19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 9, § 5

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

This section describes the methods by which any funds not distributed, disencumbered funds, additional funds received from HUD, and program income may be redistributed by the State.

1. Local Government Grants from the State: local governments receiving giants as a result of the 1994 CDBG program but unable to have their projects substantially underway (staff hired, environmental review complete, program costs obligated) within twelve months of the grant award, shall have their grant canceled by the State. Unexpended grant funds may be added to any open CDBG contract, used to make additional awards in any 1994 CDBG program, or added to the available monies for the 1995 competition.

Unexpended funds remaining in the grantee's CDBG account at grant closeout, funds remaining in a grantee's award but not drawndown upon grant closeout and funds returned to the State because of disallowed costs may be added to any open CDBG contract, used to make additional awards in any 1994 CDBG program or added to the available monies for the 1995 competition.

2. Unallocated State Grants To local Governments: Unallocated grant funds resulting from lack of adequate program competition or demand in the Housing Assistance, Public Facilities/Infrastructure, Public Service, Urgent Need, Development Fund, Regional Assistance, Micro-Loan, Economic Development Infrastructure, Phase II Planning, General Purpose Planning, Growth Management Planning, Quality Main Street Strategy, and Defense Conversion Planning Grant Programs may be added to any open CDBG contract, used to make additional awards in any 1994 CDBG program or added to the available monies for the 1995 competition.
3. State Grants from HUD: Additional HUD allocations to the State of Maine may be added to any open CDBG contract, used to make additional awards in any 1994 CDBG program or added to the available monies for the 1995 competition.
4. Basis for Redistribution: The decision on how to redistribute the types of funds described in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above will be made after staff evaluation of the following: the total funds available, requests for additional funding from current CDBG grantees, any applicants that received scores above the 85 point threshold in 1994 competitions but did not receive funding and the possibility of holding additional competitions during the 1994 Program. Additional competitions will be held only as a last resort, and be limited to Housing Assistance, Public Facility/Infrastructure, Public Service, Micro-Loan, and Economic Development Infrastructure. In all cases, these additional competitions and the subsequent programs developed, will be subject to the applicable section(s) of this 1994 Final Statement or amendments thereto.

In the case of funds added to open grant(s), redistribution will give priority to grants needing additional CDBG funds in order to complete the activities described in their application to the State and secondly to grants for additional activities which meet the State and local community development objectives. In no case will the total of the original grant award and any redistributed funds to that grant, exceed the maximum grant award for that program as set forth in this Final Statement.

All staff recommendations regarding redistribution of funds in the 1994 CDBG program will be subject to approval by the Director of the OCD.


As used in this Proposed Statement, program income means the gross income received by a grantee from any grant-supported activity.

1. General Program Income Requirements:
(a) Program Income Received During the Grant Period: Program income may be retained by a grantee for a specific purpose or activity during the grant period provided the grantee submits an acceptable Program Income Plan, as described in Section 5(B) (1) (d) of this Proposed Statement. If not, the grantee must expend program income for all activities, prior to requesting additional grant funds for any activity.
(b) Program Income Received After the End of a Grant Period: Grantees must transfer all program income, at the end of a grant, to the most recent open grant. The funds are considered program income of the new grant.

Grantees that desire to retain program income received after the end of their last open CDBG grant, must submit a Program Income Plan as described in Section 5(B)(1)(d) of this Proposed Statement.

(c) Program income Received by the State: Up to 2% of program income returned to the State may be used for administrative costs. The balance of program income (98%) will be used to fund new or previously committed CDBG obligations.
(d) Program Income Plan.: Each grantee anticipating program income during or after the end of a grant period must submit a Program Income Plan to OCD. A Program Income Plan shall include the following:
(i) A description of the Title I eligible activities and National Objective(s) that will be funded with program income;
(ii) Documentation of the need for the program income in the activity proposed for reuse;
(iii) A schedule for the receipt and reuse of the program income; and
(iv) A description of the grantee's administrative capacity to manage and track all program income received during and after a grant and to manage the activity, to be funded with program income. The grantee must also indicate how much of the program income, not to exceed 13% in the HA, PFIG and EDI programs and not to exceed 18% in the PS and ML programs, will be used for administration of the program income.
(e) Program Income Plan Submission: The following schedules must be adhered to when submitting a program income plan:
(i) Housing Assistance, Public Facilities/Infrastructure, Public Service, Urgent Need, Reserved, Micro-Loan, Economic Development Infrastructure: during the Phase II process;
(ii) Development Fund: within forty-five (45) days of grant award;
(iii) interim Finance Program: with the IFP application; and
(iv) Regional Assistance Fund: with the RAF application.
2. Special Program Requirements: special program requirements apply to the following programs:
(a) Development Fund Program Income: Except for those grantees who can adequately demonstrate the reuse of program income for the "same activity" that generated the program income, grantees will return the repayments to the State to be placed in a State CDBG Development Fund Revolving loan Fund (RLF) Program.

For these purposes, "same activity" shall mean the same business that originally received CDBG assistance. Loans made from the State RLF must be provided as grants to local governments far loans to businesses and/or developers, must undergo DECD's loan review process, and must meet the 51% low to moderate income benefit threshold.

(b) Interim Finance Program Income: The assignment of program income will be negotiated at the time of grant award.
(c) Regional Assistance Fund Program Income: The assignment of program income will be negotiated at the time of grant award.
(d) Micro-Loan Program Income: Wept for those grantees who can adequately demonstrate demand for the reuse of program income far the "same activity" that generated the program income, grantees will return Micro-Loan repayments to the State to be placed in the pool of funds for the State Micro-loan Program.

For these purposes, "same activity" shall mean an eligible loan as defined under tie micro-loan Program.

19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 9, § 5