19-498-39 Me. Code R. § 7

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

The State may amend the 2011 Program Statement from time to time in accordance with the same procedures required for the preparation and submission of the program statement. The State of Maine's Administrative Procedure Act will guide the amendment process.

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To: Potential CDBG applicants

From: Michael D. Baran, Director, Office of Community Development

Date: July 12, 2010

Re: Community Evaluation Factor

A. Background

The Maine Community Development Block Grant program traditionally uses a "community evaluation factor" as a part of its competitive project evaluation system. The purpose of the factor is to give some weight to the fact that some communities have greater needs than others - and when there are two proposals with roughly similar solutions and effectiveness, the one from the community with the greatest need should get the award.

The data and formula elements of the community evaluation factor have been updated several times over the years, reflecting changes in program design, as well as changes in the availability of standardized data. The last major revision was in 2007. At that time, the Office created a 20 point factor using current data to measure substandard housing, affordability, tax burden, and low income population. This factor was used in scoring housing assistance, infrastructure and public facilities grants.

Now that there has been some experience with the new system, it is an appropriate time to consider some revisions. In a meeting with Planning Decisions (the consultant hired by our Office to assist with updating the community evaluation factor) on May 17, 2010, state CD staff who score applications identified two problems with the current scoring system related to the community evaluation factor:

1 The community evaluation factor is unnecessary in scoring housing assistance applications. Housing assistance applications are already scored on the basis of benefit to low and moderate income persons. The community evaluation factor is redundant for such applications.
2 In the economic development section, the community evaluation factor is not used, but there is a complex "project significance" factor which is similar in nature. The project significance factor is time-consuming for staff to calculate, and confusing for applicants to try and measure in advance.

The recommended changes below address these two issues. They do so in a way that follows the principles as the 2007 revision, namely:

1. Scoring factors should be closely related to the program function for which the scoring factors relate;
2. Balancing is needed so that there is not a bias towards small communities (with few in need, but a high percentage of the community) and large communities (which may have many in need even with a very low percentage).
3. Data which is updated on an ongoing basis, even if less precise, is preferable to data from the 2000 Census.
4. In order for communities to know in advance where they stand, the points must be predetermined prior to applications, and not depend on application data.
B. General scoring recommendations

With the two issues raised above in mind, and following the principles of the 2007 revisions, the following are the changes recommended by Planning Decisions for the 2011 scoring system.

1.Eliminate the community evaluation factor for housing assistance program applications.
2.Create a new 20 point community evaluation factor to be used in both infrastructure, facilities and economic development applications. Note that this means that the new factor is not concerned with questions of substandard housing or housing affordability, as the old factor was; and it is more concerned with questions of employment. This factor would be used in the following specific programs: Public Facilities Grant Program Public Infrastructure Grant Program Economic Development Program
3.Reduce the "project significance" score for economic development from 45 to 25 points. This is because the community evaluation factor will address several of the factors in this score. As revised, the project significance score would only include project-specific calculations: Number of jobs to be created/retained EDP dollars per job created/retainedQuality of jobs created/retained based on wages and fringe benefits% non EDP funding in project
C. Proposed components and weights of the community evaluation factor

Under the proposed system, the substandard housing and affordability measures, which comprised 8 of the 20 points in the old system, would drop out.

Tax burden and low incomes would remain measures. Two new measures would be added - unemployment and service centers.

The new community evaluation factor would be used for the following three programs:

Public Facilities Grant Program Public Infrastructure Grant Program Economic Development Program

Tax burden is relevant to public facilities and infrastructure in particular. The higher a community's burden is, the less room the community has for local funding through bonds and property taxes - and the less room a community has to provide help to new businesses.

The lower incomes are in a community, the less people have to pay property taxes, and the greater their need for good-paying jobs.

The higher the unemployment rate is, the greater the need for economic development programs. This also affects the ability of residents to pay for infrastructure and facilities projects.

If a community is a service center, or "contiguous" to a service center, then it has a greater need for infrastructure, because citizens from the wider region use local roads and services. Also, service centers are logical places to encourage new job development, because, by definition, they serve broad labor market areas.

These four factors were selected because they all have some relevance to both infrastructure, facilities and economic development proposals. It allows the CDBG program to have only one community evaluation factor (instead of several serving different programs), which is more transparent for applicants and easier to administer for staff.

Since all four address both infrastructure, facilities and economic development, all are proposed to have the same weights.

Table 1: Proposed measures and weights

Measure2007pointsRecommended2010 pointsComment
Substandard housing 4 0 No longer being used for housing proposals
Affordability 4 0
Tax burden 10 5 Particularly important for infrastructure projects.
Low incomes 2 5 Ability to pay a factor for infrastructure; need to raise incomes a factor for jobs
Unemployment 0 5 Important for economic development projects
Service center 0 5 Infrastructure and jobs in service centers benefit the wider region.
Total 20 20

D. Proposed measures of the proposed community evaluation factor

The principles for creating measures remain the same as in 2007: up-to-date, publicly available, fair to small and large communities.

A new tax burden measure is proposed. The 2007 measure was the state-adjusted property tax rate of the community. The problem with this measure is that it doesn't take into account home values or incomes. This year a new measure is proposed - the proportion of the community's total income that is absorbed by property taxes. This too is an imperfect measure. It is distorted by second homes and commercial property. But, in an improvement over the prior measure, it does take into account income levels. In the absence of up-to-date information on housing values for each of Maine's municipalities, this appears the most fair.

A new low income measure is proposed. It is simply the per capita income of the entire community. This is a broader measure, and reflects the broader community's ability to pay for improvements, and need for better-paying jobs. Specific low and moderate income benefit tests are included in other portions of the scoring system.

The unemployment test is simple - a comparison of 2009 unemployment rates by municipality in 2009.

The service center test is also simple, though much sophisticated calculation lies behind it. The test for this section is whether the Maine State Planning Office has designated the community as a "service center," or as an area "contiguous" to a service center. This calculation involves identifying communities with high per capita retail sales, jobs-to-workers ratios, federally assisted housing, and service sector jobs.

Each is scored on a 0 to 5 scale, according to the criteria in Table 2 below. This provides a rough urban - rural balance. The service center measure favors urban areas, the per capita income and unemployment data tend to favor rural areas. The data can be updated annually. Most is available from public sources (the exception is per capita income - the Census once calculated this annually for municipalities, but does not do so any more).

Table 2: Proposed scoring system

Type of factorBest measureHow to ScoreSourcesTimeliness
Low income population 2009 per capita income 5 = under $20,000 4 = $20,000-24,999 3 = $25,000-29,999 2 = $30,000-34,999 1 = $35,000-39,999 0 = $40,000 + Claritas data service 2009
Tax burden Property tax commitment as a proportion of $1 of income in the community[1] 5 = $0.20 or more 4 = $0.10 to $0.19 3 = $0.08 to $0.09 2 = $0.05 to $0.07 1 = $0.03 to $0.04 0 = under $0.03 Maine Revenue Services http://www.maine.gov/revenue/propertytax/statistical_summary/2008/2008index.htm plus Claritas for 2009 per capita income, the US Census for 2008 population 2008
Unemployment Unemployment rate 5 = 15.0% + 4 = 10.0% to 14.9% 3 = 8.0 % to 9.9% 2 = 7.0% to 7.9% 1 = 6.0% to 6.9% 0 = less than 6.0% Maine Department of Labor http://www.maine.gov/labor/lmis/laus.html 2009 Annual average
Service center State designation 5 = service center 3 = contiguous 0 = neither Maine State Planning Office http://www.maine.gov/spo/landuse/techassist/servicecenterlist.htm November, 2002

On the following page are summary community evaluation scores, using the methodology above. Detailed calculations are available from the State CDBG office.

2011 Proposed Community Evaluation Factor Scores

Abbot 11 Blue Hill 15 Castle Hill 8
Acton 12 Boothbay 8 Caswell 11
Addison 9 Boothbay Harbor 13 Chapman 6
Albion 8 Bowdoin 8 Charleston 10
Alexander 11 Bowdoinham 5 Charlotte 12
Alfred 8 Bowerbank 11 Chelsea 8
Allagash 12 Bradford 9 Cherryfield 11
Alna 9 Bradley 7 Chester 11
Alton 9 Bremen 5 Chesterville 10
Amherst 12 Brewer 12 China 7
Amity 11 Bridgewater 10 Clifton 7
Andover 8 Brighton 8 Clinton 10
Anson 11 Bristol 8 Columbia 10
Appleton 10 Brooklin 6 Columbia Falls 10
Arrowsic 2 Brooks 7 Cooper 13
Arundel 5 Brooksville 4 Coplin 9
Ashland 15 Brownfield 8 Corinna 9
Athens 10 Brownville 10 Corinth 7
Atkinson 9 Brunswick 12 Cornish 9
Augusta 13 Buckfield 8 Cornville 7
Aurora 13 Bucksport 10 Cranberry Isles 7
Avon 9 Burlington 11 Crawford 7
Baileyville 12 Burnham 11 Crystal 11
Bancroft 15 Buxton 6 Cushing 8
Bar Harbor 14 Byron 12 Cutler 9
Baring 10 Calais 15 Cyr 11
Bath 14 Cambridge 10 Dallas 7
Beals 7 Camden 12 Damariscotta 15
Beaver Cove 13 Canaan 10 Danforth 13
Beddington 15 Canton 10 Dayton 5
Belfast 13 Caratunk 7 Deblois 15
Belgrade 7 Caribou 13 Dedham 6
Belmont 7 Carmel 7 Deer Isle 9
Benton 7 Carrabassett Valley 7 Denmark 7
Berwick 7 Carroll 9 Dennistown 1
Bethel 17 Carthage 11 Dennysville 10
Bingham 11 Cary 10 Detroit 11
Blaine 7 Castine 6 Dexter 16
Dixfield 9 Georgetown 3 Jackman 16
Dixmont 9 Gilead 12 Jackson 10
Dover-Foxcroft 15 Glenburn 6 Jay 12
Dresden 7 Gouldsboro 8 Jefferson 7
Drew 4 Grand Isle 10 Jonesboro 10
Durham 4 Grand Lake Stream 7 Jonesport 8
Dyer Brook 5 Great Pond 11 Kenduskeag 7
Eagle Lake 11 Greenbush 10 Kennebunk 6
East Machias 9 Greene 6 Kennebunkport 3
East Millinocket 13 Greenville 16 Kingfield 11
Eastbrook 13 Greenwood 9 Kittery 10
Easton 10 Guilford 16 Knox 8
Eastport 17 Hallowell 9 Lagrange 10
Eddington 6 Hamlin 5 Lake View 14
Edgecomb 5 Hammond 11 Lakeville 8
Edinburg 3 Hampden 5 Lamoine 9
Eliot 7 Hancock 10 Lebanon 10
Ellsworth 13 Hanover 8 Lee 11
Embden 12 Harmony 10 Leeds 8
Enfield 10 Harrington 12 Levant 6
Etna 9 Hartford 10 Liberty 10
Eustis 13 Hartland 11 Limerick 9
Exeter 8 Haynesville 14 Limestone 14
Fairfield 13 Hebron 7 Limington 8
Farmingdale 11 Hermon 5 Lincoln 15
Farmington 15 Hersey 9 Lincoln plantation 11
Fayette 10 Highland 14 Lincolnville 8
Fort Fairfield 8 Hiram 9 Linneus 9
Fort Kent 13 Hodgdon 9 Lisbon 9
Frankfort 9 Holden 5 Litchfield 8
Franklin 9 Hollis 6 Littleton 8
Freedom 10 Hope 7 Livermore 9
Frenchboro 7 Houlton 15 Livermore Falls 9
Frenchville 9 Howland 9 Lovell 10
Friendship 5 Hudson 7 Lowell 8
Fryeburg 8 Industry 10 Jackman 16
Gardiner 10 Island Falls 12 Jackson 10
Garfield Plantation 9 Isle au Haut 10 Jay 12
Garland 10 Islesboro 7 Jefferson 7
Jonesboro 10 Lagrange 10 Mattawamkeag 12
Jonesport 8 Lake View 14 Maxfield 12
Kenduskeag 7 Lakeville 8 Mechanic Falls 8
Kennebunk 6 Lamoine 9 Meddybemps 10
Kennebunkport 3 Lebanon 10 Medford 12
Kingfield 11 Lee 11 Medway 12
Kittery 10 Leeds 8 Mercer 8
Knox 8 Levant 6 Merrill 7
Lagrange 10 Liberty 10 Mexico 14
Lake View 14 Limerick 9 Milbridge 18
Lakeville 8 Limestone 14 Milford 11
Lamoine 9 Limington 8 Millinocket 18
Lebanon 10 Lincoln 15 Milo 11
Lee 11 Lincoln plantation 11 Minot 5
Leeds 8 Lincolnville 8 Monhegan 7
Levant 6 Linneus 9 Monmouth 8
Liberty 10 Lisbon 9 Monroe 8
Limerick 9 Litchfield 8 Monson 12
Limestone 14 Littleton 8 Monticello 10
Limington 8 Livermore 9 Montville 10
Lincoln 15 Livermore Falls 9 Moose River 9
Lincoln plantation 11 Lovell 10 Moro 5
Lincolnville 8 Lowell 8 Morrill 8
Linneus 9 Lubec 16 Moscow 12
Lisbon 9 Ludlow 9 Mount Chase 11
Litchfield 8 Lyman 8 Mount Desert 8
Littleton 8 Machias 14 Mount Vernon 7
Livermore 9 Machiasport 9 Nashville 12
Livermore Falls 9 Macwahoc 11 New Canada 8
Lovell 10 Madawaska 15 Meddybemps 10
Lowell 8 Madison 10 Medford 12
Jonesboro 10 Magalloway 11 Medway 12
Jonesport 8 Manchester 3 Mercer 8
Kenduskeag 7 Mapleton 8 Merrill 7
Kennebunk 6 Mariaville 10 Mexico 14
Kennebunkport 3 Mars Hill 10 Milbridge 18
Kingfield 11 Marshfield 5 Milford 11
Kittery 10 Masardis 13 Millinocket 18
Knox 8 Matinicus Isle 13 Milo 11
Minot 5 Orland 7 Ripley 9
Monhegan 7 Orono 12 Robbinston 11
Monmouth 8 Orrington 4 Rockland 15
Monroe 8 Osborn 14 Rockport 9
Monson 12 Otis 10 Rome 9
Monticello 10 Otisfield 9 Roque Bluffs 10
Montville 10 Owls Head 6 Roxbury 9
Moose River 9 Oxbow 13 Rumford 17
Moro 5 Oxford 15 Sabattus 8
Morrill 8 Palermo 8 Saco 11
Moscow 12 Palmyra 10 Sandy River 9
Mount Chase 11 Paris 14 Sanford 15
Mount Desert 8 Parkman 10 Sangerville 11
Mount Vernon 7 Parsonsfield 9 Searsmont 9
Nashville 12 Passadumkeag 10 Searsport 10
New Canada 8 Patten 10 Sebec 11
New Limerick 11 Pembroke 12 Seboeis 12
New Portland 11 Penobscot 6 Sedgwick 9
New Sharon 9 Perham 10 Shapleigh 9
New Sweden 9 Perry 12 Sherman 10
New Vineyard 8 Peru 10 Shirley 11
Newburgh 6 Phillips 12 Sidney 6
Newcastle 9 Phippsburg 6 Skowhegan 18
Newfield 10 Pittsfield 14 Smithfield 9
Newport 15 Pittston 6 Smyrna 12
Newry 10 Pleasant Ridge 13 Solon 10
Nobleboro 7 Plymouth 9 Somerville 8
Norridgewock 12 Poland 6 Sorrento 7
North Berwick 8 Portage Lake 13 South Berwick 6
North Haven 8 Porter 7 South Bristol 6
Northfield 7 Presque Isle 13 South Thomaston 8
Northport 7 Princeton 12 Southport 7
Norway 15 Prospect 7 Southwest Harbor 15
Oakfield 12 Randolph 10 Springfield 10
Oakland 11 Rangeley 17 St. Agatha 10
Ogunquit 7 Rangeley Plantation 10 St. Albans 11
Old Orchard Beach 11 Readfield 6 St. Francis 10
Old Town 10 Reed 12 St. George 5
Orient 12 Richmond 7 St. John 8
Stacyville 13 Wade 9 Winterville 13
Starks 9 Waite 10 Winthrop 7
Stetson 11 Waldo 9 Wiscasset 7
Steuben 12 Waldoboro 9 Woodland 8
Stockholm 9 Wales 6 Woodstock 10
Stockton Springs 9 Wallagrass 10 Woodville 10
Stoneham 11 Waltham 9 Woolwich 7
Stonington 11 Warren 7 York 3
Stow 8 Washburn 9
Strong 10 Washington 9
Sullivan 9 Waterboro 9
Sumner 10 Waterford 11
Surry 7 Waterville 15
Swans Island 9 Wayne 6
Swanville 11 Webster 14
Sweden 13 Weld 10
Talmadge 7 Wellington 10
Temple 8 Wells 8
The Forks 6 Wesley 14
Thomaston 14 West Bath 6
Thorndike 10 West Forks 8
Topsfield 12 West Gardiner 7
Topsham 9 West Paris 10
Tremont 9 Westfield 7
Trenton 11 Westmanland 9
Troy 10 Weston 14
Turner 5 Westport 6
Union 9 Whitefield 8
Unity 9 Whiting 8
Upton 10 Whitneyville 9
Van Buren 15 Willimantic 14
Vanceboro 12 Wilton 9
Vassalboro 7 Windsor 7
Veazie 6 Winn 11
Verona 5 Winslow 11
Vienna 7 Winter Harbor 7
Vinalhaven 7 Winterport 6

19-498 C.M.R. ch. 39, § 7