and tributaries38.170831-75.729079Upstream of confluence of tributaries Manokin River and Kings Creek
(ii) Big Annemessex River and tributaries38.087987-75.746775Upstream of River Road
(iii) Jenkins Creek37.959260-75.864354Upstream of mouth
(iv) Fair Island Canal37.961004-75.662631
(v) Pocomoke River37.994532-75.624223Upstream of MD/VA line
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: None.

E. Sub-Basin 02-13-03: Nanticoke River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II:
(a) Upper Nanticoke River Tidal Fresh (NANTF): from Maryland-Delaware state line to confluence with Plum Creek:38.538052-75.745972(1) 600 feet upstream of Molly Horn Branch
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.536259-75.744843(2) 375 feet upstream of Plum Creek
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.642723-75.606522(3) Seaford, DE just above Middleford Rd.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ Present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §E(2)(f) of this regulation
(b) Middle Nanticoke River Oligohaline (NANOH):38.387169-75.859673(1) 900 feet downstream of Wapremander Creek
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.381268-75.839233(2) 600 feet upstream of Quantico Creek
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.536259-75.744843(3) 375 feet upstream of Plum Creek
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.538052-75.745972(4) 600 feet upstream of Molly Horn Branch
Application Depth: 0.5 meters38.553452-75.774071(5) Marshyhope Cr., 500 feet downstream of Big Indian Cr.
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §E(2)(f) of this regulation
(c) Lower Nanticoke River Mesohaline (NANMH):38.24474-75.941284(1) Sandy Island, NE of Frog Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.243217-75.906105(2) West of Waterview, North of Jones Creek
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.381268-75.839233(3) 600 feet upstream of Quantico Creek
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.387169-75.859673(4) 900 feet downstream of Wapremander Creek
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §E(2)(f) of this regulation
(d) Wicomico River Mesohaline (WICMH):38.22797-75.893486(1) Nanticoke Pt. (Stump Point Marsh)
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.202679-75.890579(2) 1,100 feet West of the tip of Long Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.361588-75.583061(3) Beaverdam Cr., 3,000 feet upstream of Rt. 12
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §E(2)(f) of this regulation
(e) Fishing Bay Mesohaline (FSBMH):38.216042-76.032051(1) Bishops Head Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.232738-75.972618(2) Southern-most point of Clay Island
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.404148-76.002716(3) Transquaking River west of Thorofare Marsh
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.404133-76.029968(4) Backgarden Pond, SE shore
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §E(2)(f) of this regulation
(f) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Blackwater River and tributaries38.356427-76.012288Upstream from mouth
(ii) Transquaking River and tributaries38.368143-76.004863Upstream from mouth
(iii) Nanticoke River and tributaries38.353333-75.855293Upstream of line from Runaway Pt. to Long Pt.
(iv) Wicomico River and tributaries38.267422-75.788291Upstream of ferry crossing at White Haven
(v) Monie Creek38.230120-75.819620Upstream from mouth
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: None.

F. Sub-Basin 02-13-04: Choptank River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II:
(a) Upper Choptank River Tidal Fresh (CHOTF):38.810635-75.902985(1) 1,850 feet downstream from mouth of Tuckahoe Cr.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.808270-75.900391(2) 1,000 feet downstream of Gilpin Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.980827-75.792931(3) 3,500 feet upstream of Rt. 313 bridge
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §F(2)(g) of this regulation
(b) Middle Choptank River Oligohaline (CHOOH):38.653545-75.959129(1) 1.5 miles downstream of Bow Knee Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.647415-75.952339(2) 1.05 miles upstream of Cabin Creek
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.808270-75.900391(3) 1,000 feet downstream of Gilpin Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.810635-75.902985(4) 1850 feet downstream from mouth of Tuckahoe Cr.
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §F(2)(g) of this regulation
(c) Lower Choptank River Mesohaline (CHOMH2):38.649193-76.153114(1) 0.9 miles N. of Chlora Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.628571-76.171051(2) 400 feet west of Castle Haven Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.647415-75.952339(3) 1.05 miles upstream of Cabin Creek
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.653545-75.959129(4) 1.5 miles downstream of Bow Knee Pt.
Application Depth: 1.0 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §F(2)(g) of this regulation
(d) Mouth of the Choptank River Mesohaline (CHOMH1):38.672421-76.340698(1) 720 feet along shore NNW of Blackwalnut Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.573353-76.306503(2) Hills Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.571705-76.336029(3) 1.6 miles almost due west of Hills Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.628571-76.171051(4) 400 feet west of Castle Haven Pt.
Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present38.649193-76.153114(5) 0.9 miles N. of Chlora Pt.
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.719967-76.333054(6) North side Knapps Narrows, 150 feet west of Rt. 33
Shellfish Harvest: See §F(2)(g) of this regulation38.719185-76.334084(7) South side Knapps Narrows, 275 feet west of Rt. 33
(e) Little Choptank River Mesohaline (LCHMH):38.571705-76.336029(1) 1.6 miles almost due west of Hills Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.231964-76.306503(2) Hills Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.527523-76.333801(3) East edge of tidal flat N of existing James Island
Application Depth: 2.0 meters38.526997-76.333771(4) 190 feet South of LCHMH Point #3
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.487057-76.331779(5) West side of Oyster Cove, Taylors Island
Shellfish Harvest: See §F(2)(g) of this regulation38.421944-76.288742(6) Southern tip of Taylors Island
38.421051-76.288589(7) Meekins Neck, across channel from Point #6
38.398201-76.237053(8) W shore Great Marsh Cr. 1,800 feet above Rt. 335
38.398605-76.237030(9) E shore Great Marsh Cr. 1,800 feet above Rt. 335
(f) Honga River Mesohaline (HNGMH):38.231964-76.134285(1) Lower Hooper I. between Nancys and Creek Pts.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.215809-76.032349(2) Bishops Head Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.398605-76.237030(3) Great Marsh Creek, north side, 1,900 feet above 335
Application Depth: 2.0 meters38.398201-76.237053(4) Great Marsh Creek, south side, 1,900 feet above 335
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.349953-76.227982(5) Drawbridge, southern Meekins Neck
Shellfish Harvest: See §F(2)(g) of this regulation38.348228-76.227264(6) Drawbridge, northern Upper Hooper Island
38.298965-76.206718(7) Ferry Pt.
38.295982-76.204597(8) NW tip of Middle Hooper I. across from Ferry Pt.
38.248642-76.154419(9) Middle Hooper Island, NW end of The Thorofare
38.248581-76.153191(10) Lower Hooper Island, NE end of The Thorofare
(g) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Choptank River and tributaries38.673807-75.952263Upstream of line from Bow Knee Pt. to Wright Wharf
(ii) Tred Avon River and tributaries38.767879-76.095174Upstream of Easton Pt.
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: None.

G. Sub-Basin 02-13-05: Chester River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II:
(a) Upper Chester River Tidal Fresh (CHSTF):39.246002-75.986618(1) Travilla Wharf
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.245350-75.985878(2) Marshy point across from Travilla Wharf
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.254440-75.839638(3) Andover Branch 900 feet above Rt. 313
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §G(2)(e) of this regulation
(b) Middle Chester River Oligohaline (CHSOH):39.147564-76.086426(1) 1,100 feet below Browns Creek
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.146572-76.075684(2) Northwest Pt., west of Riverview
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.245350-75.985878(3) Marshy point across from Travilla Wharf
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.246002-75.986618(4) Travilla Wharf
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §G(2)(e) of this regulation
(c) Lower Chester River Mesohaline (CHSMH):39.029720-76.242516(1) Wickes Beach, Eastern Neck Island
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.016422-76.296959(2) Kent Island, 1,600 feet N of Grollman Rd.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.970539-76.248413(3) Rt. 50, west side of Kent Narrows
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.970455-76.246330(4) Rt. 50, east side of Kent Narrows
Application Depth: 1.0 meters39.146572-76.075684(5) Northwest Pt., west of Riverview
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive39.147564-76.086426(6) 1,100 feet below Browns Creek
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive39.056882-76.220903(7) South end of Eastern Neck, east of Route 445 Bridge
Seasonal Deep Channel Refuge Use: Lower pycnocline boundary to bottom from June 1 to September 30, inclusive39.054563-76.220229(8) Northern tip of Eastern Neck Island, east of Route 445 Bridge
Shellfish Harvest: See §G(2)(e) of this regulation
(d) Eastern Bay Mesohaline (EASMH):38.836365-76.369392(1) Kent Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.752529-76.340332(2) 1,500 feet NE of Green Marsh Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.970455-76.246330(3) Rt. 50, East side of Kent Narrows
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.970539-76.248413(4) Rt. 50, West side of Kent Narrows
Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive
Seasonal Deep Channel Refuge Use: Lower pycnocline boundary to bottom from June 1 to September 30, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §G(2)(e) of this regulation
(e) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Chester River and tributaries39.207513-76.059490Upstream of Rt. 213
(ii) Corsica River39.061396-76.081813Upstream of Earl Cove
(iii) Piney Creek38.972919-76.258409Upstream of Rt. 50
(iv) Winchester Creek38.972570-76.201708Upstream of mouth
(v) St. Michaels Harbor38.789955-76.217917
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: None.

H. Sub-Basin 02-13-06: Elk River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P:
(a) Big Elk Creek and all tributaries39.605547-75.831007Upstream of MD Route 213
(b) Northeast Creek and all tributaries39.594562-75.947231Upstream of confluence with Stoney Run
(c) Mill Creek and all tributaries39.575652-76.056760Upstream of U.S. Route 40
(2) Class II:
(a) Northeast River Tidal Fresh (NORTF):39.540794-76.002899(1) East side of Carpenter Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.529629-75.979271(2) Red Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.608879-75.937988(3) 750 feet above RR bridge, 1,500 feet below Rt. 40
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §H(2)(h)of this regulation
(b) Chesapeake & Delaware (C&D) Canal Oligohaline (C&DOH):39.525536-75.874619(1) East side of Welch Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.523182-75.871521(2) West of where the road north from Randalia ends
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.534616-75.779424(3) MD/DE State Line-southern shore
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.536623-75.779582(4) MD/DE State Line-northern shore
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §H(2)(h) of this regulation
(c) Bohemia River Oligohaline (BOHOH):39.486473-75.923767(1) Town Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.474773-75.940498(2) East of Ford Landing on Veazey Neck
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.461319-75.783554(3) 600 feet below where Sandy Branch enters
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §H(2)(h) of this regulation
(d) Elk River Oligohaline (ELKOH1):39.449200-76.007698(1) Turkey Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.429420-75.997681(2) 1,300 feet SW of Wroth Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.474773-75.940498(3) East of Ford Landing on Veazey Neck
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.486473-75.923767(4) Town Pt.
Application Depth: 2.0 meters39.523182-75.871521(5) West of where the road north from Randalia ends
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive39.525536-75.874619(6) East side of Welch Pt.
Shellfish Harvest: See §H(2)(h) of this regulation39.544392-75.855301(7) Paddy Biddle Cove
39.545540-75.876144(8) 0.6 miles south of Elkmore
(e) Elk River Oligohaline (ELKOH2):39.545540-75.876144(1) 0.6 miles south of Elkmore
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.544392-75.855301(2) Paddy Biddle Cove
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.607624-75.822853(3) Elkton-500 feet below Rt. 7
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §H(2)(h) of this regulation
(f) Sassafras River Oligohaline (SASOH1):39.389511-76.040848(1) Grove Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.372025-76.101227(2) 2,850 feet east of Howells Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.371868-75.955750(3) 0.66 miles NW of Freeman Creek
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.378330-75.961472(4) Cassidy Wharf
Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §H(2)(h) of this regulation
(g) Sassafras River Oligohaline (SASOH2):39.378330-75.961472(1) Cassidy Wharf
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.371868-75.955750(2) 0.66 miles NW of Freeman Creek
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.376785-75.806549(3) 350 feet upstream of Rt. 301
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §H(2)(h) of this regulation
(h) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Elk River and tributaries39.513611-75.884711Upstream of line from Bull Minnow Pt. to Courthouse Pt.
(ii) Bohemia River and tributaries39.485853-75.908481Upstream of line from Rich Pt. to Battery Pt.
(iii) Sassafras River and tributaries39.370325-75.978743Upstream of Ordinary Pt.
(iv) Stillpond Creek and tributaries (Still Pond)39.332707-76.135330Upstream of Kinnaird Pt.
(v) Worton Creek39.291457-76.181995Upstream of mouth
(vi) Fairlee Creek39.269552-76.210087Upstream of mouth
(vii) Northeast River39.541074-76.003000Upstream of mouth
(3) Class III: Principio Creek and all tributaries39.572032-76.031084
(4) Class III-P:
Mill Creek 39.585249 -76.052864 Upstream of an unnamed tributary near Reservoir Rd.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: None.

I. Sub-Basin 02-13-07: Bush River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: Winters Run and all tributaries, including Atkisson Reservoir39.439084-76.307513From Otter Point Creek to upstream boundary of Atkisson Reservoir
(2) Class II:
(a) Bush River Oligohaline (BSHOH):39.339172-76.256592(1) 800 feet upriver of Lego Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.351715-76.232986(2) Mouth of Abbey Creek
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.482510-76.215805(3) Church Creek, at the railroad tracks
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §I(2)(b) of this regulation
(b) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Bush River and tributaries39.412511-76.254673Upstream of line from Fairview Pt. to Chillbury Pt.
(ii) Romney Creek39.389322-76.208158Upstream of Briar Pt.
(iii) Swan Creek and tributaries39.486879-76.114054Upstream of line from Swan Creek Point and Plumb Point
(3) Class III: Bynum Run and all tributaries39.471465-76.259730
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: Winters Run and all tributaries39.484346-76.343776Upstream of Atkisson Reservoir

J. Sub-Basin 02-13-08: Gunpowder River Area.

Class: Waters




(1) Class I-P: Loch Raven Reservoir.39.430805-76.543833Upstream of Loch Raven Dam
(2) Class II:
(a) Gunpowder River Oligohaline (GUNOH2):39.358330-76.345024(1) Cunninghill Cove, mouth of unnamed creek
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.356564-76.322929(2) Maxwell Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.412685-76.400780(3) Gunpowder Falls, 1,500 feet below Rt. 7
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §J(2)(d) of this regulation
(b) Mouth of Gunpowder River Oligohaline (GUNOH1):39.316414-76.331039(1) 170 feet S of east side of bridge to Carroll Island
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.312862-76.321449(2) Carroll Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.312767-76.321190(3) Carroll Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.303204-76.296249(4) Rickett Pt. at end of Ricketts Pt. Rd.
Application Depth: 2.0 meters39.356564-76.322929(5) Maxwell Pt.
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive39.358330-76.345024(6) Cunninghill Cove, mouth of unnamed creek
Shellfish Harvest: See §J(2)(d) of this regulation39.326569-76.361801(7) 170 feet South of West side of bridge to Carroll Island
39.326477-76.361130(8) 170 feet S of east side of bridge to Carroll Island
(c) Middle River Oligohaline (MIDOH):39.286442-76.384102(1) North shore of Holly Beach
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.309422-76.342964(2) Carroll Island, between Weir Pt. and Hawthorn Cove
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.326477-76.361130(3) 170 feet S of east side of bridge to Carroll Island
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.326569-76.361801(4) 170 feet South of west side of bridge to Carroll Island
Application Depth: 2.0 meters39.329792-76.446922(5) 150 feet downstream of RR tracks, above Eastern Blvd
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §J(2)(d) of this regulation
(d) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Gunpowder River and all tributaries39.373213-76.338011Upstream of line from Oliver Pt. to Maxwell Pt.
(ii) Middle River39.303819-76.394089Upstream of line from Log Pt. to Turkey Pt.
(3) Class III:
(a) Little Gunpowder Falls and all tributaries39.421494-76.373807Above B&O railroad bridge 3/4 mile south of Rt. 7 (Old Philadelphia Road)
(b) Long Green Run and all tributaries39.436259-76.463872
(c) Sweathouse Branch and all tributaries39.435819-76.461519
(d) Cowen Run and all tributaries39.430809-76.522574
(4) Class III-P: Gunpowder Falls and all tributaries upstream from Loch Raven Reservoir
(5) Class IV:
(a) Whitemarsh Run and all tributaries39.381461-76.419291
(b) Big Gunpowder Falls39.425580-76.529257U.S. Route 95 upstream to Cromwell Bridge Road mainstem only
(6) Class IV-P: None.

K. Sub-Basin 02-13-09: Patapsco River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P:
(a) Liberty Reservoir39.376821-76.890395Upstream of Liberty Dam
(b) All tributaries to West Branch Patapsco River except those designated below as Class III-P or Class IV-P
(c) All tributaries to Liberty Reservoir except those designated below as Class III-P or Class IV-PUpstream of Liberty Reservoir
(2) Class II: Tidal Waters:
(a) Back River Oligohaline (BACOH):39.231178-76.408920(1) Swan Pt., in line with 11th St.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.248951-76.410530(2) Rocky Pt. Park, between Claybank and Cedar Pts.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.307873-76.520416(3) Moores Run, 1.25 miles above I-695
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: None
(b) Patapsco River Mesohaline (PATMH):39.131855-76.435081(1) Bodkin Neck between Cedar and Bodkin Pts.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.195377-76.444511(2) North Pt. south of Fort Howard
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.275375-76.654480(3) Gwynns Falls, upstream end of Carroll Park
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 1.0 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §K(2)(c) of this regulation
Seasonal Deep Channel Refuge. Lower pycnocline boundary to bottom from June 1 to September 30, inclusive39.183780-76.403830(4) Patapsco River mainstem: Brewerton Channel, eastern extension at line connecting North Pt. and Bodkin Pt.
39.219900-76.525780(5) Patapsco River mainstem: Brewerton Channel at Key Bridge (I-695)
39.219900-76.525780(6) Patapsco River mainstem: Fort McHenry Channel, at Key Bridge (I-695)
39.261940-76.574550(7) Patapsco River mainstem: Fort McHenry Channel at Rt. 895 Tunnel
39.224300-76.529080(8) Curtis Bay Channel at intersection with Fort McHenry Channel
39.222190-76.575130(9) Curtis Bay Channel at intersection with Curtis Creek
39.187780-76.577670(10) Curtis Bay Channel at channel terminus
39.254170-76.571760(11) Middle Branch: Ferry Bar Channel at intersection with Fort McHenry Channel
39.253060-76.607630(12) Middle Branch: Ferry Bar Channel, western terminus anchorages
39.261940-76.574550(13) Northwest Branch: East Channel at intersection with Fort McHenry Channel
39.275080-76.576210(14) Northwest Branch: East Channel at northern terminus
39.271330-76.575890(15) Northwest Branch: Intersection of East and West Channels
39.277310-76.599340(16) Northwest Branch: West Channel at northern terminus
Note: Authorized federal and non-federal anchorages associated with the Brewerton, Fort McHenry, Curtis Bay, Ferry Bar, East, and West Channels shall be considered part of the navigation channel system for the purposes of application of designated uses and criteria pursuant to COMAR and COMAR
(c) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory: Estuarine portions of Patapsco River mainstem except the Patapsco River and all tributaries upstream of line from Rock Pt. to North Pt.39.164879-76.476476
(3) Class III:
(a) Brice Run and all tributaries39.319009-76.822519
(b) Piney Run and all tributaries39.352413-76.895710From mouth upstream to Slacks Road (on Springfield State Hospital grounds)
(c) Jones Falls and all tributaries39.391029-76.654062Upstream of Lake Roland
(d) Red Run and all tributaries39.404790-76.776654
(e) Gwynns Falls and all tributaries39.420864-76.781840Upstream of Reisterstown Road
(f) Gillis Falls and all tributaries39.362346-77.065255
(g) South Branch Patapsco and all tributaries39.362284-77.065456Upstream of confluence with Gillis Falls tributaries
(h) Unnamed tributary to the South Branch Patapsco River at Henryton and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.350795-76.915771
(j) Unnamed tributary to the South Branch Patapsco River at Marriottsville and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.351956-76.898985
(k) Piney Branch and all tributaries39.357049-76.996543
(4) Class III-P:
(a) Piney Run and all tributaries39.380859-76.944293Upstream of Slacks Road (on Springfield State Hospital grounds)
(b) Morgan Run and all tributaries39.450451-76.948306
(c) Norris Run and all tributaries39.459228-76.876215
(d) Cooks Branch and all tributaries39.438203-76.872783
(e) Keysers Run and all tributaries39.471594-76.879122
(f) Beaver Run and all tributaries39.484356-76.898037
(g) Snowdens Run and all tributaries39.403823-76.911979
(h) Stillwater Creek and all tributaries39.400553-76.911755
(i) Carroll Highlands Run and all tributaries39.390605-76.910086
(j) Autumn Run and all tributaries39.389618-76.909671
(k) Locust Run and all tributaries39.404995-76.862578
(l) Glen Falls Run and all tributaries39.494078-76.867964
(m) East Branch Patapsco River and all tributaries39.537358-76.893171
(n) Little Morgan Run and all tributaries39.436989-76.987892Upstream from confluence with unnamed tributary near Klees Mill Road
(o) Roaring Run (Carroll County) and all tributaries39.510061-76.887278Upstream from mouth
(p) Unnamed Tributary to North Branch Patapsco River and all tributaries 39.534575 -76.891732 Near Wesley Road
(q) Unnamed tributary to the West Branch North Branch Patapsco River and all tributaries 39.574623 -76.955109 Near Tannery Road
(r) Unnamed tributary to the West Branch North Branch Patapsco River and all tributaries 39.559758 -76.927383 Near Dutrow Road
(s) Unnamed tributary to the West Branch North Branch Patapsco River and all tributaries 39.553998 -76.91500 Near Reese Road
(t) Unnamed tributary to Cranberry Branch and all tributaries 39.608109 -76.958926 Near Guadelupe Drive
(u) Unnamed tributary to Liberty Reservoir and all tributaries 39.432231 -76.940664 Flows from area near Woodridge Lane
(v) Unnamed tributary to Liberty Reservoir and all tributaries 39.432498 -76.940303 Flows from area near Sykesville Road
(5) Class IV:
(a) South Branch Patapsco River39.350065-76.882132Mainstem only
(b) Jones Falls39.311006-76.620399Mainstem only. From North Ave. upstream to Lake Roland Dam
(c) Herring Run and all tributaries39.302647-76.531400Upstream of Route I-95
(d) Stony Run and all tributaries39.316898-76.626541
(e) Dead Run and all tributaries39.305360-76.686387
(f) Stemmers Run and all tributaries39.352105-76.499513Upstream of Route I-95
(g) Patapsco River39.221606-76.713289Mainstem only. B&O (Thomas) viaduct upstream to confluence of North Branch Patapsco and South Branch Patapsco.
(h) Gwynns Falls39.420854-76.781846Balt. City/County line upstream to Route 140 (Reisterstown Road)
(6) Class IV-P:
(a) North Branch Patapsco River39.493185-76.872810Mainstem only upstream of Liberty Reservoir
(b) West Branch Patapsco River39.537319-76.893451Mainstem only
(c) Cranberry Branch and all tributaries39.583162-76.970392Upstream of MD Route 852 (Old Manchester Road)

L. Sub-Basin 02-13-10: West Chesapeake Bay Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II:
(a) Magothy River Mesohaline (MAGMH):39.039185-76.414330(1) Between Beacon Hill and Tydings on the Bay
Designated Use Present in Segment:39.074715-76.422539(2) East side Gibson I. across from Hapenny Way
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.114807-76.548195(3) End of estuary below Catherine Ave.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 1.0 meters, NGZ present
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §L(2)(f) of this regulation
(b) Severn River Mesohaline (SEVMH):38.946095-76.455879(1) Bay Ridge, near Bainbridge Ave
Designated Use Present in Segment:38.976032-76.452377(2) Greenbury Pt., 800 feet up east side from the tip
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.079697-76.623398(3) Severn Run, 1,100 feet downstream of Veterans Hwy.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 1.0 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §L(2)(f) of this regulation
(c) South River Mesohaline (SOUMH):38.888672-76.489876(1) Saunders Pt., south of Mayo Beach Park
Designated Use Present in Segment:38.886829-76.475616(2) 0.8 miles east of Saunders Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.907860-76.466240(3) Southern shore of Thomas Pt. Park
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.983105-76.606232(4) 700 feet upstream of Rt. 50
Application Depth: 1.0 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §L(2)(f) of this regulation
(d) Rhode River Mesohaline (RHDMH):38.867775-76.519608(1) Salt Pond at the mouth of the Rhode River
Designated Use Present in Segment:38.864788-76.485870(2) 1.2 miles ESE of Dutchman Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.886829-76.475616(3) 0.8 miles east of Saunders Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.888672-76.489876(4) Saunders Pt., south of Mayo Beach Park
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present38.883629-76.554649(5) Muddy Creek, 1,200 feet below N and S Forks converge
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §L(2)(f) of this regulation
(e) West River Mesohaline (WSTMH):38.848892-76.493805(1) Felicity Cove, 250 feet north of Bay Rd.
Designated Use Present in Segment:38.864788-76.485870(2) 1.2 miles ESE of Dutchman Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.867775-76.519608(3) Salt Pond at the mouth of the Rhode River
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.822258-76.551514(4) 2,400 feet downstream of Shady Side Rd.
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §L(2)(f) of this regulation
(f) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except:
(i) Magothy River and tributaries39.08422836-76.51089143Upstream of Henderson Pt.
(ii) Severn River and tributaries39.070697-76.575016Upstream of mouth of Forked Creek
(iii) South River and tributaries38.958948-76.577045Upstream of Porter Pt.
(iv) Rockhold Creek and tributaries38.782503-76.559107Upstream of Mason Beach Road
(v) Tracys Creek38.778011-76.563274Upstream of Rt. 256
(3) Class III: Jabez Branch and all tributaries39.082056-76.629864
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: Severn Run and all tributaries39.080917-76.626467Upstream of Rt. 3
(6) Class IV-P: None.

M. Sub-Basin 02-13-11: Patuxent River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P:
(a) Little Patuxent River and all tributaries39.079294-76.765442Upstream of Old Forge Bridge (1 mile south of MD Route 198)
(b) Patuxent River and all tributaries except those designated below as Class III-P or Class IV-P39.117030-76.875187Upstream of Rocky Gorge Dam
(2) Class II:
(a) Upper Patuxent River Tidal Fresh (PAXTF):38.700325-76.695824(1) On Marshy Point 0.5 miles N of Hotschkins Branch
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.700516-76.694160(2) 0.8 miles north of Jones Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.874958-76.677834(3) Near unnamed stream south of Mt. Nebo Branch
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.785023-76.712456(4) Mouth of Western Branch, east side
Application Depth: 0.5 meters38.784637-76.713326(5) Mouth of Western Branch, west side
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §M(2)(j) of this regulation
(b) Western Branch Patuxent River Tidal Fresh (WBRTF):38.784637-76.713326(1) Mouth of Western Branch, west side
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.785023-76.712456(2) Mouth of Western Branch, east side
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.797241-76.729507(3) Where West. Branch narrows, N of sewage plant
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §M(2)(j) of this regulation
(c) Middle Patuxent River Oligohaline (PAXOH):38.542320-76.678818(1) Chalk Pt., eastern side
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.540684-76.668045(2) Gods Grace Pt. near end of Leitchs Wharf Rd.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.700516-76.694160(3) 0.8 miles north of Jones Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.700325-76.695824(4) On marshy point 0.5 miles N of Hotschkins Branch
Application Depth: 0.5 meters
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
Shellfish Harvest: See §M(2)(j) of this regulation
(d) Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 1 (PAXMH1):38.304638-76.421448(1) Fishing Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.319176-76.420990(2) Drum Pt.
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive38.322941-76.451630(3) Point of land S of Ship Pt. and E of Ma Leg I.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.321041-76.451965(4) Eastern tip of Solomons
Application Depth: 2.0 meters38.386593-76.498840(5) Mouth of St. Leonard Creek, east side
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.389153-76.506416(6) Petersons Pt.
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive38.412220-76.542747(7) Island Creek mouth, east Side
Shellfish Harvest: See §M(2)(j) of this regulation38.411896-76.544487(8) Island Creek mouth, Broomes Island Side
38.481140-76.647560(9) 0.64 miles south of the Sandy Pt. near Buzzard I.
38.475594-76.662788(10) Trent Hall Pt.
38.342590-76.500587(11) Mouth of Cuckold Creek, north side
38.339634-76.499550(12) Mouth of Cuckold Creek, south side
(e) Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 2 (PAXMH2):38.475594-76.662788(1) Trent Hall Pt.
Refer to designated uses applicable to Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 1 (PAXMH1)38.481140-76.647560(2) 0.64 miles south of the Sandy Pt. near Buzzard I.
Shallow Water Application Depth: 0.5 meters38.540684-76.668045(3) Gods Grace Pt. near end of Leitchs Wharf Rd.
38.542320-76.678818(4) Chalk Pt., eastern side
(f) Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 3 (PAXMH3):38.321041-76.451965(1) Eastern tip of Solomons
Refer to designated uses applicable to Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 1 (PAXMH1)38.322941-76.451630(2) Point of land S of Ship Pt. and E of Ma Leg I.
Shallow Water Application Depth: 0.5 meters
(g) Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 4 (PAXMH4):38.339634-76.499550(1) Mouth of Cuckold Creek, south side
Refer to designated uses applicable to Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 1 (PAXMH1)38.342590-76.500587(2) Mouth of Cuckold Creek, north side
Shallow Water Application Depth: 0.5 meters
(h) Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 5 (PAXMH5):38.389153-76.506416(1) Petersons Pt.
Refer to designated uses applicable to Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 1 (PAXMH1)38.386593-76.498840(2) Mouth of St. Leonard Creek, east side
Shallow Water Application Depth: 0.5 meters38.446831-76.492088(3) 0.25 miles downstream of Parran Road
(i) Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 6 (PAXMH6):38.411896-76.544487(1) Island Creek mouth, Broomes Island Side
Refer to designated uses applicable to Lower Patuxent River Mesohaline 1 (PAXMH1)38.412220-76.542747(2) Island Creek mouth, east Side
Shallow Water Application Depth: 0.5 meters38.433407-76.540894(3) 0.7 miles N of point where Marshall Rd. ends
(j) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except Patuxent River and tributaries38.701927-76.693783Upstream of Ferry Landing
(3) Class III: None
(4) Class III-P: Patuxent River and tributaries Upstream of Triadelphia Reservoir39.237603-77.045141
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P:
(a) Patuxent River and tributaries39.149845-76.975630Between Rocky Gorge Reservoir and Triadelphia Reservoir, and including Triadelphia Reservoir
(b) Little Patuxent and Middle Patuxent and all tributaries39.134120-76.816032Little Patuxent and all tributaries upstream of U.S. Route 1 (Washington Boulevard)

N. Sub-Basin 02-14-01: Lower Potomac River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: Tilghman Lake Reservoir



(2) Class II:

(a) Lower Potomac River Tidal Fresh (POTTF):



(1) MLW midway between Shipping Pt. and Quantico Pier

Designated Uses Present in Segment:



(2) 1,000 feet SW of Moss Pt.

Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive



(3) Stump Neck, E of radio towers & W of Roach Rd.

Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive



(4) Cornwallis Neck, 0.25 miles NW of Deep Pt.

Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present



(5) Mockley Pt., 500 feet west of tip

Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive



(6) West of Fort Washington

Shellfish Harvest: See §N(2)(g) of this regulation



(7) DC/MD State Line-northern shore of Oxon Creek



(8) DC/MD State Line-southern shore of Oxon Creek



(9) DC/MD State Line-near Fox Ferry Pt.



(10) DC/MD/VA State line, 200' east of Jones Point Park



(11) West of Ft. Washington



(12) Mockley PI, 500 west of tip



(13) Cornwallis Neck, 0.25 miles NW of Deep Pt.



(14) Stump Neck, E of radio towers and W of Roach Rd.

Following the mean low water (MLW) line which defines the Maryland/Virginia State boundary to the first point described above, except for the following Virginia embayments where the boundary is the confluence of the mouth of the embayment with the Potomac River; Hunting Creek, Little Hunting Creek, Dogue Creek, Gunston Cove, the unnamed embayment in Mason Neck NWR, Occoquan Bay, Powells Creek, and Quantico Creek.

(b) Lower Potomac River Oligohaline 1 (POTOH1):



(1) MLW 1 mile SE of Mathias Pt., just north of 639

Designated Uses Present in Segment:



(2) 0.65 miles NW of the town of Popes Creek

Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive



(3) 1.5 miles SE of Chapel Pt., due E of Windmill Pt.

Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive



(4) Windmill Pt.

Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present



(5) Blossom Pt.

Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive



(6) 0.15 miles SW of Benny Gray Pt.

Shellfish Harvest: See §N(2)(g) of this regulation



(7) 1,000 feet SW of Moss Pt.



(8) MLW midway between Shipping Pt. and Quantico Pier

Following the Mean Low Water (MLW) line which defines the Maryland/Virginia State boundary to the first point described above, except for the following Virginia embayments where the boundary is the confluence of the mouth of the embayment with the Potomac River; Unnamed embayment (Chopawamsic Island), Unnamed embayment (near Arkendale Road), Aquia Creek, and Potomac Creek.

(c) Lower Potomac River Oligohaline 2 (POTOH2): Port Tobacco River



(1) Windmill Pt.

Designated Uses Present in Segment:



(2) 1.5 miles SE of Chapel Pt., due E of Windmill Pt.

Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive



(3) Port Tobacco Marina (edge of 7.5 foot quad sheet)

Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive

Application Depth: 1.0 meters, NGZ present

Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive

Shellfish Harvest: See §N(2)(g) of this regulation

(d) Lower Potomac River Oligohaline 3 (POTOH3): Nanjemoy Creek



(1) 0.15 miles SW of Benny Gray Pt.

Designated Uses Present in Segment:



(2) Blossom Pt.

Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive



(3) Wards Run, 0.25 miles upstream of Hill Top Fork

Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive

Application Depth: 1.0 meters, NGZ present

Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive

Shellfish Harvest: See §N(2)(g) of this regulation

(e) Lower Potomac River Mesohaline (POTMH):



(1) MLW East of Ophelia, 300 feet NW of light

Designated Uses Present in Segment:



(2) Point Lookout

Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive



(3) 0.65 miles NW of the town of Popes Creek

Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive



(4) MLW 1 mile SE of Mathias Pt., just north of 639

Application Depth: meters, NGZ present

Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive

Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive

Seasonal Deep Channel Refuge Use: Lower pycnocline boundary to bottom from June 1 to September 30, inclusive

Shellfish Harvest: See §N(2)(g) of this regulation

Following the mean low water (MLW) line which defines the Maryland/Virginia State boundary to the first point described above, except for the following Virginia embayments where the boundary is the confluence of the mouth of the embayment with the Potomac River: Upper Machodoc Creek, Rosier Creek, Monroe Bay, Mattox Creek, Popes Creek, Nomini Bay, Lower Machodoc Creek, unnamed embayment (south of Ragged Pt), Gardner Creek, Jackson Creek, Bonum Creek, Yeocomico River, Coan River, Presley Creek, Hull Creek, and Hock Creek.

(f) Mattawoman Creek Tidal Fresh (MATTF):



(1) Cornwallis Neck, 0.25 miles northwest of Deep Point

Designated Uses Present in Segment:



(2) Stump Neck, east of radio towers and west of Roach Road

Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive



(3) 2300 feet downstream of Routes


Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive.

Application depth: 1.0 meters, NGZ Absent

Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive.

Shellfish Harvest: See §N(2)(g) of this regulation

(g) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All estuarine portions of tributaries except Potomac River and tributaries



Above line from Smith Pt. to Simms Pt.



(3) Class III: None.

(4) Class III-P: None.

(5) Class IV: None.

(6) Class IV-P: None.

O. Sub-Basin 02-14-02: Washington Metropolitan Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: Potomac River and all tributaries except those designated below as Class III, Class III-P, Class IV, or Class IV-P 38.934494-77.119225From MD/DC line to Frederick/Montgomery County line
(2) Class II:
(a) Anacostia River Tidal Fresh (ANATF): 38.938805 -76.942162 (1) DC/MD State Line-eastern side of Rt. 50 bridge
Designated Uses Present in Segment: 38.918850 -76.941951 (2) 100 feet below Bladensburg Road bridge
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive 38.918261 -76.941198 (3) DC/MD State Line-western shore
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive
(b) Piscataway Creek Tidal Fresh (PISTF): 38.711002 -77.036736 (1) West of Ft. Washington
Designated Uses Present in Segment: 38.702038 -77.044693 (2) Mockley Point, 500 feet west of tip
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive 38.697979 -76.996788 (3) Piscataway Creek Park, north of sewage disposal plant
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive.
Application depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ Absent
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive.
(3) Class III:
(a) Paint Branch and all tributaries39.022995-76.945898Upstream of Capital Beltway (I-495)
(b) Rock Creek and all tributaries39.137413-77.128942Upstream of Muncaster Mill Road
(c) North Branch Rock Creek and all tributaries39.117721-77.101155Upstream of Muncaster Mill Road
(4) Class III-P:
(a) Little Seneca Creek and all tributaries39.143846-77.337504From the stream's confluence with Bucklodge Branch to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad bridge (see Regulation .03-3E(1) of this chapter)
(b) Wildcat Branch and all tributaries39.216251-77.210016
(c) Unnamed Tributary to the C & O Canal39.059602-77.308583750 yards east of Blockhouse Point in Blockhouse Point Park
(d) Unnamed Tributary to Muddy Branch39.065834-77.297595North of River Road in Blockhouse Point Park
(5) Class IV:
(a) Rock Creek and all tributaries39.094296-77.117781From Rt. 28 to Muncaster Mill Road
(b) Northwest Branch Anacostia River and all tributaries38.967802-76.968627Upstream of East-West Highway (Rt. 410)
(6) Class IV-P:
(a) Little Seneca Creek and all tributaries39.198890-77.284809Upstream of Little Seneca Lake
(b) Great Seneca Creek39.166086-77.228309Mainstem, Route 28 upstream to Route 355

P. Sub-Basin 02-14-03: Middle Potomac River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: Potomac River and all tributaries except those designated below as Class III-P or Class IV-P39.221736-77.456451From Frederick/Montgomery County line to confluence with Shenandoah River
(2) Class II: None.
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P:
(a) Tuscarora Creek and all tributaries39.458359-77.375099
(b) Carroll Creek and all tributaries39.423513-77.429438Upstream of U.S. Route 15
(c) Rocky Fountain Run and all tributaries39.332070-77.422527
(d) Fishing Creek and all tributaries39.505696-77.391445
(e) Hunting Creek and all tributaries39.550482-77.358179
(f) Owens Creek and all tributaries39.579028-77.332576
(g) Friends Creek and all tributaries39.719868-77.389272
(h) Catoctin Creek and all tributaries39.450300-77.562603Upstream of Alternate U.S. Route 40
(i) Little Bennett Creek and all tributaries39.279411-77.314709Upstream of MD Rt. 355
(j) Furnace Branch and all tributaries39.243999-77.439955
(k) Ballenger Creek and all tributaries39.362694-77.410124
(l) Bear Branch and all tributaries39.292638-77.405135From confluence with Bennett Creek upstream
(m) Middle Creek and all tributaries39.448829-77.603343Upstream of the confluence with an unnamed trib south of Geaslin Drive
(n) Unnamed tributary to Talbot Branch and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.455887-77.160651Stream flows in southerly direction. Mouth of stream joins Talbot Branch near intersection of Black Ankle Road and Talbot Run Road
(o) Unnamed tributary to Talbot Branch and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.454004-77.154174Stream flows in northwesterly direction. Mouth of stream joins Talbot Branch 500 meters east of the intersection of Black Ankle Road and Talbot Run Road
(p) Unnamed tributary to Big Pipe Creek and all tributaries39.675821-76.941553Upstream from confluence with another unnamed tributary just south of Wine Road
(q) Bennett Creek and all tributaries39.310961-77.231394From a point, 700 yards to the east of the intersection of Moxley and Clarksburg Road, upstream
(r) Unnamed tributary to Bennett Creek39.303758-77.286898Near intersection of Prices Distillery Road and Haines Road
(s) Flickinger Branch and all tributaries 39.450649 -77.135427 Near unnamed road off of Black Ankle Road
(t) Unnamed Tributary to Big Pipe Creek and all tributaries 39.675983 -76.919152 Near Dug Hill Drive
(u) Unnamed Tributary to Big Pipe Creek and all tributaries 39.657544 -76.92231 Near Route 27 Manchester Road
(v) Weldon Creek 39.478131 -77.11824 Upstream of tributary near Hoopers Delight Road
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P:
(a) Monocacy River and tributaries except those designated above as Class III-P39.398435-77.366868Upstream of U.S. Rt. 40
(b) Catoctin Creek39.309777-77.567051Mainstem only, from mouth upstream to Alternate U.S. Rt. 40
(c) Israel Creek and all tributaries39.327756-77.682559

Q. Sub-Basin 02-14-05: Upper Potomac River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: Potomac River and all Maryland tributaries except those designated below as Class III-P or Class IV-P39.323294-77.726927From the confluence of Shenandoah River to the confluence of the North and South Branches of the Potomac River
(2) Class II: None.
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P:
(a) All tributaries to Town Creek39.522699-78.543322
(b) Beaver Creek and all tributaries39.534756-77.709125In Antietam Creek Watershed
(c) Marsh Run and all tributaries39.649666-77.688571In Antietam Creek Watershed
(d) Little Antietam Creek and all tributaries39.682366-77.634870
(e) Camp Spring Run and all tributaries39.620790-77.938279
(f) Lanes Run and all tributaries39.666906-77.994074
(g) White Sulfur Run and all tributaries39.660897-78.458186
(h) Fifteenmile Creek and all tributaries39.682419-78.457543Upstream of the intersection of Fifteenmile Creek Road and Route 40
(i) Terrapin Run and all tributaries39.668854-78.433389Upstream from Route 68
(j) Spring Lick and all tributaries39.656160-78.396852
(k) Big Run and all tributaries39.524737-78.533497In Allegany County
(l) Unnamed tributary to the Potomac River that flows through Twigg Hollow and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.579220-78.460902Upstream of terminus of Outdoor Club Road
(m) Unnamed tributary to the Potomac River that flows through Roby Hollow and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.588595-78.429987
(n) Unnamed tributary to the Potomac River that flows through Devil's Alley and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.607699-78.428234
(o) Unnamed tributary to Sideling Hill Creek at Piney Grove39.705681-78.377356Upstream of the intersection of Orleans Road and Route 40
(p) Unnamed Tributary to Sideling Hill Creek that flows through Swain Hollow and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.678549-78.340979
(q) Munson Spring Branch and all tributaries39.705626-78.246756Upstream from a point due north of the Route 68 Exit 77
(r) Unnamed Tributary to Rattle Run that flows through the Hickory Ridge Unit and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.692248-78.022278
(s) Unnamed Tributary to Little Conococheague Creek at Polecat Hollow Road and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.691872-77.939952From confluence with Little Conococheague parallel to Polecat Hollow Road
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P:
(a) Town Creek39.522699-78.543322Mainstem only
(b) Fifteen Mile Creek and all tributaries39.624306-78.385322
(c) Sideling Hill Creek and all tributaries39.638721-78.334084
(d) Tonoloway Creek and all tributaries39.694133-78.156356
(e) Licking Creek and all tributaries39.651071-78.049665
(f) Conococheague Creek and all tributaries39.601204-77.828375
(g) Antietam Creek and all tributaries, except those designated above as Class III-P39.417405-77.745951
(h) St. James Run39.619544-77.746772Mainstem only. Confluence with Marsh Run upstream to headwaters

R. Sub-Basin 02-14-10: North Branch Potomac River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Classl-F:
(a) North Branch Potomac River mainstem except that portion designated below as Use III-P39.528486-78.587610From the confluence of the North and South Branches of the Potomac River to the MD/WV State line
(b) Mill Run and all tributaries (Allegany County) between the confluence with the North Branch Potomac and the Route 220 McMullen Highway road crossing39.537360-78.871353From confluence with North Branch Potomac to the Route 220 McMullen Highway road crossing
(c) Unnamed tributary to Mill Run and its tributaries in Allegany County39.533054-78.886147From confluence with Mill Run upstream to headwaters
(d) An unnamed tributary near Pinto39.567213-78.839990Confluence of the unnamed tributary with the North Branch of the Potomac River
(2) Class II: None.
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P:
(a) North Branch Potomac River mainstem from below Jennings Randolph Dam downstream to the confluence with Savage River 39.480398 -79.067187 Mainstem only.
39.4317897 -79.1167041
(b) All other waters are Class III-P except: From confluence of North and South Branches of the Potomac River to the MD/WV state line
(i) Those designated above as Class I-P
(ii) Those designated below as Class IV-P waters
Note: Mill Run and all tributaries upstream from the Route 220 McMullen Highway road crossing (near intersection with Hansel Drive) are designated as Class III-P.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P:
(a) Wills Creek39.648896-78.764400Mainstem only
(b) Evitts Creek39.624841-78.739466Mainstem only
(c) Georges Creek39.645609-78.915845Mainstem only

S. Sub-Basin 05-02-02: Youghiogheny River Area.

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P:
(a) Broad Ford Run and all tributaries39.407985-79.371406Upstream of Dam
(b) Piney Creek and all tributaries39.701701-79.019864Upstream from the confluence with Church Creek to the boundary of the Frostburg Watershed property (near Jay Road)
(2) Class II: None.
(3) Class III:
(a) North and South Branches of the Casselman River and all tributaries 39.668489 -79.177571 Upstream from the confluence of the North and South Branches Casselman to the headwaters
(b) Piney Creek and all tributaries in Maryland, including Church Creek39.722576-79.048833From MD/PA State line upstream to confluence of Church Creek
(c) Shade Run and all tributaries39.684455-79.164149
(d) Spiker Run and all tributaries39.680001-79.169868
(e) Puzzley Run and all tributaries39.721853-79.232254
(f) Unnamed tributary to the Casselman River and all tributaries to this unnamed tributary39.709365-79.117389
(g) Bucks Run and all tributaries 39.721831-79.242819
(4) Class III-P:
(a) Youghiogheny River and all tributaries joining the mainstem of the Youghiogheny River in Maryland39.721389-79.391256Upstream from MD/PA State line
(b) Piney Creek and all tributaries 39.722497 -78.964199
(5) Class IV: Casselman River 39.722386 -79.111767 Mainstem only, from Pennsylvania line upstream to the confluence of the South and North Branches of the Casselman
(6) Class IV-P: None.

T. Sub-Basin 02-05-03: Conewago Creek.

(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II: None.
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Use IV-P: None.

U. Sub-Basin 02-13-99: Chesapeake Bay (Mainstem).

Designated Use Class and Waterbody




(1) Class I-P: None.
(2) Class II:
(a) Northern Chesapeake Bay (CB1TF1): See Sub-Basin 02-12-02: Lower Susquehanna River Area.
(b) Northern Chesapeake Bay (CB1TF2): See Sub-Basin 02-12-02: Lower Susquehanna River Area.
(c) Upper Chesapeake Bay (CB2OH): Upper Chesapeake Bay Oligohaline39.225143-76.408775(1) North Pt. SP, Black Marsh, 1200' NE of sm. creek
Designated Uses Present in Segment:39.207447-76.246994(2) 3,000 feet S of Rt. 21 (Tolchester Beach Rd.)
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.372025-76.101227(3) 2,850 feet east of Howells Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.389511-76.040848(4) Grove Pt.
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present39.401688-76.035194(5) North of Chesapeake Haven, Grove Neck
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive39.420143-76.123344(6) 1,000 feet SW of Cherry Tree Pt., APG
Shellfish Harvest: See §U(2)(g) of this regulation39.351715-76.232986(7) North Pt. south of Fort Howard
39.339172-76.256592(8) 800 feet upriver of Lego Pt.
39.303204-76.296249(9) Rickett Pt. at end of Ricketts Pt. Rd.
39.312767-76.32119(10) Carroll Pt.
39.312862-76.321449(11) Carroll Pt.
39.316414-76.331039(12) Carroll I., midway betw. White Oak and Carroll Pts.
39.309422-76.342964(13) Carroll Island, between Weir Pt. and Hawthorn Cove
39.286442-76.384102(14) North shore of Holly Beach
39.248951-76.41053(15) Rocky Pt. Park, between Claybank and Cedar Pts.
39.231178-76.40892(16) Swan Pt., in line with 11th St.
(d) Upper Central Chesapeake Bay (CB3MH): Upper Chesapeake Bay Mesohaline38.995991-76.413185(1) 500 feet SE of Moss Pond
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.989105-76.330185(2) 0.6 miles NE of where Rt. 50 W meets the Bay
Migratory Spawning and Nursery Use: February 1 to May 31, inclusive39.016422-76.296959(3) Kent Island, 1,600 N of Grollman Rd.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive39.02972-76.242516(4) Wickes Beach, Eastern Neck Island
Application Depth: 0.5 meters, NGZ present39.054563-76.220229(5) Northern tip of Eastern Neck Island, east of Route 445 Bridge
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive39.056882-76.220903(6) Southern End of Eastern Neck, east of Route 445 Bridge
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive39.207447-76.246994(7) 3,000 S of Rt. 21 (Tolchester Beach Rd.)
Seasonal Deep Channel Refuge Use: Lower pycnocline boundary to bottom from June 1 to September 30, inclusive39.225143-76.408775(8) North Pt. SP, Black Marsh, 1,200 feet NE of sm. creek
Shellfish Harvest: See §U(2)(g) of this regulation39.195377-76.444511(9) North Pt. south of Fort Howard
39.131855-76.435081(10) Bodkin Neck between Cedar and Bodkin Pts.
39.074715-76.422539(11) East side Gibson I. across from Hapenny Way
39.039185-76.41433(12) Between Beacon Hill and Tydings on the Bay
(e) Middle Central Chesapeake Bay (CB4MH):38.384819-76.381432(1) Cove Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:38.393951-76.282532(2) Meekins Neck, 800 feet north of Cattail Island
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive38.421051-76.288589(3) Meekins Neck, across channel from Point #4
Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present38.421944-76.288742(4) Southern tip of Taylors Island
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.487057-76.331779(5) West side of Oyster Cove, Taylors Island
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive38.526997-76.333771(6) 190 feet south of LCHMH Point #3
Seasonal Deep Channel Refuge Use: Lower pycnocline boundary to bottom from June 1 to September 30, inclusive38.527523-76.333801(7) East edge of tidal flat N of existing James Island
Shellfish Harvest: See §U(2)(g) of this regulation38.672421-76.340698(8) 720 feet along shore NNW of Blackwalnut Pt.
38.719185-76.334084(9) South side Knapps Narrows, 275 feet west of Rt. 33
38.719967-76.333054(10) North side Knapps Narrows, 150 feet west of Rt. 33
38.752529-76.340332(11) 1,500 feet NE of Green Marsh Pt.
38.836365-76.369392(12) Kent Pt.
38.989105-76.330185(13) 0.6 mile NE of where Rt. 50 W meets the Bay
38.995991-76.413185(14) 500 feet SE of Moss Pond
38.976032-76.452377(15) Greenbury Pt., 800 feet up east side from the tip
38.946095-76.455879(16) Bay Ridge, near Bainbridge Ave
38.90786-76.46624(17) Southern shore of Thomas Pt. Park
38.848892-76.493805(18) Felicity Cove, 250 feet north of Bay Rd.
(f) Lower Central Chesapeake Bay (CB5MH):37.889451-76.236198(1) Smith Pt.
Designated Uses Present in Segment:37.88568-76.229038(2) MD/VA State Line-2500' SW of Smith Pt.
Shallow Water Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Use: April 1 to October 30, inclusive37.941404-76.083908(3) MD/VA State Line-2.25 miles west of Smith Gut Pt.
Application Depth: 2.0 meters, NGZ present38.05191-76.128838(4) 7,000 feet N and 2,500 feet W of Fog Pt., Smith Island
Open Water Fish and Shellfish Use: January 1 to December 31, inclusive38.231445-76.135773(5) Lower Hooper I. between Nancys and Creek Pts.
Seasonal Deep Water Fish and Shellfish Use: Upper pycnocline to lower pycnocline from June 1 to September 30, inclusive38.248581-76.153191(6) Lower Hooper Island, NE end of The Thorofare
Seasonal Deep Channel Refuge Use: Lower pycnocline boundary to bottom from June 1 to September 30, inclusive38.248642-76.154419(7) Middle Hooper Island, NW end of The Thorofare
Shellfish Harvest: See §U(2)(g) of this regulation38.295982-76.204597(8) NW tip of Middle Hooper I. across from Ferry Pt.
38.298965-76.206718(9) Ferry Pt.
38.348228-76.227264(10) Drawbridge, northern Upper Hooper Island
38.349953-76.227982(11) Drawbridge, southern Meekins Neck
38.393951-76.282532(12) Meekins Neck, 800 feet north of Cattail Island
38.384819-76.381432(13) Cove Pt.
38.319176-76.42099(14) Drum Pt.
38.304638-76.421448(15) Fishing Pt.
38.038605-76.321442(16) Point Lookout
37.909725-76.263702(17) East of Ophelia, 300 feet NW of light
(g) Shellfish Harvest Subcategory. All waters of the Chesapeake Bay Proper From the Susquehanna River mouth to the Virginia State line, including the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay bounded generally by the shoreline of the Bay and by "zero river mile" lines of estuaries and tributaries to the Bay, as designated by the Department of the Environment, and any peripheral waters designated as part of the Chesapeake Bay Proper by the Department of the Environment after consultation with the Tidewater Administration and the Forest, Park and Wildlife Service.
(3) Class III: None.
(4) Class III-P: None.
(5) Class IV: None.
(6) Class IV-P: None.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulation .08A amended effective May 1, 1989 (16:8 Md. R. 911)
Regulation .08O amended effective October 30, 1989 (16:21 Md. R. 2263)
Regulation .08Q amended effective May 1, 1989 (16:8 Md. R. 911)
Regulations .08 and new Regulation .08 adopted effective August 29, 2005 (32:17 Md. R. 1442)
Regulation .08 amended effective April 19, 2010 (37:8 Md. R. 619);41:8 Md. R. 474, eff. 4/28/2014
Regulation .08H and J amended effective April 13, 1992 (19:7 Md. R. 747)
Regulation .08J amended effective January 17, 1994 (21:1 Md. R. 34); October 24, 1994 (21:21 Md. R. 1815); May 22, 1995 (22:10 Md. R. 708); July 5, 2004 (31:13 Md. R. 995)
Regulation .08L amended effective November 29, 2010 (37:24 Md. R. 1660)
Regulation .08N amended effective October 28, 1991 (18:21 Md. R. 2311); January 17, 1994 (21:1 Md. R. 34); October 24, 1994 (21:21 Md. R. 1815)
Regulation .08O amended effective January 17, 1994 (21:1 Md. R. 34); May 22, 1995 (22:10 Md. R. 708)
Regulation .08Q amended effective January 17, 1994 (21:1 Md. R. 34); May 22, 1995 (22:10 Md. R. 708); amended effective 45:7 Md. R. 347, eff. 4/9/2018; amended effective 49:22 Md. R. 980, eff. 10/31/2022