99-626-3 Me. Code R. § 3B

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

The Authority may provide grants for Applicants with Eligible Implementation Grant Projects that are Eligible Forest Economy Community Grant Projects.

A. Grant Application Process

From time to time, the Authority may determine to make implementation grants available. At such times, the Authority shall ensure that notice of the availability of such grants is given to all potentially eligible Applicants within the state, as identified in the Sub-Grant Program Agreement. The Authority shall also ensure such potential Applicants are provided with the timeline for acceptance of applications, what must be submitted for an application, and such other information that the Trustees determine is appropriate. The notice and information may be provided by the Authority or by a service provider to the Authority.

B. Grant Application Contents. An Applicant shall submit an application complying with the requirements of this rule on forms developed by, or otherwise acceptable to, the Authority as may be specified with supporting information as required by this rule and additional information as requested by the Authority. The following minimum information shall be required in the application or in additional materials submitted by the Applicant or otherwise collected by the Authority or its service provide:
a. Executive Summary: Summary description of project; reason for application, work product, and desired outcome. Describe previous local level of reliance on the closed facility
b. Statement of the amount of grant funding being applied for and matching funds, if any, to be received from the Sub-Grant Program or other sources.
c. Sources/Uses Chart: A chart identifying each of the Sources of funds for the project; the sum total of these Sources; each of the Uses of funds for the project; the sum total of these Uses. Sources and Uses totals must match.
d. Description of what State agencies and/or regional economic development organizations/resources and/or consultants would assist in completion of project.
e. Project Narrative
i. Provide data/background demonstrating the project meets the requirements for an Eligible Implementation Grant Project, including information regarding the community's severe economic decline and employment loss, theevent/facility closure date, including but not limited to municipal tax revenues, residents formerly directly employed, residents and supply chain businesses that provided services to the site operators or employees.
ii. Discuss need for grant assistance, likelihood of success, economic impact;
iii. Discuss work product and expected outcome (jobs, direct and indirect; tax revenues, private investment);
iv. Discuss: existing facilities (on site and other, e. g. rail, ports, etc.), community support (letters), regional collaboration/consistency with regional plan, time frame for completion of redevelopment plan, regulatory restrictions on use;
f. Collaboration / Committee Formation: Describe the nature and extent of community support for the project, including, if applicable, the involvement of a Redevelopment Committee made up of local residents and owner of site to steer redevelopment plan.
g. Contract: Provide copies of all relevant private sector and/or government contracts or sample contracts related to the redevelopment, remediation, and/or marketing plan. To the extent not available at time of application, such materials may be required under the Grant Agreement required under Subsection (D) below, prior to grant funding, for successful grant applicants.
h. Budget: Estimated over all cost of the redevelopment project, qualified expenses (include future costs only), planning/technical staff, materials, travel, other resources including municipal and private funds, or other match, including in-kind match.
i. Relationship to Regional Economic Development Plan, if any.
C. Grant Application Selection. The Authority shall review and score all of the applications, or ask a service provider to review and score all applications. Applicants may be asked to submit additional materials as part of the review process. Application scoring shall be based upon a qualitative assessment and recommendation by the Authority's service provider, based upon its review of the Application, additional due diligence, and relative comparison of the Project and the Application to other Projects and Applications for Program grants, as well as the total amount of available grant funds (from the Program and other sources) for the Project and other Eligible Projects. The assessment and recommendation shall consider the following factors:
1. Strength of plan for redevelopment and marketing of site.
2. Demonstrated community support
3. Likelihood of ultimate completion of redevelopment of site.
4. Potential impact of completion of redevelopment of site
5. Consistency with any applicable regional economic development plan
6. Alignment of intended post remedial use with available forest products market research.

Higher scoring applications will be given preference for grant awards, but such preference shall not mean that all projects with preference will be fully funded before those with lower preference receive any funding.

The total number of grants awarded and total amount of each grant, as well as the aggregate amount of all grants, shall be subject to the discretion of the Authority. Grant applications may be awarded in the amount requested or in such lesser amount as the Authority may determine appropriate. All grant awards shall be made by the Authority following a vote at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Trustees.

D. Grant Recipient Obligations

Upon receipt of an implementation grant, the Applicant shall execute an Agreement with the Authority that contains the following minimum terms, as well as any other terms determined reasonable or necessary by the Authority:

1. The Applicant will use the grant only for the purposes for which it was awarded.
2. The Applicant will repay the full amount of the grant to the Authority in the event of a material misrepresentation in the Grant Application, or in the event the grant is not used for the purposes for which it was awarded, or there is other material breach of Grant Agreement.
3. The Applicant will provide periodic updates required by the Authority for monitoring purposes, which updates may include verification that grants have had the intended results.

The Authority may require disbursement of the grant to be in parts over time upon completion of certain benchmarks.

99-626 C.M.R. ch. 3, § 3B