TC = Total contribution including taxes
C = Contribution after deduction of present value of tax reductions resulting from tax depreciation (step 5)
FIT = Federal Income Tax marginal rate
SIT = State Income Tax marginal rate
The utility may require a deposit of the cost of materials and supplies or detailed engineering design, or some portion thereof, two months prior to the commencement of construction. Any portion of the deposit actually spent for detailed engineering design or for materials and supplies which cannot readily be used for other projects by the utility shall not be refundable.
No construction of a main extension or service drop shall be commenced until the utility and the developer have executed a written contract. The contract shall incorporate this rule by reference, shall state that in the case of a conflict between the contract and the rule, the rule shall govern, and shall state that the provisions of the contract are subject to alteration by Public Utilities Commission decision or rule.
Within 60 days following receipt by the utility of the final bills for the extension, the charge to the developer shall be adjusted to make up for any difference between the estimated and actual costs of the lines. For the purposes of these rules, actual cost shall be reasonable and shall not exceed costs recorded in conformity with accepted water utility accounting practice as defined in the Uniform System of Accounts for Water Utilities prescribed by the Commission.
65-407 C.M.R. ch. 65, § 4