C.M.R. 90, 351, ch. 3, app VIII

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Appendix VIII

Section 6 I AIABC Proof of Coverage Release 2.1


Data Dictionary INTRODUCTION

This section contains the Proof of Coverage Data Dictionary. Included are data element definitions, links, and code lists necessary to successfully implement the IAIABC EDI Proof of Coverage system in your organization.

There are two data elements that are not available for use in Release 1.0. They are:

*Employee Leasing Policy Identification - DN0333

*Minimum Premium Indicator - DN0332

Use of the following triplicate code is not available for use in Release 1.0 or Release 2.0. This triplicate code is the combination of

*00 (Transaction Set Purpose Code - DN0300)

*60 (Transaction Set Type Code - DN0334)

*59 (Transaction Reason Code - DN0303)

This dictionary contains some or all of the following information for every Proof of Coverage business and technical data element to be used in Release 1.0, 2.0 and 2.1.

Definition: The meaning or purpose of the data element

Business Need:Includes a description of how the information reported in the data element is used for Proof of Coverage reporting, tracking and/or processing.

Orig/Rev.: The date that the data element was originally created followed by any revision dates, if applicable.

Source: Indicates the entity that originated and/or maintains code value structures and population rules for the data element to encourage standard usage.

Format: The field length and type of the data element

Values:When applicable, a list of valid codes and their meaning.

Record: An indication of which flat file the data element resides:

PC1 = Insured Record

PC2 = Employer Record

AK1= Proof of Coverage Acknowledgment Detail Record (R1.0, 2.0)

AKP = Proof of Coverage Acknowledgment Detail Record (R2.1 only)

ARP = Proof of Coverage Re-Acknowledgment Detail Record (R2.1 only)

HD1 = Transmission Header Record

TR1 = Transmission Trailer Record

WCP=WCPOLS Transaction

DP Rule:The data population (DP) rule(s) for the data element. Includes Implementation

notes and other process rules for the data element. Code List Disclaimer: Unused data element code values for any IAIABC standards product (Claims, Proof of Coverage, or Medical) are reserved for future IAIABC use and may not be assigned and used for any proprietary purpose. Proposals to add new codes should be submitted through the IRR process.

Acknowledgment Transaction Set ID - DN0110

Definition: The transaction set identifier that identifies the transaction being


Business Need: One of the codes needed to uniquely identify the transaction being acknowledged.


This will be the release date




3 A/N

Values: POC - Proof of Coverage (See DP Rule)

PC1 - Insured Record Transaction (See DP Rule)

PC2 - Employer Record Transaction (See DP Rule)

WCP - WCPOLS Transaction

Record: AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

DP Rule:POC acknowledges at the record level (PC1 and PC2). The same Data Element is being used for this purpose as well as at the transaction level for other IAIABC products.

POC, PC1, PC2, and WCP are all valid values for Releases 1.0 and 2.0.

POC is no longer a valid value for Release 2.1.

Definition:A code used to identify the accepted / rejected status of the transaction being

Application Acknowledgment Code - DN0111 acknowledged.

Business Need: To identify to the originator whether a detail transaction was accepted or rejected by the jurisdiction, and if the jurisdiction encountered critical and/or non-critical errors in the contents of the transaction.

Orig/Rev.: 11/01/01

Source: IAIABC

Format: 2 A/N

Values: HD = Transmission Rejected

TA = Transaction Accepted by Jurisdiction

TE = Transaction Accepted with Errors by Jurisdiction

TR = Transaction Rejected by Jurisdiction

TW = Transaction Rejected by EDI Service Provider: Insufficient data to map WCPOLS to IAIABC POC file.

TN = Transaction Rejected by EDI Service Provider: Fails Jurisdiction Mandatory Requirements. AK1, AKP or

Record: ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

Definition: Date of notice to carrier/insurer of involuntary market coverage assignment.

Assign Business Need: 325 Alternative date which may be needed to determine compliance within the

involuntary market when the policy effective date is different from the date

the contract is assigned to the carrier/insurer.

Orig/Rev.: 05/03/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 8 DATE

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Business Market - DN0321

Definition:A code which determines the market in which the policy/contract is written.

Business Need: Identifies the carrier/insurer relationship to the policy being written.






1 Voluntary

2 I




Date Processed - DN0108

Definition: l

untary PC1 (Insured Record)

The date that the receiver processed the detail transaction. Together with time processed and a record sequence number it will uniquely identify a specific acknowledgment detail record.

Business Need: Needed for reconciliation.

Orig/Rev.: 08/09/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 8 DATE

Record: AK1 or AKP (Acknowledgment Record)

Date Transmission Sent - DN0100

Definition: Actual date transmission of data sent.

Business Need: To identify when the transmission was sent.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 8 DATE

Record: HD1 (Header Record)

Detail Record Count - DN0106

Definition: The total number of detail records sent as part of this transmission.

Transmission header and trailer records are not included in this count.

Business Need: To indicate the number of detail records included in a transmission for verification purposes.








TR1 (Trailer Record)

Element Error Number - DN0116

Definition: A number to uniquely identify the edit performed on an element and is part of

the error code. Business Need: Identifies the error detected.

Orig/Rev.: 07/21/93

Source: IAIABC

Format: 3 A/N

Record: AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

Element Number - DN0115

Definition: A unique number assigned to each data element and is part of the error

code. Business Need: Identifies the element for which an error was detected.



Format:4 A/N

Record:AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

Employee Leasing Policy Identification - DN0333

Definition:Code which identifies a policy written as an Employee Leasing policy, and

the type of leasing operation.

Business Need: Used by jurisdictions to identify Employee Leasing policies.

Orig/Rev.: 11/01/01

Source: WCPOLS

Format: 1 A/N

Element Number - DN0115

Definition: A unique number assigned to each data element and is part of the error code.

Business Need: Identifies the element for which an error was detected.



Format:4 A/N

Record:AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

Employee Leasing Policy Identification - DN0333

Definition:Code which identifies a policy written as an Employee Leasing policy, and the type of leasing operation.

Business Need: Used by jurisdictions to identify Employee Leasing policies.

Orig/Rev.: 11/01/01

Source: WCPOLS

Format: 1 A/N

Values: http://www.iaiabc.org/EDI/implementation.asp [File Link Not Available]

1 Non-Employee Leasing Policy Employers covered under this policy are not part of an Employee Leasing arrangement.
2 PEO Policy For Leased Workers of Multiple Client Companies The Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is the named insured and coverage is extended to the leased workers of multiple Client Companies. The non-leased workers of the PEO may also be covered under this policy.
3 PEO Policy For Non-Leased Workers of PEO The Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is the named insured and coverage is extended to their non-leased workers only. The leased workers of the PEO are not covered under this policy.
4 Client Company Policy For Leased Workers of Client Company The Client Company is the named insured and the coverage is extended to the leased workers of the Client Company. The non-leased workers of the Client Company are not covered under this policy.
5 PEO Policy For Leased Workers of a Single Client Company The Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is the named insured and coverage is extended to the leased workers of a single Client Company only.
6 Client Company Policy For Non-Leased Workers of Client Company The Client Company is the named insured and coverage is extended to the non-leased workers of the Client Company. The Client Company is in an Employee Leasing arrangement but the leased workers are not covered under this policy.
7 Client Company Policy For Leased And Non-Leased Workers of Client Company The Client Company is the named insured and coverage is extended to their leased and non-leased workers .

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

DP Rule:This element is not available for Release 1.0.

Employer Address Line 1 - DN0019

Definition: The address of the employer's facility.

Business Need: To identify the address of the employer's facility.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC2 (Employer Record)

Employer Address Line 2 - DN0020

Definition: The address of the employer's facility.

Business Need:To identify the address of the employer's facility.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC2 (Employer Record)

Employer City - DN0021

Definition: The city of the employer's facility.

Business Need:To identify the address of the employer's facility.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 15 A/N

Record: PC2 (Employer Record)

Employer FEIN - DN0016

Definition: The FEIN of the employer.

Business Need:To identify the employer, minimize record data, and reference employer profile data.

Orig/Rev.: 09/30/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 9 A/N

Record: DPPC2 (Employer Record)


The employer is denoted as any entity (e.g. DBA, AKA, TA, etc.) of the

insured. Multiple entities can exist for an insured.

Employer Name - DN0018

Definition:The name of the business entity of the insured.

Business Need: To identify the statutorily responsible employer.


Source: IAIABC

Format:60 A/N

Record:PC2 (Employer Record)

DP Rule:The employer is denoted as any entity (e.g. DBA, AKA, TA, etc.) of the insured. Multiple entities can exist for an insured (including Legal entity names e.g. INC, LLC, LP).

Employer Notification Date - DN0331

Definition: The date the carrier/insurer mails the cancellation or non-renewal notification, as required by the jurisdiction.

Business Need: Informs jurisdictions of when carrier/insurer notifies the employer.

Orig/Rev.: 09/30/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 8 DATE

Record: PC2 (Employer Record)

DP Rule:What constitutes notification will be determined by individual trading partner agreements.

Employer Postal Code - DN0023 The postal code of the employer's facility.

Definition:To identify the address of the employer's facility.

Business Need:

For the United States and its territories, this will be the USPS zip code.


Source:9 A/N

Format: PC2 (Employer Record)


The state of the employer's facility.

Employer State - DN0022

To identify the address of the employer's facility.


Business Need:

Orig/Rev.: IAIABC

Source:http://www.iaiabc.org/EDI/implementation.asp [File Link Not Available]

Values:2 A/N

Format: PC2 (Employer Record)

Record: The unemployment insurance number assigned for each employer by the


Identifies the employer.

Employer UI Code - DN0329

Business Need: 15 A/N


PC2 (Employer Record).


Jurisdictions should identify their requirements for this alpha numeric

Format: identifier.


DP Rule:

- DN0000

DN0000 was created to express rejection of the entire batch or transaction and is communicated in the acknowledgment.

Entire Batch/Transaction


Batch: A batch is a set of records containing one header record, one or more detail transactions and one trailer record. Trading partner tables (Transmission Profile, Element Requirement Table, System Rules, Edit Matrix, etc.) should be used to determine batch edit rules. Any batch edit failure will cause the entire batch to be rejected. If a batch is rejected, the individual transactions within the rejected batch are not processed. If a batch is accepted, the process continues to validate detail transactions within the batch.

Transaction: A POC transaction consists of 1 or more 'Records' to communicate a policy event. Failure of edits on the "primary" record will cause "all related" records to be rejected. DN0000 is used to express the rejection of the "related" records.

Business Need: Used to communicate an error at the batch or transaction level.

Orig/Rev.: 07/01/97; 05/07/04


Format: A/N 4

Values:0000 = Entire Batch/Transaction

Not a DN located on a specific file layout. Used to communicate a batch or

Record: transaction error on AK1, AKP, ARP

See Acknowledgment Scenarios for batch error examples.

DP Rule:

* Failure of edits on the PC1 (primary) record will cause the PC2 (related) record(s) to be rejected. DN0000 is used to communicate the rejection of the related record.

* Failure of edits on the PC2 (related) record(s) may cause PC1 (primary) record to be rejected. DN0000 is used to communicate the rejection of the primary record.

Free Form Text - DN0113

Definition:An unstructured field used to convey jurisdiction information to the sender.

Only one free form text message can be generated per transaction.

Business Need: Allows for free form communication.

Orig/Rev.: 08/18/94


Format: 60 A/N

Record: AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

Governing Class - DN0326

Definition:The rating classification identified in the policy/contract which contains the largest payroll per jurisdiction.

Business Need: Used to identify the primary operation of the insured within the jurisdiction.



Format:4 A/N

Record:PC1 (Insured Record)

Industry Code - DN0025

Definition:The code representing the nature of the employer's business which is

contained in the industrial classification manual published by the Federal Office of Management and Budget.

Business Need: Statistical

Orig/Rev.: 11/01/01, 04/09/05

Source:http://www.iaiabc.org/EDI/implementation.asp [File Link Not Available]

Format: 6 A/N

Values Federal Office of Management & Budget - most recent version of NAICS codes Record: PC2 (Employer Record)

DP Rule: It is recommended that the Industry Code (NAICS) be required as an element on Proof of Coverage reporting PRIOR to being required as a mandatory data element on Claims transactions. It is advised that claim administrators receive this data element from their policy reporting areas.

Insured Address Line 1 - DN0315

Definition: The mailing address of the named insured contained on the policy/contract.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the insured.

Orig/Rev.: 04/13/94

Source: WCPOLS

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Insured Address Line 2 - DN0316

Definition:The mailing address of the named insured contained on the policy/contract.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the insured.

Orig/Rev.: 04/13/94


Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Insured City - DN0317

Definition: The city of the mailing address of named insured contained on the policy/contract.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the insured.

Orig/Rev.: 04/13/94

Source: WCPOLS

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Insured FEIN - DN0314

Definition:The FEIN of the insured.

Business Need: Identifies the insured.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95 IAIABC

Source: 9


Record: A/N

PC1 (Insured Record)

Insured Legal Status -



Business Need:

Code which identifies the business ownership / management.


Identifies the type of business being insured.






2 A/N

1 Individual

2 Partnership

3 Corporation

4 Association, Labor Union, Religious Organization

5 Limited Partner

6 Joint Venture

10 Limited Liability Company (LLC)

11 Trust or Estate

12 Executor or Trustee

13 Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

14 Governmental Entity (See DP Rule) 99 Other

Record: PC1 (Insured Record) This value is not available for

DP Rule: Release 1.0.

Insured Name - DN0017

Definition: The named insured of the policy, or the financially responsible self insured approved by the jurisdiction.

Business Need: To identify the insured in a hierarchically structured organization when the employer is not the parent organization.






90 A/N

Record: DP PC1 (Insured Record)

Rule: The Insured Name is the primary named insured on the policy.

Insured Postal Code - DN0319

Definition:The postal code (ZIP) relating to the mailing address of named insured contained on the policy/contract.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the insured.

Orig/Rev.: 04/13/94

Source:For the United States and its territories, this will be the USPS zip code.

Format:9 A/N

Record:PC1 (Insured Record)

Insured State - DN0318

Definition: The state of the mailing address of named insured contained on the policy/contract.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the insured.






http://www.iaiabc.org/EDI/implementation.asp [File Link Not Available]


2 A/N


PC1 (Insured Record)

Insured Telephone Number - DN0320

Definition: The primary telephone number of the named insured contained on the policy/contract. Business Need: Provides phone number to jurisdictions for the insured.

Orig/Rev.: 09/30/94

Source: IAIABC

Format: 10 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Insurer FEIN - DN0006

Definition:The FEIN of the carrier or self insured assuming the employer's financial responsibility for Workers' Compensation Claim(s).

Business Need:

To identify financial responsibility and to reference claims payer data.






9 A/N


PC1 (Insured Record), AK1 or AKP (Acknowledgment Record)

Insurer Name - DN0007

Definition: The name of the carrier or self insured assuming the employer's financial

responsibility for Workers' Compensation Claim(s).

Business Need: To identify financial responsibility and to reference claims payer data.



Format:30 A/N

Record:PC1 (Insured Record)

Interchange Version ID DN0105

Definition: A composite field comprised of a batch type (positions 1-3), release number (position 4) and version number (position 5). Interchange Version ID is a data element located in the Header Record. It is used to identify the batch type, release and version of the transactions contained within the batch following the Header Record through the Trailer Record. Batch type designates the type of transactions within a batch. Release number identifies the release level of the data of the record layout contained in the detail record that follow. Version number identifies the version level of the release.

Business Need:To identify the type and release level of the detail records contained within the batch transmission and to uniquely identify the version number to anticipate the format of the detail records that are to follow.

Orig/Rev.: 07/01/97, 12/31/02, 05/27/03, 1/25/06

Source: IAIABC

Format: Batch Type 3 A/N

Release Number 1 A/N Version Number 1 A/N

Values: POC01 - Proof of Coverage; Release 1, Version 0

POC02 - Proof of Coverage; Release 2, Version 0 POC21 - Proof of Coverage; Release 2, Version 1 AK101 - Acknowledgment for Proof of Coverage: Release 1, Version 0 AK101 - Acknowledgment for Proof of Coverage: Release 2, Version 0 AKP21 - Acknowledgment for Proof of Coverage: Release 2, Version 1 ARP21 - Re-Acknowledgment for Proof of Coverage: Release 2, Version 1

Record: HD1 (Header Record)

Issuing Agency Name - DN0311 Issuing Definition:N0312

Business Need: The city of the agency responsible for producing the business.

Orig/Rev.: Identifies the location of the agency producing the business policy.


Format: IAIABC

Record: 30 A/N

PC1 (Insured Record)

The name of the agency that produced the business.

Provides alternate contact for verifying policy information.



30 A/N

PC1 (Insured Record)

Issuing Agency State - DN0313

Definition: The state of the agency that produced the business.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the agency that produced the business.

Orig/Rev.: 12/09/94

Source: IAIABC

Values: http://www.iaiabc.org/EDI/implementation.asp [File Link Not Available]

Format: 2 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Issuing Office Address Line 1 - DN0306

Definition: The address of the carrier's/insurer's location responsible for registering the Proof of Coverage notification to the jurisdiction. Business Need: Identifies the location of the issuing office. Orig/Rev.: 05/03/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Issuing Office Address Line 2 - DN0307

Definition: The address of the carrier's/insurer's location responsible for registering the Proof of Coverage notification to the jurisdiction.

Business Need:

Identifies the location of the issuing office.



Source: IAIABC

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Issuing Office City - DN0308

Definition:The city of the carrier's/insurer's location responsible for registering the Proof

of Coverage notification to the jurisdiction.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the issuing office.

Orig/Rev.: 05/03/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Issuing Office Name - DN0305

Definition:The carrier's/insurer's office responsible for registering the Proof of Coverage

Notification to the jurisdiction.

Business Need: Identifies the office that provides the proof of coverage to the jurisdictions.

Orig/Rev.: 05/03/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 30 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

DP Rule: Applicable to regional underwriting office or a third party issuing the policy.

Issuing Office Postal Code - DN0310

Definition: The postal code of the carrier's/insurer's location responsible for registering the Proof of Coverage notification to the jurisdiction.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the issuing office.

Orig/Rev.: 05/03/95

Source: For the United States and its territories, this will be the USPS zip code.

Format: 9 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Issuing Office State - DN0309

Definition:The state of the location responsible for registering the Proof of Coverage notification to the jurisdiction.

Business Need: Identifies the location of the issuing office.

Orig/Rev.: 07/11/94

Source: http://www.iaiabc.org/EDI/implementation.asp [File Link Not Available]

Format: 2 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Jurisdiction - DN0004

Definition: The governing body or territory whose statutes apply.

Business Need: Used to identify the jurisdiction whose statutes apply.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95

Source: See State code list at http://www.iaiabc.org/EDI/implementation.asp [File Link Not Available]

Or list of non-state jurisdictions below Values: Non-State Jurisdictions:

UL Longshore & Harbor Workers Compensation Act U1 Defense Base Act

U2 Non Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act U3 Outer Continental Shelf Act U4 War Hazards Compensation Act FC Federal Coal Mine Health & Safety Act FE Federal Employers Liability Act M1 Admiralty I & II

Format: 2 A/N

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Definition: The date the jurisdiction's designee (if any) received the data.


Business Need:Received Date - DN0302 To determine compliance with Proof of Coverage

Orig/Rev.:reporting requirements.

Source: 07/14/97

Format: IAIABC

Record: 8 DATE

DP Rule: PC1 (Insured Record)

This element is never used by the insurer.

Minimum Premium Indicator - DN0332

Definition: Code that identifies a policy written as a Minimum Premium Policy.

Business Need: Used by jurisdictions to identify Minimum Premium policies.

Orig/Rev.: 11/01/01

Source: WCPOLS

Format: 1 A/N

Values: Y = Minimum Premium Policy

N = Non-Minimum Premium Policy

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

DP Rule: This element is not available for Release 1.0.

Number of Employees - DN0330

Definition: The number of employees for each employer within the jurisdiction at the

time the policy/contract is issued.

Business Need: To be used by jurisdictions as an indicator for directing non-compliance of insurance coverage and accident prevention programs.






6 N

Record: DPPC2 (Employer Record)

Rule:In certain situations this number may be estimated.

Number of Employers - DN0328


The number of employer segment occurrences.

Business Need: To provide a counter of employer records that will immediately follow the insured record.


12/09/94; 06/01/07




4 N

Record: DP

PC1 (Insured Record)


If the number of employer records is less than or equal to (<=) 9999 report the total number of employer records in this field.

If the number of employer records is greater than (>) 9999, report blank in this field and report the number of employer records in positions 545 - 550

DN0336 Number of Employers Expanded.

Definition:The number of employer segment occurrences when there are more than

NumberExpanded - DN0336 9999 employer records.

Business Need: To provide a counter of employer records that will

immediately follow the


insured record.





Record: 6 N

DP Rule: PC1 (Insured Record)

If the number of employer records is greater than (>) 9999 report the total number of employer records in this field.

If the total number of employer locations is less than or equal to < 9999 report the total number of employer records in positions (582 - 585) DN0328 Number of Employers.

Number of Errors - DN0114

Definition: The number of error code segment occurrences.

Business Need: A technical processing requirement that specifies the number of variable segments that follow.

Orig/Rev.: 08/18/94

Source: IAIABC

Format: 2 N


AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

Original Transmission Date - DN0102


The value obtained from the Date Transmission Sent field of the Header Record of the originating transmission.

Business Need: This field should only be populated on the acknowledgment (AK1, AKP or

ARP) batch header to allow the receiving party the ability to match back to the original batch file for reconciliation purposes. It is used in conjunction with the Original Transmission Time field in the acknowledgment process.

Orig/Rev.: 08/19/94; 10/01/06

Source: IAIABC

Format: 8 DATE

Record:HD1 (Header Record of AK1, AKP or ARP only)

Original Transmission Time - DN0103


The value obtained from the Time Transmission Sent field of the Transmission Header Record of the originating transmission.

Business Need: This field should only be populated on the acknowledgment (AK1, AKP or

ARP) batch header to allow the receiving party the ability to match back to the original batch file for reconciliation purposes. It is used in conjunction with the Original Transmission Date field in the acknowledgment process.

Orig/Rev.: 08/19/94; 10/01/06

Source: IAIABC

Format: 6 TIME

Record:HD1 (Header Record of AK1, AKP or ARP only)

Policy Effective Date - DN0029


The date that the contract/policy became effective.

Business Need:

To validate coverage compliance and define the begin date policy term

represented in the transaction.








PC1 (Insured Record)

Policy Expiration Date - DN0030

Definition: The date that the contract/policy expired.

Business Need:To validate coverage compliance and define the policy end date for the policy term represented in the transaction.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 8 DATE

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

DP Rule:Notification of end date of policy term may not satisfy continuous coverage jurisdictions and their cancellation requirements.

Policy Number - DN0028

Definition: The number assigned to the policy/contract for that employer or association group.

Business Need: Identify contract.



Format:18 A/N

Record:PC1 (Insured Record), AKP (Acknowledgment Record)

DP Rule:The policy number is reported at the insured level, which is inclusive of the employers/entities submitted on this record. Report the alphanumeric characters used for uniquely identifying the policy. Do NOT report any leading or embedded blanks, marks of punctuation, or special characters.

Prior Policy Number - DN0324

Definition:The number assigned to the prior policy/contract for that employer or

association group.

Business Need: Identify prior policy/contract number for renewals, rewrites, and binders if applicable.





Format: 18 A/N


PC1 (Insured Record)

DP Rule:

The policy number is reported at the insured level, which is inclusive of the employers/entities submitted on this record. This element is only applicable in the event that the current carrier/insurer was also responsible for the previous policy. Report the alphanumeric characters used for uniquely identifying the policy. Do NOT report any embedded blanks, marks of punctuation, or special characters.

Receiver ID - DN0099

Definition:Composite or group level code made up of the Receiver FEIN (the FEIN of the receiving party), a filler, and the Receiver Postal Code (postal code of the

receiving party).

Business Need: To identify the receiving party.

Orig/Rev.: 08/18/94

Source: IAIABC

Format: 25 A/N (Receiver FEIN 9 A/N, Filler 7 spaces, Receiver Postal Code 9 A/N)

Record: HD1 (Header Record)

DP Rule:Filler is reserved for possible future use in the event FEIN is not sufficient to uniquely identify the receiving party.

Record Sequence Number - DN0107

Definition: Identifying control number that must be unique within a transmission. The number is assigned by the originator of a transaction.

Business Need: To uniquely identify a transaction in the event trading partners need to reconcile transactions.






9 N

Values:0= Header or batch structure Error

1thru 999999998 =

Detail Record Identifier 999999999 =

Record: Trailer Error

PC1 (Insured Record), PC2 (Employer Record), AK1, AKP or ARP

(Acknowledgment Record)

DP Rule:The Record Sequence Number returned in the acknowledgement

corresponds to the Record Sequence Number of the record of the transaction unless it is a Header, Batch Structure or Trailer Record error.

Request Code - DN0112

Definition:A code used to convey additional information such as the need to follow up or respond manually to a transaction.

Business Need: To have the ability to communicate the need for additional information associated with a transaction electronically.






3 A/N


0- None

1- Contact Sender




Sender ID- DN0098

Record) Definition:

Composite or group level code made up of the Sender FEIN (the FEIN of the sending party), a filler, and the Sender Postal Code (postal code of the sending party).

Business Need: To identify the sending party.

Orig/Rev.: 08/18/94

Source: IAIABC

Format: 25 A/N (Sender FEIN 9 A/N, Filler 7 spaces, Sender Postal Code 9 A/N)

Record: HD1 (Header Record)

DP Rule:Filler is reserved for possible future use in the event FEIN is not sufficient to uniquely identify the sending party.

Test/Production Code - DN0104

Definition: The trading partner's EDI participation status for a specific transaction.

Business Need:To communicate whether the batch transmitted is in a test or production status.





Format: 1 A/N

Values: T = Test (pilot/parallel or test)

P = Production Record:

HD1 (Header Record)

Time Processed - DN0109


The time that the receiver processed the detail transaction. Together with date processed and a record sequence number it will uniquely identify a specific acknowledgment detail record.

Business Need: Needed for reconciliation.

Orig/Rev.: 08/09/95

Source: IAIABC

Format: 6 TIME

Record: AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

Time Transmission Sent - DN0101


The time the sender prepared the batch file for transmission. Together with the Date Transmission Sent will uniquely identify a specific transmission batch.

Business Need: Needed for reconciliation. Orig/Rev.:08/09/95


Format:6 TIME

Record:HD1 (Header Record)

Total Payroll - DN0327

Definition:The sum of the payroll amounts in whole dollars for the rating classification identified in the policy/contract term per jurisdiction.

Business Need:

Could be used to estimate the size of the employer.



Format:11 N

Record:PC1 (Insured Record)

Transaction Issue Date DN0335

Definition:The issue date of the Transaction Set Type code DN0334 being submitted.

This date is the accounting date on which the data represented by this transaction code was processed by the insurer's policy issuance system.

Business Need:To indicate the date a transaction, e.g. Binder, New Policy, Renewal Policy,

Endorsement, Cancellation, Rewrite/Reissue, Non-renewal or Reinstatement was issued by the carrier's policy issuance system

Orig/Rev.: 05/06/05

Source: WCPOLS

Format: 8 DATE

Record: PC1 (Insured Record)

Transaction Reason Code

- DN0303


Code which further identifies the type of transaction being submitted.

Business Need:

Identifies for the jurisdiction why the transaction was sent.




ANSI 1203


2 A/N


01 No Specific Transaction Reason Code Utilized

45 Out of Business/Retired from Business

54 Adding an Employer Location

56 Deleting an Employer Location

59 Non Payment *

60 Coverage Placed Elsewhere

61 Duplicate Coverage

62 Change in Ownership

63 Business Sold

64 Underwriting Reason

65 No Employees/No Exposure/No Operations/Completed Operations

66 Revocation of Voluntary Market Acceptance

67 Include Corporate Officer/Partner/Sole Proprietor

68 Exclude Corporate Officer/Partner/Sole Proprietor

69 Failure to Pay Deductible

70 Misrepresentation of Information on Application

71 Rewritten/Reissue

72 Adding a Jurisdiction

73 Deleting a Jurisdiction

76 Insured FEIN

77 Employer FEIN

78 Employer UI Number

79 Policy Number

80 No Specific Location in Jurisdiction

81 Policy Effective Date

82 Policy Expiration Date

83 Carrier/Insurer FEIN

84 Insured Record Information Not Otherwise Classified

85 Employer Record Information Not Otherwise Classified

86 Named Employer(s) With No Jurisdiction Address

87 Employer(s) With No Jurisdiction Address

94 Employer Name - Employer With No Jurisdiction Address

95 Employer UI Number - Employer With No Jurisdiction Address

96 Employer FEIN - Employer With No Jurisdiction Address Record:

PC1 (Insured Record), AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record) DP Rule: The following triplicate code combination is not available in Release 1.0 or 2.0:

* 00 (Transaction Set Purpose Code - DN0300)

* 60 (Transaction Set Type Code - DN0334)

* 59 (Transaction Reason Code - DN0303)

Transaction Set ID - DN0001

Definition:A code that identifies the transaction being sent/received.

Business Need:Data processing.

Orig/Rev.:07/01/04, 01/25/06


Format: 3 A/N

Values:HD1 Header Record

PC1 POC Insured Record

PC2 POC Employer Record

TR1 Trailer Record

AK1 Acknowledgment Detail Record

AKP Acknowledgment Detail Record (See DP Rule)

ARP Re-Acknowledgment Detail Record (See DP Rule)

Record:HD1 (Header Record), PC1 (Insured Record), PC2 (Employer Record), TR1 (Trailer Record), AK1, AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

DP Rule:This value is not available for use in Release 1.0 or 2.0.

Transaction Set Purpose Code - DN0300

Definition:Code identifying purpose of transaction set.

Business Need:Identify whether the transaction set is an original or follow-up transmission of data.


Source:ANSI 353

Format: 2 A/N

Values:00 Original



Record:PC1 (Insured Record), AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record)

DP Rule:Transaction Set Purpose Codes 04 and 05 are only used in paired transactions. For proper usage of paired transactions please refer to the scenario documentation.

The following triplicate code combination is not available in Release 1.0 or 2.0:

* 00 (Transaction Set Purpose Code - DN0300)

* 60 (Transaction Set Type Code - DN0334)

* 59 (Transaction Reason Code - DN0303)

Transaction Set Type Code - DN0334

Definition:Defines the specific purpose of individual records within the transaction being transmitted.

Business Need: Identifies the purpose of the transaction.

Orig/Rev.: 07/01/04

Source: IAIABC

Format: POC

2 A/N


05 Binder

A temporary agreement which legally provides insurance protection until the issuance of a formal contract.

10 New Policy

The initial issuance of a policy/contract.

20 Renewal Policy

Continuation of an insurance policy/contract.

31 - 33 Endorsement

Modification to a contract after initial notification of coverage to the jurisdiction.

31 Add

32 Change

33 Delete 41 - 42 Cancellation

Discontinuation of a contract other than at expiration date.

41 Canceled by Carrier/Insurer

42 Canceled by Insured 50Rewrite/Reissue

The issuance of a policy for a given insured after a previously issued policy, covering the same term for that insured, has been canceled flat. 60Non Renewal

A cancellation at policy expiration date. 70Reinstatement

A notice to the insured that restores a policy that had been previously canceled. PC1 (Insured Record), AKP or ARP (Acknowledgment Record: Record) The following triplicate code combination is not available in Release 1.0 or 2.0: DP Rule: * 00 (Transaction Set Purpose Code - DN0300)

* 60 (Transaction Set Type Code - DN0334)

* 59 (Transaction Reason Code - DN0303)

Transaction Set Type Effective Date - DN0304

Definition:The date that the transaction reflecting the Transaction Set Type Code is effective.

Business Need:Used by jurisdictions to determine when the action denoted by the transaction will actually be effective.

Orig/Rev.: 06/07/95


Format: 8 DATE

Record:PC1 (Insured Record)

Wrap-up Indicator - DN0322

Definition:A code which identifies a policy written for a specific job site which will include more than one insured.

Business Need:Identifies a unique policy from the insured's primary policy.

Orig/Rev.: 12/09/94


Format: 1 A/N

Values:1 Wrap-up

2 No Wrap-up Record:PC1 (Insured Record)

C.M.R. 90, 351, ch. 3, app VIII