90-590-50 Me. Code R. § 3

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
A.MaineHospital Data Sets. The price schedules and data availability for individual record level data sets derived from data submitted by all Maine-licensed hospitals are as follows:
1. Unrestricted Data Sets.

Entity Requesting Data
First YearPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPer
Data SetAvailableQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYear
Inpatient 1980 $375 $1,300 $202 $697 $185 $650 $1,250 $4,325
Outpatient 1998 $750 $2,600 $337 $1,170 $310 $1,100 $2,065 $7,140
Emergency Dept. 2000 $750 $2,600 $337 $1,170 $310 $1,100 $2,065 $7,140

2. Restricted Data Sets.

Entity Requesting Data
First YearPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPer
Data SetAvailableQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYear
Inpatient 1980 $430 $1,500 $234 $810 $215 $750 $1,445 $5,000
Outpatient 1998 $860 $3,000 $387 $1,350 $360 $1,250 $2,385 $8,250
Emergency Dept. 2000 $860 $3,000 $387 $1,350 $360 $1,250 $2,385 $8,250
Practitioner Identifiers 2000 - $1,500 - $675 - $625 - $4,125

B.Health Care Claims Data Set. The price schedules and data availability for individual record level data files derived from data submitted by all Maine-licensed commercial and major governmental payers related to claims paid for Maine residents are as follows:
1. Unrestricted Data Set.

Entity Requesting Data
First YearPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPer
Data SetAvailableQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYear
Member Eligibility 2003 $1,450 $5,000 $652 $2,250 $575 $2,000 $2,400 $8,280
Medical Claims 2003 $2,300 $8,000 $1,035 $3,600 $1,000 $3,500 $3,750 $12,975
Pharmacy Claims 2003 $1,000 $3,500 $450 $1,575 $360 $1,250 $1,600 $5,515
Dental Claims 2003 $1,000 $3,500 $450 $1,575 $360 $1,250 $1,600 $5,515

2. Restricted Data Set.

Entity Requesting Data
First YearPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPer
Data SetAvailableQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYear
Member Eligibility 2003 $1,870 $6,500 $841 $2,925 $720 $2,500 $2,820 $9,750
Medical Claims 2003 $2,875 $10,000 $1,296 $4,500 $1,150 $4,000 $4,335 $15,000
Pharmacy Claims 2003 $1,220 $4,250 $549 $1,912 $500 $1,750 $1,850 $6,375
Dental Claims 2003 $1,220 $4,250 $549 $1,912 $500 $1,750 $1,850 $6,375
Practitioner Identifiers 2003 - $3,500 - $1,530 - $1,400 - $5,000

C.Non-Hospital Ambulatory Services Data Set. The price schedules and data availability for individual record level data sets derived from data submitted by Maine-licensed non-hospital health care facilities performing specific ambulatory services:
1. Unrestricted Data Set.

Entity Requesting Data
Data SetAvailableQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYear
Non-Hosp. Ambul. 1990-2002 $285 $1,000 $126 $450 $115 $400 $430 $1,500

2. Restricted Data Set.

Entity Requesting Data
Data SetAvailableQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYear
Non-Hosp. Ambul. 1990-2002 $360 $1,250 $162 $562 $140 $500 $540 $1,825

D.Quality Data Sets. The price schedule and data availability for data sets derived from data submitted by all Maine-licensed hospitals are as follows:

Entity Requesting Data
First YearPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPer
Data SetAvailableQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYearQuarterYear
Hospital Healthcare Quality Data (CMS Measures) 3rd Qtr 2005 $100 $200 $54 $108 $50 $100 $150 $300
Nursing Sensitive Indicator Data 2006 $150 $300 $81 $135 $75 $125 $225 $450
Healthcare Associated Infection Data 2007 $120 $240 $54 $108 $50 $100 $180 $360
Care Transition Measure Data 2008 $120 $240 $54 $108 $50 $100 $180 $360

E.Financial Data Sets. The price schedule and data availability for data sets derived from data submitted by all Maine-licensed hospitals are as follows:

Entity Requesting Data
First YearPerPerPerPer
Data SetAvailableYearYearYearYear
Hospital Standardized Template 2004-2005 $1950 $877 $819 $6435

F.Price Limitations. An entity receiving any of the listed clinical data sets shall be charged the appropriate price for the data set requested. If the same entity submits an amended or new request utilizing a data set identical to a data set previously provided the entity by the MHDO within a twelve month period of time, the requesting entity shall not be required to repurchase the data set.

90-590 C.M.R. ch. 50, § 3