The purpose of the Development Fund (DF) is to provide financial resources to local governments which in turn assist businesses to create jobs for low and moderate income people.
Documentation must be provided that the project cannot proceed without DF participation.
If, while nearing the end of the quarter, available funds are not sufficient to finance credit-worthy proposals, the review process will incorporate an. objective needs factor (the distress factor described in Section 2.A. 3. (v) . Those proposals with the highest score in the needs factor will receive assistance first.
The purpose of the Regional Assistance Fund (RAF) is to provide financial resources to local governments or regional organizations which can use the RAF assistance as leverage to obtain funds under the Economic Development Administration (EDA) Economic Adjustment Assistance Program (Title IX) and the EDA Public Works Program. (Title I) or the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) Rural Business Enterprise (RBE) Grant and the Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) and/or other Federal, State, and private programs. The purpose of the RAF is to bring additional money into the State and therefore RAF cannot be used as match with the State's Small Cities CDBG program or conventional lending institutions.
Long-term economic deterioration (LTED) : The LTED Program assists eligible applicants to develop and/or implement strategies designed to halt and reverse the long-term decline of their economies. The most common type of activity funded under the LTED Program is Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs), although other types of eligible Title IX activity may be funded.
Sudden and severe economic dislocation (SSED): The SSED Program assists eligible applicants to respond to actual or threatened job losses (dislocation) and other severe economic adjustment problems. It is designed to help communities prevent a sudden, major job loss; to reestablish employment opportunities and facilitate community adjustment as quickly as possible after one occurs; or to meet special needs resulting from severe changes in economic conditions. SSED assistance is intended to respond to permanent rather than temporary job losses. Assistance may be in the form of a grant to develop a strategy to respond to the dislocation (Strategy Grant) or a grant to implement an EDA approved strategy (Implementation Grant).
In light of the current high level of economic distress in rural areas, EDA is particularly interested in Title IX projects designed to mitigate serious rural economic adjustment problems.
LTED: To receive funding under the LTED/RLF Program, an area must be experiencing at least one of three economic problems: 1) very high unemployment; 2) low per capita income; or, 3) chronic distress (failure to keep pace with national economic growth trends over the last five years). Priority will be given to those areas with two or more of these indicators.
SSED: To receive priority consideration for funding under the SSED Program, an area must show actual or threatened permanent job losses that exceed the following threshold criteria. 1) If the unemployment rate of the Labor Market Area exceeds the national average, the dislocation must be the lesser of four (4) percent of the employed population, or 500 direct jobs. 2) If the unemployment rate of the Labor Market Area is equal to or less than the national average, the dislocation mist be the lesser of four (4) percent of the unemployed population, or 1,000 jobs.
The purpose of the Micro-Loan Program is to provide Maine communities with funds to assist existing and now businesses create or retain jobs for low and moderate income individuals. These needs must be part of a community development strategy which will lead to future public and private investments.
Communities are encouraged to enter into partnerships to request Micro-Loan assistance when demand is sufficient on a regional basis and communities would be better served through a regionally administered loan program.
Project implementation shall begin upon execution of a contract. All activities must be cleared through an environmental review process prior to obligating CDBG funds. OCD staff will remain involved with the community through the end of the project.
The purpose of the Economic Development Infrastructure (EDI) Program is to provide Maine communities with funds in which to develop or rehabilitate public infrastructure so that existing and new businesses can create or retain jobs for low and moderate income individuals.
Applications far the EDI Program will be accepted once during the grant year. The application deadline is February 11, 1994. These applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria. A minimum score of 85 points out of a possible 100 will be required for an application to be further considered for funding.
Project implementation shall begin upon execution of a contract. All activities must be cleared through an environmental review process prior to obligating CDBG funds. OCD staff will remain involved with the community through the end of the project.
The purpose of the Interim Finance Program (lip) is to utilize funds not disbursed in the State's Letter of Credit far grants to communities to assist businesses or developers create housing and job opportunities for low and moderate income people through short-term loans.
19-498 C.M.R. ch. 9, § 3