Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Requirements Applicable to Adopted County Plans
A. All county plans, amendments, or revisions shall be prepared in conformance with this regulation. Each adopted plan shall be arranged with an introduction and a minimum of four chapters as outlined below.
B. Introduction:
(1) A statement certifying that the plan has been officially adopted by the county governing body;
(2) A statement certifying that the plan has been submitted to the Department and it meets the requirements of Regulation .02B of this chapter;
(3) A statement certifying that sections of the plan covering engineering aspects of water and sewerage projects have been prepared and reviewed for adequacy by a registered professional engineer licensed in the State;
(4) The letter of approval from the Department.
C. Chapter One. This chapter shall contain:
(1) A statement of the goals of the county consistent with county comprehensive planning;
(2) A brief discussion, with charts, of the organization of the county government as it relates to the management of water supply and sewerage facilities.
D. Chapter Two. Chapter two shall contain the general background information relevant to the water and sewerage planning. Information shall include the maps, charts, and tables listed below. When a county has previously developed alternative methods for presenting this data, the specific format required in the chapter may be waived by the Department.
(1) Physical.
(a) General maps showing aquifers, soil drainage characteristics, topography, ground water and surface water patterns.
(b) A map or table showing water quality criteria in the county.
(2) Population.
(a) General maps showing present and projected population distribution and density.
(b) Table No. 1 county population projections.

Table No. 1
Population Projections
County ProjectionsState ProjectionsOthers

(3) Land Use.
(a) Maps showing existing land use, zoning, and the adopted comprehensive development plan for the county.
(b) Table No. 2, reflecting existing and zoned land use in acres.

Table No. 2
Land in County
Existing Land UseZoned LandCounty Comprehensive Plan 1980 or Other Horizon Date
Acres% Total AcreageAcres% Total AcreageAcres% Total Acreage
Land Use
Residential, Commercial, Light Industry
Heavy Industry
Agricultural and Open Space
Mines and Quarries
Surface Water

(c) A map showing existing and proposed major public institutions, such as schools, hospitals, correctional facilities, government complexes; and a table showing the approximate populations of these institutions.
E. Chapter Three. Chapter three shall contain a description of existing, planned, and future requirements for water service areas including tables, maps, charts, graphs, descriptive information, and all other matter regarding these systems. It shall contain a discussion of ground and surface water resources within the county including the quality and potential quantity of these sources. Summaries of existing and projected water demands and existing sources of pollution or contamination relating to water supplies shall be stated or shown. The chapter shall contain a discussion of alternatives and the rationale used in determining the means of providing future water supplies. For every water service area, the following shall be discussed or shown: operating agency, rated and actual productions, type of treatment, location, operation and maintenance costs, and proposed means of financial improvements. For any proposed new water supply source, a summary of the environmental impact of its development shall be given. Efforts to reduce demands (i.e., metering, rate changes, plumbing codes) shall be outlined. Minimum requirements for tables and maps in this chapter are as follows:
(1) Table No. 3, showing population projections and projected water supply demands and planned capacity by water service areas through the year 2000.
(2) Inventories of water sources as follows:
(a) An inventory, Table No. 4, of community system wells;
(b) An inventory, Table No. 5, of impounded supplies;
(c) An inventory of other surface water supplies showing initial and planned withdrawals (MGD).
(3) An inventory, Table No. 6, of existing treatment facilities.
(4) An inventory, Table No. 7, of this regulation, of problem areas such as inadequate portions of community systems (including fire flow inadequacies) and areas where individual systems are experiencing difficulties:

Table No. 7
Inventory of Water Problem Areas
Service AreaLocationPopulationAcresNature ofProblemPlanned Correction Date (if known)

(5) Immediate, 5 and 10 year priorities for water development, Table No. 8.
(6) Maps as specified in §G of this regulation.
F. Chapter Four. Chapter four shall contain a description of the existing and planned community and multi-use sewerage systems, including tables, maps, charts, graphs, descriptive information and all other matters regarding these systems. Indicate locations of proposed points of waste discharges. It shall be shown how conformance of existing and programmed sewerage facilities meet or will meet the effluent limitations specified in COMAR of the Department of the Environment. It shall contain a summary of each available point of discharge evaluation, specifically those parts pertaining to protected water uses. It shall discuss the rationale for selecting a planned alternative for any proposed treatment facility, pumping station, or interceptor. For every service area and community system, the following should be discussed: operating agency, design average and peak flows; whether combined or separate collection systems; level and type of treatment given; sludge disposal plans, condition of treatment and transmission facilities; operation and maintenance costs; and proposed means of financing improvements. Minimum requirements for tables and maps in this chapter shall be as follows:
(1) Population projections and present and expected demands and capacities by sewerage service area, Table No. 9.
(2) Inventory of existing sewage treatment plants, Table No. 10.
(3) Inventory of problem areas, including inadequate portions of community systems and areas where individual systems are experiencing difficulty, Table No. 11.
(4) When possible, identify by service area water quality problems due to storm drain outfall and to non-point sources, Table No. 12.
(5) Immediate, 5 and 10 year priorities for sewerage systems development, Table No. 13.
(6) Maps as outlined in §G of this regulation.
(7) The county plan shall include an inventory of problem marinas and will include basic planning concepts for sanitary facilities at all marinas.
G. Technical Requirements.
(1) The following physical format shall be required for the submission of county plans.
(a) Textual materials, tables, charts, graphs, and other illustrations shall be prepared on 8-1/2 x 11-inch stock or any other size which can be folded for inclusion in the binder. Margins on the left-hand edge shall be punched for a multi-ringed 10 x 11-1/2-inch interchangeable stiff-backed binder with identification on the binder.
(b) The Maryland Coordinate Grid System shall be used to determine place locations. The Maryland State Highway System maps use this system with lines spaced at intervals of 50,000 feet bearing due east and due north from the points of origin. Other maps can be used by superimposing a similar grid on any map of Maryland. Referenced to the same point of origin, it then becomes possible to find any place on the map if its coordinates are known. Two numbers define any place location on the map. The first number designates the distance in thousands of feet that the place lies east of the point of origin, and the second number, the distance in thousands of feet that the place lies north of the point of origin.
(c) All projections shall be made for decade years except that for the first decade. The mid-period shall also be shown (e.g. 1970, 1975, 1980, 1990, 2000).
(d) Two maps of the entire county to a scale of approximately 1 inch equal to 1 mile shall be included showing, in general, areas served or to be served with community facilities. One map shall be for sewerage facilities and the other water supply facilities. These maps shall be folded, inserted into separate pockets marked "water" and "sewerage" and placed into the multiple-ringed stiff-backed binder.
(e) Two sets of detailed maps (one for water facilities and the other for sewerage facilities) of each portion of the county shall be prepared on a minimum scale of 1 inch equal to 2,000 feet and in sufficient number so to show actual areas served or to be served as set forth in these regulations. A minimum scale of "1 inch equals 3500 feet" is acceptable in those counties where existing detail mapping is complete or is under preparation. For those counties where detail maps have not been initiated, a scale of "1 inch equals 2000 feet" shall be the minimum requirement. Color coding on the maps is optional.
(f) Amendments or revisions to the county plan shall be prepared so that the new or additional material may be inserted in the binder in the appropriate places to provide a continuously updated and current county comprehensive water and sewerage plan. Each sheet of the amendment or revision shall be dated to show when the change became effective.
(g) Measurements as specified in this regulation shall be converted to their metric equivalence when applicable.
(2) As minimum requirements, the water and sewerage maps in the county plan shall be delineated to show for each existing and proposed community and multi-use water supply and sewerage system the following data located by codes and symbols as specified in this regulation.
(a) Delineate on the maps, existing or proposed and planned community and multi-use water and sewerage facilities, including wells, reservoirs, intakes, transmission and feeder mains, storage facilities, interceptor and truck sewers, pumping stations, force mains, treatment works, outfall sewers, and service areas. Show on the detailed maps sizes or capacities, or both, where appropriate.
(b) Delineate on the maps areas served by community and multi-use water and sewerage systems which are either existing or are under construction. The actual bounds of areas served by these systems shall be clearly indicated. The areas so delineated in this category shall be as shown in Table 14 and shall be referred to as W-1 for water systems and S-1 for sewerage systems.
(c) Delineate on the maps, areas to be served by extensions of existing community and multi-use water supply and sewerage systems which are in the final planning stages. The areas so shown in this category shall be as shown in Table 14 and shall be referred to as W-2 for water systems and S-2 for sewerage systems.
(d) Delineate on the maps, areas where improvements to, or construction of, new community and multi-use water supply and sewerage systems will be given immediate priority. The areas so shown in this category shall be as shown in Table 14 and shall be referred to as W-3 for water systems and S-3 for sewerage systems.
(e) Delineate on the maps areas where improvements to, or construction of, new community and multi-use water supply and sewerage systems will be programmed for the 3 to 5/6 year period. The areas so shown in this category shall be as shown in Table 14 and shall be referred to as W-4 for water systems and S-4 for sewerage systems.
(f) Delineate on the maps those areas where improvements to, or construction of, new community and multi-use water supply and sewerage systems are programmed for inclusion within the 6/7 through 10-year period. The areas so shown in this category shall be as shown in Table 14 and shall be referred to as W-5 for water systems and S-5 for sewerage systems.
(g) All other areas of the county should be shown as no planned service. The areas so shown in this category shall be as shown in Table 14 and shall be referred to as W-6 for water systems and S-6 for sewerage systems.
(h) Other map symbols shall be as shown in Table 14.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .04E, F, amended effective § 24, 1975 (2:29 Md. R. 1735)