E. Public Availability. Infrastructure maps and data filed pursuant to this Chapter will initially be treated as "confidential" pursuant to 35-A M.R.S.A. §1311-B. The Commission will subsequently determine what information should continue to be treated as confidential under §1311-B. To be protected from release, all confidential infrastructure maps and data must plainly be designated as "CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL PURSUANT TO MPUC RULES, CH. 140" in a filing cover letter, clearly marked on all paper copy maps and other information sheets filed, and on electronic media labels. Upon filing any confidential material in electronic form, the utility filing such information shall provide a separate list of each filename included in the filing that the utility considers confidential. Utilities filing infrastructure information must provide redacted versions that reflect such information that the utility believes can be publicly released without compromise to the security of its facilities. Such non-confidential versions must be clearly marked as REDACTED. The Commission may release the redacted information to the public on request.
Pursuant to 35-A M.R.S.A. §1311-B(1), the Commission may on its own motion determine that certain infrastructure information is confidential for security reasons. Upon such a determination, the Commission will mark the affected information accordingly.