99-346-24 Me. Code R. § 11
Fuel Assistance and ECIP | Expense Category |
Salary and fringe benefit costs for the actual time an individual performs intake, processing, or eligibility determination functions associated with an active Application | Program |
Salary and fringe benefit costs for the actual time an individual participates in administering Fuel Assistance or ECIP and is not performing functions associated with an active Application | Program |
Salary and fringe benefits and other related and reasonable costs for specific HEAP and ECIP training and professional development of individuals performing intake, application processing, eligibility determination, and administration of HEAP fuel assistance and ECIP | Program |
Space costs/rent, telephone, copier/printing, office supplies, postage, transportation/travel, data processing/computer costs, equipment repairs and maintenance, equipment purchase/lease, and consultants/professional services associated with the above referenced activities. | Program |
Indirect costs | Administrative |
Salary and fringe benefits and other related and reasonable costs for specific HEAP and ECIP training and professional development for individuals whose salary and fringe benefits are budgeted directly to Administrative Costs or for whom salary and fringe are included in the agency's Indirect Rate | Administrative |
Salary and fringe costs, space costs, rent, telephone, copying, printing, office supplies, postage, transportation, travel, data processing, computer costs, equipment repairs and maintenance, equipment purchase or lease, consultant fees and professional services associated with the administration of HEAP not included in the agency's Indirect Rate or allowable from program funding | Administrative |
HEAP Weatherization, CHIP, and Heat Pump Program | Expense Category |
Material/labor costs for Heating system repairs/replacements and measures installed as part of weatherization | Program |
Either salary and fringe benefit costs for the actual time staff participates in administering HEAP Weatherization, CHIP, Heat Pump Program or a program management fee established by MaineHousing. | Program |
Space costs/rent, telephone, copier/printing, office supplies, postage, transportation/travel, equipment purchase/lease, liability insurance, pollution occurrence insurance, and consultants/professional services. | Program |
Indirect costs | Administrative |
Assurance 16 Services | Expense Category |
Salary and fringe benefit costs for staff providing direct services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, rental and maintenance of office space | Program |
Indirect costs | Administrative |
For electricity and natural gas, Vendors may apply Benefits to past due charges for Home Energy deliveries with the oldest charges being paid first.
For Benefits with a balance of less than $25, Vendors may aggregate remaining Benefits and return the balance to MaineHousing when the Annual Consumption Report is submitted.
All Benefit Return forms should be accompanied by documentation evidencing: the name and address of the Vendor, the name and address of the Eligible Household; the Eligible Household's account number; the Benefit amount being returned; a concise explanation for the return of funds; a detailed account history showing delivery activity and payment for the twelve (12) months prior; and any other documentation requested by MaineHousing.
99-346 C.M.R. ch. 24, § 11