65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 322, § 1

Current through 2024-25, June 19, 2024
Section 407-322-1 - DEFINITIONS
A. Aggregator. "Aggregator" means an entity that gathers individual customers together for the purpose of purchasing electricity, provided such entity is not engaged in the purchase or resale of electricity directly with a competitive electricity provider, and provided further that such customers contract for electricity directly with a competitive electricity provider.
B. Broker. "Broker" means an entity that acts as an agent or intermediary for a customer in the sale and purchase of electricity but that does not take title to electricity, provided such entity is not engaged in the purchase or resale of electricity directly with a competitive electricity provider, and provided further that such customers contract for electricity directly with a competitive electricity provider.
C. Bulk Power System Administrator. "Bulk power system administrator" means the Independent System Operator of the New England bulk power system (ISO-NE) or an equivalent functional organization that carries out financial settlement with competitive electricity providers operating in the portion of Maine that is not in ISO-NE's territory.
D. Competitive Electricity Provider. "Competitive electricity provider" means a marketer, broker, aggregator, or any other entity selling electricity to the public at retail in Maine.
E. Customer. "Customer" means any person who has applied for, been accepted for or is receiving generation service from a competitive electricity provider for retail use. This term includes an applicant for generation services when the context addresses the process of application for generation service in this Chapter.
F. Customer-Specific Information. "Customer-specific information" is information that describes the usage, technical configuration or type of utility service subscribed to by a particular customer of a transmission and distribution utility and is available to the utility solely by virtue of the utility-customer relationship.
G. Consumer-owned Utility. "Consumer-owned utility" means any transmission and distribution utility wholly owned by its consumers, as described in 35-A M.R.S.A. §3201(6).
H. Current Charge. "Current charge" means an amount that a transmission and distribution utility or a competitive electricity provider has billed to a customer and whose due date has not yet passed.
I. Due Date. "Due date" means the last day a transmission and distribution or a competitive electricity provider bill must be paid to avoid payment of late fees or the initiation of collection action for a past due amount.
J. EBT Standards. "EBT Standards" means the standards, established by the Electronic Business Transactions Standards working group and adopted by rule, that govern the procedures, electronic protocols, and data formats for transferring data electronically among transmission and distribution utilities and competitive electricity providers.
K. Enroll. "Enroll" means the assignment of a customer to a competitive electricity provider.
L. Generation Service. "Generation service" means the provision of electric power to a retail consumer through a transmission and distribution utility but does not encompass any activity related to the transmission or distribution of that power.
M. Investor-Owned Utility. "Investor-owned utility" means a large investor-owned transmission and distribution utility or a small investor-owned transmission and distribution utility, as described in 35-M.R.S.A. §3201(12) and 35-M. R.S.A. §3201(16).
N. Marketer. "Marketer" means an entity that as an intermediary purchases and takes title to electricity for sale to retail customers.
O. Notification to Cancel. "Notification to cancel" means notification from a competitive electricity provider to a transmission and distribution utility that the competitive electricity provider will no longer provide generation service to a customer.
P. Notification to Enroll. "Notification to enroll" means notification from a competitive electricity provider to a transmission and distribution utility that the competitive electricity provider has agreed to provide generation service to a customer.
Q. Past Due Charge. "Past due charge" means an amount that a transmission and distribution utility or a competitive electricity provider has billed to a customer that has not been paid in full by the due date of the bill.
R. Prior Competitive Electricity Provider. "Prior competitive electricity provider" means a competitive electricity provider that had provided generation service to a customer but no longer does so.
S. Residential and Small Non-Residential Customers. "Residential and Small Non-Residential Customers" means customers defined as residential by the terms and conditions of the transmission and distribution utility and non-residential customers that meet the availability criteria to take service under a core customer class of the transmission and distribution utility that does not include a demand charge.
T. Standard Offer Provider. "Standard offer provider" means an entity selected pursuant to Chapter 301 or by a COU pursuant to 35-A M.R.S.A. §3212 to provide all or a specified portion of electric generation service to consumers receiving standard offer service.
U. Standard Offer Service. "Standard offer service" means electric generation service provided to any electricity consumer who does not obtain electric generation service from a competitive electricity provider.
V. Transmission and Distribution Utility. "Transmission and distribution utility" means a person, its lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by a court, owning, controlling, operating or managing a transmission and distribution plant for compensation within the state.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 322, § 1