C.M.R. 65, 407, ch. 640, app 407-640-A

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Appendix 407-640-A - Method for Determination of Demand Based Fire Protection Charges

Step 1: Determine Total Revenue Requirement

1 From Rate Case Filing or Income Statement $1,750,080

Step 2: Determine Revenue Required From Municipal Fire Protection (T)

2 From Chapter 69 of PUC Rules $274,763

Step 3: Determine Municipal Fire Protection Demand Flow Requirements (C)

CustomerClassNumber of Hydrants Demand Flow Total Demand
Residential 343 500 17,500
Commercial 128 1,000 128,000
Industrial 68 1,000 68,000
Total 539 367,500 GPM

Step 4: Determine Private Fire Protection Demand Flow Requirements (D)

Private Fire Protection Class Number of Services Average Demand Total Demand
Private Hydrants(a) 47 500 23,500
Sprinkler 0-99 GPM 26 80 2,080
Sprinkler 100-199 GPM 4 196 784
Sprinkler 200-399 GPM 130 200 26,000
Sprinkler 400-599 GPM 32 535 17,120
Sprinkler 600-999 GPM 3 881 2,643
Sprinkler 1000+ GPM 2 1,800 3,600
Total 244 75,727 GPM

(a) excludes the first hydrant with each sprinkler system

Step 5: Determine the Total Revenue Required from Private Fire Protection (P)

Formula: P= (T/C)*D

P = ($274,763/367,500) * 75.727 = $56,618

Step 6: Allocate Private Fire Protection Revenue Requirement Based Upon Average Demand

Private Fire Protection Class Number of Services Average Demand Cost Per Average Cost Revenue Allocation
Private Hydrants(a) 47 500 $0.747659 $373.83 $17,569.99
Sprinkler 0-99 GPM 26 80 $0.747659 $59.81 $1,555.13
Sprinkler 100-199 GPM 4 196 $0.747659 $146.54 $586.16
Sprinkler 200-399 GPM 130 200 $0.747659 $149.53 $19,439.14
Sprinkler 400-599 GPM 32 535 $0.747659 $400.00 $12,799.93
Sprinkler 600-999 GPM 3 881 $0.747659 $658.69 $1,976.06
Sprinkler 1000+ GPM 2 1800 $0.747659 $1,345.79 $2,691.57
Total 244 $56,618.00

(a) excludes the first hydrant with each sprinkler system

C.M.R. 65, 407, ch. 640, app 407-640-A