29-255-2 Me. Code R. § 4

Current through 2025-02, January 8, 2025
A. Description and Overview

The State Records Center provides safe, environmentally controlled storage for agency records that must be temporarily retained. These are closed records which an agency has infrequent need for but still must be retained to fulfill fiscal, administrative or legal needs per the schedules. State Records Center services are available to all state agencies. All records sent to the State Records Center must be on an approved records retention schedule.

Serves as an off-site storage facility for state agency records that remain under the legal custody of those agencies Houses only those records that are subject to records retention schedules and have not yet reached the end of their retention period Stores records based on agency retentions for administrative, fiscal or legal purposes, which are then destroyed (according to schedule) Only allows the agency of origin to access the records Delivers records back to the agency of origin upon request Assigns each box of records a unique bar-code and container number for inventory control, tracking and reference
B. Hours of Operation

The State Records Center is a closed facility. Any agency wishing to schedule a pick-up / drop-off, box review or other consultation at the State Records Center must schedule a time with staff. Except for holidays and at such other times as may be specified by the State Archivist, agency State Records Center staff are available for scheduling Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

C. Surveillance and Maintenance

The Supervisor of the State Records Center shall be responsible for administering effective surveillance against unauthorized persons in the State Records Center facility and for oversight of building maintenance including shelving, storage areas, humidity control, temperature regulation and overall care and protection of physical records.

D. Agency Records Storage/Alternative Warehouse Facilities(Also captured in Chapter 1)

Agencies may maintain storage areas for the temporary storage of agency records pending their transfer to the State Records Center or other disposition authorized by law. No agency records storage area shall be established or relocated by an agency without the prior approval of the Maine State Archivist.

Each temporary storage area shall:

1. Provide security to prevent the loss of records both in storage and in reference areas. This shall at a minimum include locks on all doors and windows, plus an intruder alarm system, a fire alarm system and fire suppression system.
2. Provide storage facilities situated in a physically safe location (i.e., not located in a flood plain; not located next to a hazardous chemical storage area; etc.). These facilities should have heating/ventilation/air conditioning capable of maintaining temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and of holding relative humidity to less than 50 percent.
3. Show evidence of a capacity to care for the records by providing evidence 1) of a mission statement; and 2) that a person who cares for the records has had basic records management training, such as a workshop approved by the Maine State Archivist.
4. To store confidential records, the institution also must show evidence that it has staff capable of maintaining confidentiality in accordance with policies of state government agencies.

29-255 C.M.R. ch. 2, § 4