65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 840, § 9

Current through 2024-25, June 19, 2024
Section 407-840-9 - PAYMENT OF AWARD
A.Utility Payment. For PURPA proceedings and judicial review of such proceedings as specified in section 8 of this rule, the utility shall pay any award of compensation as ordered by the Commission. In the event that the Commission proceeding involves more than one utility, the award shall be divided as directed by the Commission among the utilities involved and paid by the utilities.
B.Commission Payment. In any non-PURPA proceeding, the Commission shall pay any award of compensation from its regulatory fund and filing fees subject to the Commission's determining such funds are available.
C.Payment Date. The utility or the Commission, as appropriate, shall pay the award of compensation as ordered by the Commission within thirty (30) days after the Commission's order awarding intervenor funding or in the case of an order subject to judicial review, within thirty (30) days after that review is complete.
D.Interest on Payment. In the event the Commission determines that there has been undue delay in either the Commission's granting of the final award or the Commission or utility's payment of an award, the award of compensation may include interest on the amount from the date of the issuance of the final order on the substantive issues of the case. The interest rate will be based on the applicable interest payable on deposits under Chapter 870 of the Commission's Rules.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 840, § 9