A. PHASE II PLANNING GRANTS The purpose of the Phase II Planning Grant is to enable communities to gather, analyze, and provide information required by the Phase II Project Development process.
1. Threshold Criteria: The State will distribute Phase II funds to communities or community partnerships, provided they meet the following threshold criteria: (a) Eligible Applicants: Only communities invited into Phase II of the Housing Assistance, Public Facilities/Infrastructure, Economic Development Infrastructure, and Micro-loan Programs are eligible to apply for and receive Phase II Planning Grants from the State.(b) Eligible Activities: Phase II Planning funds may be used for planning activities necessary to complete Phase II requirements as described in applicable funding programs listed in 1(a) above.(c) Need and Capacity: Applicants must demonstrate a need for financial assistance and the means to execute the Phase II Planning grant award.(d) Federal and State Certifications for Local Governments: All communities applying for Phase II Planning Grants must certify that they will:(i) minimize displacement and adhere to a locally adopted displacement policy as set forth in Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended;(ii) take action to affirmatively further fair housing and comply with the provisions of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968;(iii) adhere to applicable Energy Efficiency Building Performance Standards;(iv) not attempt to recover certain capital costs of public improvements funded in part with CDBG monies;(v) establish a community development plan;(vi) meet all required State and Federal public participation(vii) comply with the Federal requirements of Section 319 of Public Law 101-122 regarding government-wide restriction on lobbying; and(viii) with the exception of administrative or personnel costs, verify that no person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of State or local government or of any designated public agencies, or subrecipients which are receiving CDBG funding nay obtain a financial interest or benefit, have an interest in or benefit from the activity, or have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect to CDBG activities.2. Special Program Requirements: Not applicable.3. Selection Process: Communities will submit a Phase II Planning Grant Proposal that demonstrates need for financial assistance to complete applicable Phase II requirements and will describe how the funds will be used to complete Phase II tasks.4. Approval Process: OCD staff will review threshold criteria and the applicant's proposal. Phase II Planning Grants will be awarded on a competitive and as needed basis.B. GENERAL PURPOSE PLANNING GRANTS The purpose of the General Purpose Planning Grant (GPPG) program is to provide financial assistance to communities or community partnerships that have clearly identified a local community or economic development problem and lack the resources to develop a strategy for solving that problem.
1. Threshold Criteria: The State will award GPPG funds to communities or community partnerships, provided they meet the following threshold criteria: (a) Eligible Applicants: All units of general local government Maine, including plantations, are eligible to apply for and receive GPPG funds from the State. County governments may apply on behalf of unorganized territories. Groups of local governments, acting as a partnership may apply provided one unit is designated as the lead applicant.(b) Ineligible Applicants: Entitlement communities of Portland, Bangor, Lewiston, and Auburn and established counties and unorganized territories, except as described in (a), above.(c) Eligible Activities: GPPG funds may be used for planning only activities that include studies, analyses, data gathering, preparation of plans and maps, and identification of actions that will implement plans. Engineering, architectural and design costs related to specific activities axe not eligible.(d) Project Eligibility: All activities undertaken with, GPPG funds must be eligible under 24 CFR Part 570, Subpart I, .482. All applications containing proposed ineligible or non-planning activities will be judged not to have met the project eligibility criteria. In all cases the applicant will be notified in writing of the determination made by OCD.(e) Project Benefit: The proposed activities must meet one of the national objectives pursuant to 24 CFR, Part 570, Subpart I, .483, (b) (5), (c) (3) or (d), of either providing direct benefit to low and moderate income persons, removing slum or blighting influences within that community, or meeting community development needs having a particular urgency.(f) Need and capacity: Demonstrate a need for financial assistance not to exceed $10,000 and the means to execute the grant award.(g) Federal and State certifications for Local Governments: All communities applying for GPPG funds must certify that they will:(i) minimize displacement and adhere to a locally adopted displacement policy as set forth in section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended;(ii) take action to affirmatively further fair housing and comply with the provisions of the civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968;(iii) adhere to applicable Energy Efficiency Building Performance Standards;(iv) not attempt to recover certain capital costs of public improvements funded in part with CDBG monies;(v) establish a community development plan;(vi) meet all required State and Federal public participation(vii) comply with the Federal requirements of section 319 of Public law 101-122 regarding government-wide restriction on lobbying;(viii) with the exception of administrative or personnel costs, verify that no person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of State or local government or of any designated public agencies, or subrecipients which are receiving CDBG funding may obtain a financial interest or benefit, have an interest in or benefit from the activity, or have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect to CDBG activities; and(ix) if the project that was assisted with GPPG funds was to be implemented, it would meet one of the national objectives of the CDBG program.(h) Prohibition on Multiple Grants: Units of local government and unorganized territories may not benefit from more than one General Purpose Planning Grant during the same grant year.2. Special Program Requirements: GPPG applicants must also comply with the following, special program requirements: (a) Past Performance: In order to be eligible to apply for the 1993 General Purpose Planning Grant program, communities that received CR grants in 1988 must have conditionally closed their grants by May 14, 1993. Communities that received CR grants in 1989 must have expended 100% of their benefit activity funds by May 14 1993. Communities that received CR grants in 1990 must have obligated 100% of their benefit activity funds by May 14, 1993. Communities that received CR grants in 1991 must have obligated at least 50% of their benefit activity funds by May 14, 1993. Communities that received CR grants in 1992 must have obligated at least 25% of their benefit activity funds by May 14, 1993.(b) Exceptions: Grant recipients may only submit a request to DECD for a waiver of this special requirement under the. following extraordinary circumstances: 1) the recipient has received unanticipated program income and is unable to meet the above performance requirements or 2) program delays have occurred that are beyond the control of the grantee due to acts of nature or unforeseen changes in scheduled availability of essential leveraged funds.3. Selection Process: Applications for GPPG's will be accepted on a first come basis beginning May 14, 1993. Prior to consideration of a grant award, the proposals must meet the threshold criteria and the special program requirement. Proposals that meet the criteria may be awarded GPPG funds, until the amount of funds available have been committed. Having committed all funds in the program, the State reserves the right not to accept any other applications.4. Approval Process: Following the acceptance of a complete application, the OCD staff shall review the application and verify the information contained therein. Applications will be funded contingent upon a review of the applicant's ability to meet State and federal certifications for local governments and the four selection review criteria, which are: (1) description of problem; (2) development of strategy; (3) local need; and (4) benefit. If all requirements are verified and funds remain available in the program, the Director will make a grant award.C. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING GRANTS The comprehensive Planning Grant (CP) program is intended to enable Maine's communities to develop comprehensive plans to prepare for and manage their future growth and development. The plans will help communities recognize strengths and weaknesses while identifying their planning goals for a ten year period. Plans mist be consistent with established State goals to protect natural and cultural resources, enhance economic development, affordable housing and recreational opportunities and identify and plan for public facilities needs.
1. Threshold Criteria: The State will award CP grants to communities, provided they meet the following threshold criteria:(a) Eligibility: Have not previously received a planning assistance grant from the DECD;(b) Benefit: At least 51% of their population is low and moderate income;(c) Capacity: Demonstrate the means and ability to complete the planning program.(d) Federal and State Certifications for Local Governments: All communities applying for CP funds must certify that they will:(i) minimize displacement and adhere to a displacement policy set forth by Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended;(ii) comply with the provisions of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968;(iii) establish a community development plan;(iv) meet all required State and Federal public participation requirements;(v) comply with the Federal requirements of Section 319 of Public law 101-122 regarding government-wide restriction on lobbying; and(vi) with the exception of administrative or personnel costs, verify that no person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of State or local government or of any designated public agencies, or subrecipients which are receiving CDBG funding may obtain a financial interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect to CDBG activities.2. Special Program Requirements: The following provisions will apply to the CP program: (a) Match: communities will provide a local match to the grant funds of 35% of the total project, (85% grant/15% local share);(b) Match Waiver: the local match requirement may be reduced at the discretion of the OCD when a community makes such a request and demonstrates an inability to fund the local match;(c) State Share Funding Formula: grant funds (State share) are provided in accordance with the following formula, based upon 1987 State census data: all communities with populations of 500 or less receive $13,500, for each additional 500 persons a community will receive $1,250, actual amounts will be determined by interpolation, to a maximum grant amount of $60,000;(d) Growth Management Requirements: communities participating in the Comprehensive Planning Grant program funded by Community Development Block Grant funds will be bound by the requirements of the DECD's Growth Management Program pursuant to Title 30-A, MRSA, Chapter 187.3. Selection Process: Communities will be made offers of CP grants by OCD in the following order of preference:(a) Planning Assistance Program "round #4" towns, listed in the order of "priority point ranking" as established by OCD in 1990: Somerville, Isle Au Haut, Brooks, Rome, Caratunk, Jackson, Brooklin, Wellington Parkman, Willimantic, Upton, Phillips, Corinna;(b) eligible communities over 1,000 in population (11 identified communities that meet threshold criteria l(a) and 1(b): Addison, Anson, Canaan, Castine, Cherryfield, Jonesport, Machiasport, Millbridge, Van Buren, Vinalhaven, Woodland, (within the category, selections will be made by lottery);(c) selection of all other communities will be made by lottery, with allowances to foster regional distribution throughout the State;(d) each community, upon receipt of notification of a grant offer, will be provided 45 calendar days to accept the funds. After this time period has lapsed, funds initially reserved for that community will be made available to the next community based upon the selection process (a-d).(e) Funds will be distributed in the following manner: (i) Beginning June 1, 1993 with Ilia first community listed in 3(a), funds will be reserved for communities up to the level of funds in the pool.(ii) If a community rejects the funds, or requests a reduced level from the amount of the offer, the next community as established in the selection process will Joe offered funds.(iii) offers will be made until all bulk are exhausted or all. communities that wish to participate have received grants.4. Approval Process: OCD staff will review threshold criteria, make grant offers based upon selection criteria and enter into contracts, including detailed work plan programs, with selected communities.D. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS The purpose of the Technical Assistance (TA) Grant Program is to enable Councils of Governments within planning districts to provide information about the CDBG program to communities in their area and to assist interested communities in preparing grant applications in the program categories.
1. Threshold Criteria: The State will award TA grants to Councils of Government provided it meets the following threshold criteria:(a) the recipient is a Council of Governments;(b) the recipient is governed by a board with representatives of local governments from the district for which the award is made; and(c) the recipient has the staff capacity to provide community development technical assistance.2. Special Program Requirements: Not applicable.3. Selection Process: Councils of Governments will only receive funding to reimburse community Development Block Grant Technical Assistance expenses incurred beginning on the first day of October 1993 OR since the time their most recent contract expired. A description of the technical assistance tasks provided, with a timeframe, must be submitted with each request for payment for reimbursement. The DECD will execute contractual agreements for the period of October 1, 1993 - June 30, 1994 OR from the date of the most recent contract end date through June 30, 1994.
Total FY 1993 CDBG Program Budget 1 | $12,908,000 |
Administration | 358,160 |
Technical Assistance Administration | 129,080 |
1. Housing Assistance Grants | 3,000,000 |
2. Public Facilities/Infrastructure Grants | 3,000,000 |
3. Public Service Grants | 300,000 |
4. Emergency Implementation Grants | 300,000 |
5. Reserved Grants | 2,000,000 |
6. Development Fund | 1,000,000 |
7. Regional Assistance Fund | 570,760 |
8. Micro Loan Program | 375,000 |
9. Economic Development Infrastructure Program | 1,200,000 |
10. Interim Finance Program 2 | See Below |
11. Phase II Planning Grants | 100,000 |
12. General Purpose Planning Grants | 350,000 |
13. Comprehensive Planning Grants | 225,000 |
14. Technical Assistance Grants | 200,000 |
1 The total program budget is comprised of a federal allocation of $12,908,000 plus a state match to equal at least $258,160 (which is 2% of the federal allocation).
2 The budget for the Interim Finance Program is comprised of monies not yet disbursed from each of the other programs. These monies are lent on a short term basis. The maximum budget for this program is $5,000,000. This program is capitalized only as loans are issued.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 8, § 4