The Housing Assistance Grant (HA) Program provides funding to address housing problems of low-and moderate-income persons. Housing Assistance Program (HA) funds will be distributed through an annual grant application selection process.
Letter of Intent: All communities wishing to submit a HA application must submit a Letter of Intent. After review for completeness and eligibility, units of general local government may be invited to make a full application. Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates.
Application: The maximum length of an application is four pages (not counting required attachments). Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates. Members of the Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 100 points is obtainable.
Impact (40 points):
A description of the specific housing problems to be addressed with HA funds - 15 points How the problems were identified - 10 points How these issues affect LMI persons in the community or region - 15 pointsDevelopment Strategy (40 points):
A description of the plan proposed to implement the housing project - 20 points Summary of the activities and use of HA funds - 20 pointsCitizen Participation (20 points):
How overall citizen participation process directly relates to identification of solution strategies and application development - 4 points Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) on application and project development - 4 points Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 pointsLetters of Intent will be accepted for the 2018 and 2019 Program Years. The communities invited to submit applications in 2018 may potentially be funded in 2018, or 2019.
The Public Infrastructure Grant (PI) Program provides gap funding for local infrastructure activities, which are part of a community development strategy leading to future public and private investments.
Activity Group Numbers:
Maximum Amount: $1,000,000
Maximum Amount: $1,000,000
Letter of Intent and Verification of CDBG National Objective: All communities wishing to submit a PI application must submit a Letter of Intent and Verification of CDBG National Objective to OCD. After review for completeness and eligibility, units of general local governments may be invited to make a full application. Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates.
Application: Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates.
Each application will be rated in relation to all others in a two-stage process. Members of the Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area.
Impact (40 points):
A description of why the project is necessary, previous efforts to address needs, and how the project was prioritized locally - 6 points What engineering firms and/or regulatory agencies have verified the infrastructure problems, and what studies and testing have been done that corroborate the need - 6 points How the verified health, safety and welfare conditions affect users and others in the community and region - 8 points Size and demographic makeup of user base and target area of projected infrastructure project -10 points Why PI funds are necessary to fill a funding gap, what other state and/or federal agency funding is involved, capacity of the utility or town to borrow, and how match funds will work with PI funds to implement the project - 10 pointsDevelopment Strategy (40 points):
A description of the proposed infrastructure improvements, including size, capacity, design, utilities and fit with existing systems - 10 points Positive impacts on health, safety and welfare of users directly attributable to proposed PI expenditures - 5 points Extent of financial benefits to users; list current user rates, what rates will be if PI funding is approved, and list what user rates will be if the project is built without PI funding - 15 points Project timeline: list tasks necessary to begin implementation. Identify work already completed, such as engineering, design and final commitment of other funds. Identify when remaining tasks will be completed. Estimate a project completion date and describe why project timeline is feasible - 10 pointsCitizen Participation (20 points):
How overall citizen participation process directly relates to identification of solution strategies and application development - 4 points Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) on application and project development - 4 points Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 points development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relatesLetter of Intent and Verification of CDBG National Objective:
All communities wishing to submit a DR application must submit a Letter of Intent. After review for completeness and eligibility, units of general local governments may be invited to make a full application. Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates.
Application: The maximum length of an application is six pages, not counting required attachments.
Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates.
Each application will be rated in relation to all others. Members of the Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area.
Impact (40 points):
Describe the scope and magnitude of the problems you seek to address, and how they are obstacles for revitalizing the downtown. - 8 points Explain how these problems negatively impact the viability of existing downtown businesses, or new development and expansion. - 12 points Demonstrate how the problems affect LMI persons, or how they contribute to slum/blight conditions. - 8 points Explain why DR funds are necessary for the project, and describe what efforts have been made and where you have searched to secure other grant or loan funds, - 12 pointsDevelopment of Strategy (40 points):
Clearly link the proposed DR activities to action steps outlined in your community's Downtown Plan, and explain how the project will stimulate economic activity in the downtown. - 12 points List the specific activities to be addressed in this downtown revitalization effort, and identify the tasks to be undertaken with DR funds and the activities to be undertaken with each other source of funds. - 12 points Define how the proposed DR activities provide a solution to the problems and assist in improving the area's viability, and how the activities will have a positive impact on LMI persons, or on alleviation of the slum/blight conditions. - 8 points Describe the capacity and experience of the administrator who will be implementing the project, describe the engineering and design work completed to date, provide a project timeline, and explain how DR funds will be expended in a timely manner. - 8 pointsCitizen Participation (20 points):
Effective use of media (newspapers, radio, TV, webetc.) to further public awareness and participation. - 4 points Relevance of listed meeting/hearing comments (not counting required public hearing) and the overall citizen participation process in application and project development. - 4 points Involvement of downtown and local businesses, Chambers of Commerce, development groups or other business related organizations in identification of problems and development of the application and project. - 4 points Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project, and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process. - 4 points How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project, and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments. - 4 pointsMaine Downtown Center Designation Bonus - 3 bonus points will be assigned to each applicant community designated as a Main Street Maine Community by the Maine Downtown Center, and a 1 bonus point will be awarded to those communities designated as a member of the Maine Downtown Network.
Business Friendly Community Designation Bonus - 3 bonus points will be assigned to each applicant community certified as a Business-Friendly Community at time of application.
The Public Service Grant (PSG) Program addresses community and business resource needs by providing funding for operating expenses, equipment, and program materials for activities which will benefit low/moderate income (LMI) persons.
Letter of Intent: All communities wishing to submit a PSG application must submit a Letter of Intent. Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates. After review for completeness and eligibility, units of general local governments will be invited to make a full application.
Application: The maximum length of an application is four pages, not counting required attachments. Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates.
Members of the Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 100 points is obtainable.
Impact (40 points):
Conditions requiring a new or expanded service - 15 points Issues faced by service providers including capacity, finances and staffing - 15 points Why PSG funds are critical for the project - 10 pointsDevelopment Strategy (40 points):
A description of the new or expanded service, specific use of PSG funds, including how this service will resolve identified problems, and why this service will be more effective than existing services for the targeted beneficiaries - 10 points How PSG funds will be utilized to assist LMI persons or a HUD approved Limited Clientele group - 10 points Project timeline, including a start date, tasks completed to date, how PSG funds will be expended in a timely manner, and method of tracking success - 10 points Capacity and qualifications of the service provider implementing the project, including familiarity with the needs of project beneficiaries - 10 pointsCitizen Participation (20 points):
How overall citizen participation process directly relates to identification of solution strategies and application development - 5 points Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.) to further public awareness and participation - 5 points Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) on application and project development - 5 points Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 5 pointsThe Small Business Development Center Technical Assistance (SBDCTA) provides funding for the provision of technical assistance to Maine micro-enterprise businesses through a partnership with Maine's Small Business Development Centers.
The Urgent need Grant (UN) Program provides funding to communities to address serious and immediate threats to health and welfare which are declared state or federal disasters.
Application: An UN application must include the following:
documentation that the emergency situation was prompted by natural or man-made causes that pose an imminent threat of injury or loss of life; certification that the proposal is designed to address an urgent need and an immediate response is required to halt the threat of injury or loss of life; information regarding when the urgent need condition occurred or developed into a threat to health and safety; evidence confirming the applicant is unable to finance implementation on its own; and, documentation that other financial resources are not available to implement the proposal. a copy of a state or federal declaration of disaster.Project Development: Prior to consideration of a grant award, all UN proposals must meet the four eligibility criteria listed above and the Program requirements. Project Development Phase applications must comply with the following:
Project Planning: Details of the project including engineering, cost analysis, feasibility, and structural analysis as necessary.
Management Plan: Details of the structure and methods established by the community for program management.
Regulations: Project Development Phase applications will be reviewed for compliance with State and Federal regulations.
19-498 C.M.R. ch. 46, § 2