The Economic Development program (EDP) provides communities withgap funding to assist identified businesses in the creation/retention of jobs for low-and moderate-income persons.
Group NumbersMaximum Award
* Applicants may apply in only one specific activity group
*EDP funds cannot be used to refinance existing debt.
* All EDP activities must be in support of an identified business; speculative activities are excluded.
* Communities receiving an EDP award may not receive any other EDP award for the same project or business during the same program year or for the same project or business from a prior program year that has not met final closeout status.
All communities wishing to submit a EDP application must submit a Letter of Intent. Refer to Page 5 of this document for Letter of Intent due dates and deadlines. After review for completeness and eligibility, units of general local governments will be invited to make a full application.
* The retail business represents the provisions of new products and services previously unavailable in the community or is a tourism-related business; and
* The development or expansion of the retail business represents a net economic gain for the community and the region. Applications supporting a retail business or businesses are required to certify that the development represents a new overall gain for the region's economy and not a shift from existing established businesses to a new or expanded one; and
* The retail business is located in either a downtown district meeting the definition in 30-A M.R.S. Section 4301 (5-A); or a designated local growth area contained in an adopted and consistent comprehensive plan; and
* At least 50% of the jobs created by the retail business must be full time jobs.
Letter of Intent;All communities wishing to submit an EDP application must first submit a Letter of Intent. After review for completeness and eligibility, units of general local governments may be invited to make a full application. Please refer to Page 5 of this document for Program deadlines and due dates.
Application:Members of the Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 100 points is obtainable.
Problem Statement (40 points) -
Scope (15 points)
* Detail the problems or needs facing the community/business to be assisted.
* Tell how these problems relate to job creation or job retention activities.
* Describe how the overall financial viability of the community/business is affected by the problems or needs.
Impact (10 points)
* Identify how employment opportunities for persons of low/moderate income are negatively affected by the identified problems.
* Emphasize the importance of the affected business in relation to the stability of the community/region and its current financial well being including property tax analysis before and after the proposed activities.
Need (15 points)
* Identify reasons why the community/business is unable to finance the proposed project on its own, or with assistance from other sources.
* Include a narrative that highlights any recent efforts by the community/business to assist job creation/retention activities.
Solution (40 points)-
Project Description (15 points)
* Detail the activities that the community/business will undertake using EDP funds to resolve the problems/needs presented in the Problem Statement.
* Identify, in detail, the specific acquisition, equipment, real property improvements and/or fixtures that will be installed, modified, and upgraded, etc., with EDP funds.
* Explain how the solution directly solves the identified problems/needs.
* Include a firm figure of the number of jobs to be created or retained as a result of the project, and how these jobs relate to persons of low/moderate income.
* Clearly state the amount of EDP funds sought and how they will fit into the overall financing for the project.
* Include a graphic description (aerial photo, map, and sketch) of the sites involved. Provide a generalized location of the site relative to the community and a copy of a floodplain map showing the project location. Include existing and proposed site and/or building improvements.
Effect on Assisted Business (10 points)
* Describe the effect the EDP award and completion of the project, as a whole, will have on the ability of the community/business to remain competitive, and create/retain quality jobs.
* Describe the market including identification of competitors, price structure, resource availability, operating/manufacturing costs, transportation costs, demand, and other factors influencing the marketability of the product or service proposed. Also identify all project risks and the extent of the risks.
Project Timeline and Feasibility (15 points)
* Describe how the project is assured of successful completion within 12months.
* Identify what work, such as pre-engineering, construction and improvements, or fixture purchases that have been completed, or are in process, andexactly how these relate to the proposed EDP project.
* Provide background information (including resumes) for the owners and/or managers of the business and specific information about the skills and experiences of the owners and/or managers as related to the successful management of the business and proposed project.
* Include a concise timetable for project implementation.
Citizen Participation (20 Points)-
Public Hearing Process (10 points)
Describe how citizen participation contributed to the actual development of this application, including how the required public hearing contributed to the process. (Submit a public hearing record consisting of the published public hearing notice, hearing minutes, and attendance list with the original and all three copies of the application.)
Business/Local Involvement(10 points)
* Outline other input from businesses, chambers of commerce, development organizations, local groups and individuals have had in increasing the citizen participation process for the proposed project.
* Highlight how the use of any media (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) increased public awareness and participation in the EDP project.
The Micro-Enterprise Assistance Grant (MEA) Program provides grant funds to assist in innovative solutions to problems faced by micro-enterprise businesses. Assistance to businesses may be in the form of grants or loans at the discretion of the community.
Letter of Intent and Verification of CDBG National Objective:All communities wishing to submit a MEA application must submit aLetter of Intent and Verification of CDBG National Objective to OCD. Refer to Page 5 of this document for Letter of Intent due dates and deadlines. .After review for completeness and eligibility, units of general local governments will be invited to make a full application.
Application: The maximum length of an application is four pages, not counting required attachments. Members of the Review Team will assign a Point Total for each application reviewed. Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 100 points is obtainable.
Impact (40 points):
* State the problem and explain how it negatively impacts the local economy. - 30 points
* Explain why MEA funds are necessary for the project; describe efforts to secure other grant or loan funds, and tell why they are not are available locally to assist - 10 points
Development Strategy (40 points):
* Provide Identification and description of potential business grant/loan applicants and their needs - 15 points
* Explain how the MEA project will stimulate business and assist in improving the area's long-term viability. - 15 points
* Provide a project timeline; list activities or actionscompleted to date. - 10 points
Citizen Participation (20 points):
* Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.). - 5 points
* Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) in application and project development. - 5 points
* Involvement of downtown and local businesses, Chambers of Commerce, development groups or other business related organizations in development of the application and project. - 5 points
* How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project. - 5 points
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 43, § 3