The Wage Statement (WCB-2), Schedule of Dependent(s) and Filing Status Statement (WCB-2A), Memorandum of Payment (WCB-3), Discontinuance or Modification of Compensation (WCB-4), Certificate of Discontinuance or Reduction of Compensation (WCB-8), Lump Sum Settlement (WCB-10), Statement of Compensation Paid (WCB-11), and the Employee's Return to Work Report (WCB-231) shall be filed with the Board's Central Office in Augusta, State House Station #27, Augusta, Maine 04333-0027. These forms shall be distributed as follows:
The Notice of Controversy (WCB-9) and the Employer's First Report of Occupational Injury or Disease (WCB-1) shall be filed and distributed as set forth in W.C.B. Rule Ch. 3, § 4.
90- 351 C.M.R. ch. 1, § 7