Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 346-16-10 - MONITORINGA. Compliance with Applicable Laws. Owners must comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations, including without limitation:1. Section 42 of the Code and associated regulations and guidance;2. UPCS and all other local, state and federal health, safety and building codes applicable to the Project;3. the Federal Fair Housing Act, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.), Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.), and the Maine Human Rights Act (5 M.R.S., Chapter 337, Subchapter IV) and all other applicable federal, state and local fair housing and accessibility requirements, and the regulations, guidance and standards associated with all of the foregoing; and4. Title VI of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, 42 USC Chapter 136, Subchapter III, Part M, and all associated regulations and guidance, as may be amended (VAWA).B. Recordkeeping and Record Retention. Each Owner must keep on file and available to MaineHousing upon request the following records for each Qualified Building in its LIHTC Project(s) for each year in the Extended Use Period: 1. The total number of residential rental units including the number of bedrooms and the square footage of each unit;2. The number of low-income units;3. The rent charged for each unit including any utility allowances;4. The number of occupants in each low-income unit;5. The number of low-income unit vacancies and information showing when, and to whom, the next available units were rented;6. Income certification and third-party documentation verifying the income of each household occupying a Credit Unit at the time of initial occupancy and for each new person added to the household after initial occupancy;7. Annual income certifications and third-party documentation verifying the income of each household occupying a Credit Unit in a LIHTC Project are required if not all of the units in the LIHTC Project are Credit Units, or the LIHTC Project is financed or assisted under a state or federal program that requires annual certifications. For a LIHTC Project with 100% Credit Units that are subject to more than one income limit, annual income certifications are only required for the households occupying the Credit Units subject to the lower income limits. The annual certification may be a self- certification, except that third-party documentation verifying the income of the household is required every 6 years from the date the LIHTC Project is Placed in Service and otherwise upon request by MaineHousing. The self-certification must be
b) include the size of the household and annual household income,c) state that the information is complete and accurate,d) indicate that third-party source documentation will be provided if requested by the Owner or MaineHousing, ande) witnessed. Annual income certifications are not required for a LIHTC Project with 100% Credit Units subject to the same income limit.
8. The Eligible Basis and Qualified Basis of each Qualified Building at the end of the first year of the Credit Period;9. The character and use of the nonresidential portion of a Qualified Building included in its Eligible Basis;10. A determination of the student status of the resident household;11. The tenant occupancy policies and procedures and lease. The lease form and content must be acceptable to MaineHousing and comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws (including VAWA); and12. All other disclosures to tenants, certifications and other records required by applicable local, state and federal laws. Owners must maintain these records throughout the Extended Use Period for at least 6 years after the due date (with extensions) for filing the federal income tax return for that year, except that the records for the Credit Period's first year must be retained at least 6 years beyond the due date (with extensions) for filing the federal income tax return for the last year of the Compliance Period.
C. Annual Reports. Each Owner must submit the following to MaineHousing by March 1 st of each year throughout the Extended Use Period:1. Certification for the prior calendar year that the Owner's LIHTC Project(s) comply with IRS Treasury Regulation §1.42-5(c)(1) and MaineHousing's Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Owner's Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance attached hereto as Appendix D. A completed and executed IRS Form 8609 for each Qualified Building must be submitted with the first certification; and2. Certain information and data about the tenants in Credit Units for the prior calendar year, including household income; monthly rental payments; family composition; use of Section 8 rental assistance and other similar assistance; the race, ethnicity, age and disability status of the members of the households; and all other occupancy information required by MaineHousing.D. Review. For new LIHTC Projects, MaineHousing will complete a review of tenant records within two (2) years following the year the last Qualified Building is Placed in Service. MaineHousing will give owners reasonable prior written notice of a review. To the extent required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), MaineHousing will inspect low income certifications and tenant records in accordance with IRS Treasury Regulation §1.42 5(c)(2)(iii)(A) through (D) and §1.42 5(d) and will give no more than 15 calendar days prior notice.E. Inspections. Every one to three years after a Project is Placed in Service, MaineHousing will inspect LIHTC Projects. For new LIHTC Projects, MaineHousing will inspect Credit Units by the end of the second calendar year following the year the last Qualified Building is Placed in Service. MaineHousing will give reasonable prior written notice. To the extent required by the Internal Revenue Service, MaineHousing will inspect the LIHTC Projects in accordance with IRS Treasury Regulation §1.42 5(c)(2)(iii)(A) through (D) and §1.42 5(d) and will give no more than 15 calendar days prior notice.F. Utility Monitoring For all projects funded in Year 2 of this QAP, monitoring of all utilities for all units will be required based on the HUD submission model for PHAs.
G. Notification of Noncompliance. MaineHousing will notify an Owner in writing of any failure to1. submit any complete certifications or information required by MaineHousing when due,2. allow MaineHousing to perform any review or inspection required under this Section, or3. comply with Section 42 of the Code or any others requirements under this QAP. The Owner will have a reasonable period of time to correct the noncompliance identified in the notice. MaineHousing will file a Form 8823, "Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies Report of Noncompliance" with the Internal Revenue Service within 45 calendar days of the end of the correction period.
99-346 C.M.R. ch. 16, § 10