Funds for economic development activities are provided to communities as gap funding to assist businesses in the creation/retention of jobs for low-and moderate-income persons. The Economic Development Program (EDP) offers the following two categories:
Category 1 - Business Assistance Grant (BA) | Maximum Award |
Activity Group 1 - Non-Municipal Owned | |
1) Rehabilitation of commercial or industrial buildings, structures, capital equipment, and real property improvements. | $400,000 |
2) Non-capital equipment and operating capital; or technical assistance provided regionally to businesses facing closure/bankruptcy needing advice to retain jobs and/or in need of advice to expand operations for the purpose of new job creation. | $200,000 |
Activity Group 2 - Municipal owned | |
1) Acquisition, relocation, demolition, clearance, construction, reconstruction, installation, and rehabilitation associated withpublic infrastructure projects such as water and sewer facilities, flood and drainage improvements, publicly-owned commercial and industrial buildings, parking, streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, etc. which are necessary to create or retain jobs in the non-retail private sector for low and moderate income persons. | $400,000 |
2) Required local match necessary to secure new funds to the State for eligible economic development planning activities. | $ 50,000 |
Category 2 - Development Fund Loan (DF) | |
1) Acquisition of existing facilities or land and site Improvements necessary for the construction of a new facility. DF program funds cannot be used to refinance existing debt. | $400,000 |
The following criteria will be considered during the pre-application phase:
- # of jobs to be created/retained
- # of jobs created/retained as % of municipal unemployment
- # of jobs created/retained as % of LMA unemployment
- % community unemployment above state average
- % of LMA unemployment above state average
- $'s per job created/retained
Pre-applications must be submitted on the appropriate due dates. BA planning activity applications and match for programs such as revolving loan funds, must not be submitted until an application has been accepted by the appropriate agency (such as EDA, RD) and is working toward a full application. Once submitted, the EDP Review Team will evaluate the pre-applications using the criteria outlined in the Program Statement and the individual application package. Successful applicants will be invited to proceed into the final application phase.
The following criteria will be considered during the final application phase:
Upon being invited into the final application phase an OCD staff person will be assigned to assist the community and the business in completing the process. The final application phase must be completed by April 6, 2007 for the first round and by July 6, 2007 for the second round. The final application phase consists of completing documentation such as local legislative approval, match commitments, community benefit, job creation/retention data and agreements, additional public hearing business financial information and program certifications by the community and business. A final score will be determined using the review team analysis score from the pre-application phase and adding a new numerical analysis using the factors from the pre-application and adding up to 5 points for each of the following: % average hourly salary of jobs created/retained exceeds per capita income by county where the jobs will be; Quality of jobs created/retained based on wages and fringe benefits; % non EDP funding in the project. Applications from this phase will be placed in rank order from highest to lowest. Applications scoring more than 75 points will be given first consideration from the top of the list and continuing downward based on recommendations of the review team as outlined below. During this phase DECD or its designee may conduct a project development, financial and credit analysis for each proposal.
EDP Review Team Recommendations: Following the EDP Review Team evaluation of the final application, one of the following recommendations will be made to the Director, Office of Community Development and the DECD Commissioner:
Successful applicants will be invited into the project development phase as funds allow.
- a market/need exists for the product, service or planning activity;
- the cost of the product, service or planning activity is competitive in current market conditions;
- the cash flow projections are adequate to support operating expenses and indebtedness for the business activities;
- management has the capacity to carry out the business or development plan; and
- no unidentified costs are necessary for implementation.
The Non-Profit Development Grant Program (NPDG) provides funding for communities forming partnerships with local non-profit development organizations to carry out activities in blighted areas located in designated downtown areas which will foster community economic development initiatives leading to the elimination of slum and blight and increased job opportunities for LMI persons.
The Interim Finance Program (IFP) utilizes funds not disbursed in the State's Letter of Credit for grants to communities to assist businesses or developers in creating housing and job opportunities for low and moderate-income people through short-term loans. The duration of loans will be dependant on availability of CDBG funds.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 35, § 3