99-346-24 Me. Code R. § 11

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 346-24-11 - Administration of the Program
A. MaineHousing's Responsibilities.
1. MaineHousing will prepare and submit to the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services an annual State Plan for HEAP in conformity with the provisions of the HEAP Act after conducting a public hearing for the purpose of taking comments.
2. MaineHousing will maintain this Rule, the HEAP Handbook and any other guidance and documents that relate to the administration of the Programs.
3. MaineHousing will contract with Subgrantees and other entities to administer the Programs and may, at its discretion, make payments to Eligible Households or Vendors or provide Supplemental Benefits to the extent available. MaineHousing will assign at least one Subgrantee to each Service Area to administer the Programs and will select Subgrantees annually based on applications received by June 1st outlining the Subgrantee's: experience in administering the Programs or similar programs; capacity; availability of other qualified entities within a Service Area; cost efficiency; ability to enhance accessibility to the Programs; schedule for taking Applications; and ability to perform outreach and serve homebound Applicants.
4. MaineHousing will determine the annual allocation of HEAP funds to each Subgrantee, not including any amount allocated to MaineHousing to pay Benefits.
5. MaineHousing will conduct program and fiscal monitoring of Subgrantees and Vendors to ensure compliance with all rules, regulations and laws applicable to this Rule.
B. Subgrantee, Vendor and Contractor Responsibilities.
1. Subgrantees, Vendors and Contractors are responsible for the following:
a. Conflict of Interest. No employee, officer, board member, agent, consultant or other representative of Subgrantee, Vendor, or Contractor who exercises or has exercised any function or responsibility with respect to Programs' activities or who is in a position to participate in a decision-making process or gain inside information with regard to these activities, may obtain a financial interest or benefit from Programs' activities or have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement regarding the Programs' activities, or the proceeds there under, which benefits him or her or any person with whom he or she has business or family ties. Subgrantees, Vendors, and Contractors shall notify MaineHousing of any potential conflict of interest.
b. Confidentiality. Subgrantees, Vendors, Contractors, and their employees and agents shall keep confidential Applicant or Household information obtained in the administration of the Programs, including without limitation, an individual's name, address and phone number, household income, assets or other financial information, and benefits received ("Confidential Information") and shall safeguard and protect from disclosure at all times Confidential Information.
c. Prohibited Discrimination. Subgrantees, Vendors, Contractors, and their employees and agents are prohibited from discriminating against any Household applying for or receiving goods or services in accordance with this Rule.
2. Subgrantees responsibilities also include, but are not limited to, the following as further defined in the annual Subgrant Agreement between MaineHousing and Subgrantees and in accordance with the HEAP Act and this Rule:
a. Conduct outreach, accept and verify Applications, determine Household eligibility, pay Benefits, coordinate with MaineHousing on denials and requests for Informal Review and Fair Hearing, use MaineHousing's database software and equipment, address emergencies, cost effectively administer and operate the Programs, prioritize Eligible Households where required, coordinate services between Programs, submit production schedules, work plans, budgets, monthly status reports, and billing information to MaineHousing, use forms provided by MaineHousing, make reasonable accommodations upon request for a Person with a Disability, follow procurement requirements as may be required by 45 C.F.R. §§ 75.327 - 75.335 and 45 C.F.R. §§ 75.316-753.23, and inform Applicants of their rights to request an Informal Review and Fair Hearing;
b. Maintain comprehensive, accurate and separate documentation, payroll reports, financial statements, and other records in connection with its administration of the Programs including at a minimum, the amount and disposition of the Programs' funds received by the Subgrantee and the total cost necessary to administer the Programs and provide MaineHousing with copies of any such records as requested and maintain such records for a minimum of three (3) years from the end of the relevant contract period or a longer period as prescribed by MaineHousing. In cases of litigation, other claims, audits, or other disputes the Subgrantee will retain all relevant records for at least one (1) year after the final disposition thereof;
c. Provide an annual budget prior to each Program Year and within ninety (90) calendar days of the close of Subgrantee's fiscal year furnish to MaineHousing an annual financial statement prepared by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with 45 C.F.R. Part 75, Subpart F.
C. Administrative and Program Expenses. Subgrantees shall be permitted administrative and program expenses necessary to carry out their responsibilities under this Rule and the Programs. Such expenses will be allowed in a manner consistent with the provisions of the HEAP Act and must be reasonable in amount as determined by MaineHousing. Administrative expenses for the Program Year may be spent only between October 1 and the following September 30 of the applicable Program Year, unless otherwise authorized. Allowable administrative and program expenses for each of the Programs are listed below. Other expenses may be allowed if authorized by MaineHousing before the expenses are incurred.

Fuel Assistance and ECIP

Expense Category

Salary and fringe benefit costs for the actual time an individual performs intake, processing, or eligibility determination functions associated with an active Application


Salary and fringe benefit costs for the actual time an individual participates in administering Fuel Assistance or ECIP and is not performing functions associated with an active Application


Salary and fringe benefits and other related and reasonable costs for specific HEAP and ECIP training and professional development of individuals performing intake, application processing, eligibility determination, and administration of HEAP fuel assistance and ECIP


Space costs/rent, telephone, copier/printing, office supplies, postage, transportation/travel, data processing/computer costs, equipment repairs and maintenance, equipment purchase/lease, and consultants/professional services associated with the above referenced activities.


Indirect costs


Salary and fringe benefits and other related and reasonable costs for specific HEAP and ECIP training and professional development for individuals whose salary and fringe benefits are budgeted directly to Administrative Costs or for whom salary and fringe are included in the agency's Indirect Rate


Salary and fringe costs, space costs, rent, telephone, copying, printing, office supplies, postage, transportation, travel, data processing, computer costs, equipment repairs and maintenance, equipment purchase or lease, consultant fees and professional services associated with the administration of HEAP not included in the agency's Indirect Rate or allowable from program funding


HEAP Weatherization, CHIP, and Heat Pump Program

Expense Category

Material/labor costs for Heating system repairs/replacements and measures installed as part of weatherization


Either salary and fringe benefit costs for the actual time staff participates in administering HEAP Weatherization, CHIP, Heat Pump Program or a program management fee established by MaineHousing.


Space costs/rent, telephone, copier/printing, office supplies, postage, transportation/travel, equipment purchase/lease, liability insurance, pollution occurrence insurance, and consultants/professional services.


Indirect costs


Assurance 16 Services

Expense Category

Salary and fringe benefit costs for staff providing direct services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, rental and maintenance of office space


Indirect costs


1. Assurance 16 Activities. Subgrantees may submit annual proposals, for MaineHousing's consideration, describing their planned activities and expenses associated with providing services to Applicants pursuant to Assurance 16 of the HEAP Act. Administration of Assurance 16 Activities will be conditioned on the availability of HEAP funds.
D. Vendors.
1. Eligibility. In order to participate in the Programs Vendors must demonstrate the capacity and stability of their business and supply a credit report and business plan to MaineHousing's satisfaction. Vendors must also show they have been in business for one year prior to enrolling to participate. MaineHousing reserves the right to exclude Vendors in certain situations, including but not limited to, bankruptcies or judgments and prior Program terminations, violations and defaults.
2. Enrollment. Upon approval of a Vendor, Vendors may enter into a Vendor Agreement during the time period as prescribed by MaineHousing. Returning Vendors may reenroll each Program Year as prescribed by MaineHousing contingent upon performance and compliance in previous Program Years.
3. Use of Benefits. Benefits may not:
a. Be sold, released, transferred or otherwise conveyed without written authorization from MaineHousing;
b. Be used to pay Incidental Costs Benefits;
c. Be used to deliver a different Home Energy product than the one authorized by MaineHousing or
d. Be used to deliver Home Energy products to a Household that is moving, has a Heating System experiencing mechanical difficulties or has storage tanks that need replacement or do not meet code.

For electricity and natural gas, Vendors may apply Benefits to past due charges for Home Energy deliveries with the oldest charges being paid first.

4. Annual Consumption Report. As part of the Annual Consumption Report process, Vendors must review Eligible Household accounts and identify any remaining Benefits that were issued in or prior to the preceding Program Year. All such unused Benefits must be returned to MaineHousing no later than June 30.
5. Return of Payments. Upon receipt of a Benefit Return form Vendor shall return such Benefits to MaineHousing or Subgrantee within fifteen (15) business days of the date of the Benefit Return form. If any of the following events occur, Vendor shall within fifteen (15) business days of becoming aware, submit to MaineHousing a completed Benefit Return form and return any Benefits paid to Vendor:
a. Death of an individual who is a sole member of an Eligible Household;
b. Institutionalization of an individual who was the sole member of an Eligible Household;
c. Vendor's receipt of a written notice from an Eligible Household that it no longer desires to receive Home Energy deliveries from Vendor;
d. An Eligible Household has not received deliveries of Home Energy for twelve (12) consecutive months;
e. An Eligible Household has moved out of Vendor's Service Area;
f. An Eligible Household has moved out of State;
g. Vendor has been paid an excessive Benefit on behalf of the Eligible Household.

For Benefits with a balance of less than $25, Vendors may aggregate remaining Benefits and return the balance to MaineHousing when the Annual Consumption Report is submitted.

All Benefit Return forms should be accompanied by documentation evidencing: the name and address of the Vendor, the name and address of the Eligible Household; the Eligible Household's account number; the Benefit amount being returned; a concise explanation for the return of funds; a detailed account history showing delivery activity and payment for the twelve (12) months prior; and any other documentation requested by MaineHousing.

E. Noncompliance.
1. MaineHousing shall have the right to terminate or suspend in whole or in part the Subgrantee Agreement in its sole discretion if it determines the Subgrantee has failed to comply with any provision of this Rule, the Subgrantee Agreement, the HEAP Handbook, or the provisions of other applicable law. A written notice will be sent to Subgrantee and shall set forth as applicable, the reason for termination, the specific violations and any suspensions. For non-compliance not resulting in termination or suspension a written notice setting forth the specific violation and cure period will be provided to Subgrantee. In situations of malfeasance or misfeasance MaineHousing may bar a Subgrantee's participation in the Programs.
2. MaineHousing shall have the right to terminate a Vendor for failure to comply with the terms of the Vendor Agreement, State law concerning consumer home heating rights as prescribed by the Office of the Maine Attorney General, documentation, audit/investigation requirements and the requirements of this Rule. In situations of malfeasance or misfeasance MaineHousing may bar a Vendor's participation in the Programs and pursue any other remedies available under the law. MaineHousing may also choose to place the Vendor on a watch list and monitor Vendor's performance.

99-346 C.M.R. ch. 24, § 11