Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 250-157-18 - NIGHT MOVES AND STATE POLICE ONLY MOVES1.On the Interstate SystemA. Only the Maine State Police may provide police escorts on the Interstate Highway System.2.Night MovesA. Night moves (moves between sunset to sunrise as defined in Title 29-A §101(78)) may be authorized by any Maine State Police Troop Commander for travel at such times and places where public safety will not be adversely affected.B. One or more Maine State Police officers must be present to escort overdimensional vehicles moving at night. The troop commander may waive or modify police escort requirements when in the troop commander's opinion public safety will not be adversely affected. C.Additional lighting(1) Flashing amber beacons must be displayed in place of or in addition to flags as described in Section 14, paragraph 2.B.3.Maine TurnpikeA. Contact the Maine Turnpike Authority for specific information regarding night moves on the Turnpike (See Section 3 - Communication and Contact Information).4.Timber Harvesting EquipmentA. Timber harvesting equipment may be transported between sunset and sunrise during the months of March and April if: (1) the air temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower and the ground is solidly frozen with no standing water;(2) the width of the load does not exceed 11 feet 6 inches and the length does not exceed 75 feet;(3) two qualified pilot vehicles accompany the oversize load with one preceding the oversize load and the other following;(4) two-way mobile communication is maintained between the pilot vehicles and the overdimensional load vehicle; and(5) the oversize load displays flashing amber beacons at the extremes of the load in the place of or in addition to flags.B. The Commissioner, acting on the advice of the Chief of the Maine State Police, may prohibit the nighttime movement of timber harvesting equipment on particular sections of highway if such movement would create an unacceptable risk to public safety.C. Applicants must notify the Issuing Authority of their intent to move at night when applying for an overlimit permit. The permit must clearly indicate the move is to take place at night.29-250 C.M.R. ch. 157, § 18