All CDBG funded activities must meet one of three National Objectives of the program. These objectives are:
Benefit to low and moderate income persons; Prevention and elimination of slum and blight conditions; and Meeting community development needs having a particular urgency.The Maine CDBG Program serves as a catalyst for local governments to implement programs which meet one of the three National Objectives, and:
Are part of a long-range community strategy; Improve deteriorated residential and business districts and local economic conditions; Provide the conditions and incentives for further public and private investments; Foster partnerships between groups of municipalities, state and federal entities, multi-jurisdictional organizations, and the private sector to address common community and economic development problems; and Minimize development sprawl consistent with the State of Maine Growth Management Act and support the revitalization of downtown areas.DECD, through the Office of Community Development (OCD), offers programs to assist municipalities to achieve their community and economic development objectives. The 2011 Program Statement provides a description of the selection criteria that OCD will use to allocate CDBG funds among communities. Programs are grouped under the four broad categories listed below.
The entitlement communities of Auburn, Bangor, Biddeford, Lewiston, Portland and all of Cumberland County with the exception of Brunswick and Frye Island, are not eligible to receive State CDBG program funds.
Communities must employ a certified CDBG Grant Administrator and in the case of Housing Rehabilitation a certified Rehabilitation Technician (as employees or consultants). The Director, Office of Community Development must approve waivers of this requirement in writing. All planning activities including Community Planning Grants are exempt from this requirement.
Application deadlines - All applications and Letters of Intent must be received at the physical location of the Office of Community Development by 4:00PM EST on the dates listed below. Faxed or e-mailed copies will not be accepted.
Program | Letter of Intent Due Date(All dates are "on or before") | Application Due Date |
Public Facilities | December 3, 2010 | January 21, 2011 |
Public Infrastructure | December 3, 2010 | January 21, 2011 |
Economic Development (Rd 1) | February 11, 2011 | March 25, 2011 |
Economic Development (Rd 2) | May 20, 2011 | July 15, 2011 |
Economic Development (Rd 3) | August 12, 2011 | September 23, 2011 |
Downtown Revitalization | January 7, 2011 | March 4, 2011 |
Community Enterprise | January 7, 2011 | March 4, 2011 |
Non-Profit Development | January 21, 2011 | March 25, 2011 |
Housing Assistance | February 18, 2011 | April 1, 2011 |
Public Service | March 11, 2011 | May 6, 2011 |
Community Planning | N/A | May 13, 2011 |
Urgent Need | N/A | Beginning on March 11, 2011 |
Interim Financing | N/A | Open - by invitation only |
Special Projects Matching Fund | N/A | Open - by invitation only |
Development Fund * ** | N/A | Open |
* Includes Development Fund Housing Loan Program
** If the first Friday of the month falls on a holiday or state shutdown day, the DF and DFHL application will be due by 4:00pm on the next business day.
FY 2011 Proposed CDBG Budget | $13,725,769 |
Administration | 374,515 |
Technical Assistance Administration | 137,257 |
Regional Council Technical Assistance | 300,000 |
Special Projects Matching Fund | 107,997 |
1. Housing Assistance Grants | 2,300,000 |
2. Home Repair Network Program | 1,105,000 |
3. Critical Access Ramp Program | 300,000 |
4. Development Fund Housing Loans * | |
4. Public Infrastructure Grants | 2,700,000 |
5. Public Facilities Grants | 1,400,000 |
6. Public Service Grants | 200,000 |
7. Downtown Revitalization Grants | 600,000 |
8. Maine Downtown Center | 201,000 9. |
9. Urgent Need Grants | 150,000 |
Economic Development Program | |
Business Assistance Grants ** | |
Round 1 (March 25, 2011 application date) | 800,000 |
Round 2 (July 15, 2011 application date) | 750,000 |
Round 3 (September 23, 2011 application date) | 750,000 |
Development Fund Loans *** | |
Community Enterprise Grants | 1,200,000 |
Non-Profit Development Grants | 250,000 |
Interim Financing Program **** | |
11. Community Planning | 100,000 |
* The Development Fund Housing Loan Program will utilize only repayments from prior DF loans to fund future DFHL Program applications.
** Funds will be reserved for each of the three rounds of the Business Assistance Grant Category as stated above. A decision to exceed the amount allocated for rounds 1 and 2 by more than $100,000 is at the discretion of the OCD Director.
*** The Development Fund Program will utilize only repayments from prior DF loans to fund future DF Program applications.
**** The Interim Financing Program is available on an as needed basis. Funds are loaned against unexpended CDBG program funds at any given point with a 100% guarantee of repayment for a period of not more than 6 months.
The following state and federal regulations APPLY TO ALL PROGRAMS
All communities applying for CDBG funds must certify that they will:
Minimize displacement and adhere to a locally adopted displacement policy in compliance with section 104(d) of the Act; Take action to affirmatively further fair housing and comply with the provisions of Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968; Not attempt to recover certain capital costs of improvements funded in whole or in part with CDBG funds; Establish a community development plan; Meet all required State and Federal public participation requirements; Comply with the Federal requirements of Section 319 of Public Law 101-122 regarding government-wide restriction on lobbying; With the exception of administrative or personnel costs, verify that no person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, elected officer, or appointed official of State or local government or of any designated public agencies, or subrecipients which are receiving CDBG funding may obtain a financial interest or benefit, have an interest in or benefit from the activity, or have an interest in any contract, subcontract, or agreement with respect to CDBG activities; Any person or firm associated with the administration of the CDBG program award is not on the U.S. Department of Labor's Debarred and Suspended Contractor's List; and Review the project proposed in the application to ensure it complies with the community's comprehensive plan and/or applicable state and local land use requirements.All units of general local government in Maine, including plantations, except for the entitlement communities of Auburn, Bangor, Biddeford, Lewiston, Portland and all of Cumberland County with the exception of Brunswick and Frye Island are eligible to apply for and receive State CDBG program funds. County governments may apply on behalf of the Unorganized Territory. Groups of local governments may apply for multi-jurisdictional or joint projects. Multi-jurisdictional applications require designation of one local government as the lead applicant and consent for that designation by each participating local government. Counties may apply for the Economic Development or Public Service programs on behalf of a collaboration of communities. Eligible applicants, including counties as defined above may apply for CDBG assistance on behalf of the five Maine Indian Tribes. Maine Indian Tribes are not themselves eligible applicants.
Incomplete and/or non-conforming applications which do not meet the specifications set forth in the 2011 Program Statement and 2011 CDBG Application Packages will be removed from the scoring process during the threshold review.
Applications for projects not demonstrating a firm financial commitment as required in the application materials will be removed from the scoring process during the threshold review.
Applicants will be placed in rank order from highest to lowest according to the final scores determined by the OCD Review Team. All program applications with the exception of the Special Project Matching Fund, Urgent Need Grants, Home Repair Network, Critical Access Ramp Program and Non-Profit Development Grant program will be scored on a 100-point maximum scoring basis with allowance for bonus points whereapplicable. Final scores will be determined by averaging the scores assigned by members of the 4-person OCD Review Team and adding any applicable community evaluation factors and bonus point totals. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase as funds allow. In the event of a tie in any CDBG program scoring process, first consideration will be given to the community that is listed by the Maine State Planning Office as a Service Center; if both applicants meet this definition, the tie will be broken based on the highest Community Evaluation Factor. An invitation into the Project Development Phase is not a guarantee of funding or permission to obligate funds. Successful communities will receive an amount determined by the OCD for their project.
Except for the Non-Profit Development Grant Program (NPDG) and Development Fund Housing Loan Program (DFHL) there is no minimum score for CDBG applications to be considered for funding.
The goal of the Project Development Phase is a grant contract for CDBG funds. An OCD Development Program Manager will be assigned to work closely with each community to finalize their project. OCD will rescind the CDBG program award offer if the community is not under contract within six months of the date of the award offer and invitation into the project development phase process. For the Community Planning Grant and Economic Development programs OCD will rescind the CDBG program award offer if the community is not under contract within three months of the date of the award offer and invitation into the project development phase process. The Director of the Office of Community Development may grant waivers for just cause.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 39, § 1